Pro-Palestinian protestors’ shock act at Parliament House

  • Pro-Palestinian protestors at Parliament House
  • Group unfurled banners on the roof 

Pro-Palestinian protestors have scaled onto the roof of Australian Parliament.

Three lonely protesters were seen carrying out the shocking act and screaming, ‘from the river to the sea, will be free’.

Their voices were hoarse from bellowing across the public courtyard and their faces were covered.

In the moments where there was no yelling, they appeared to use gaffer tape to keep their banners from flying off the roof.

Australian Federal Police representatives said they were aware of the unfolding situation.

Earlier, protesters used glue to attach themselves to marble in the main foyer.  

They screamed: ‘Albanese, blood on your hands! Penny Wong, blood on your hands! Richard Marles, blood in your hands!’ 

Police sprayed them with an anti-adhesive.

Pro-Palestian protestors have scaled onto the roof of Australian Parliament

Moments later, cleaners were working to remove the remainder of the glue from the marble pillars. 

A number of paper planes have torpedoed from the roof.

One was covered with a smear of blood and was flown from the roof to the ground. It said ‘war crimes’ on the front. 

‘If we were in Palestine, they would be real bombs but we only have paper planes,’ one protester explained, from the roof of parliament. 

The protesters indicated they would ‘stay up here for a little bit longer’, before making their way down.

They are demanding to speak with Anthony Albanese or Penny Wong.

‘The protestors are chanting,’ One, two three, f*** the ALP! Four, five, six, f*** the ALP!’ and screaming ‘All zionists are terrorists.’

One protester threw a paper plan off the roof that went further than the rest and the main protester congratulated him on a good throw. 

The protest has represented a large security breach and it is unclear how the protestors managed to clamber onto the roof of Parliament House. 

The protest is occurring on the final sitting day of federal parliament before it breaks for five weeks. 

more to come 
