Professor arrested on five counts of felony stalking

Melissa Ann Santana, 36, was arrested on October 30 and was indicted on Tuesday for five counts of felony stalking and three counts of false information

A Northern Arizona University professor was indicted on Tuesday after she stalked two firefighters and a student and gave false information to law enforcement. 

Melissa Ann Santana, 36, was arrested on October 30 and was indicted on five counts of felony stalking and three counts of false information. 

The associate professor of interior design was alleged to have stalked two US Forest Service firefighters, one of their wives, a friend and a NAU student. 

From February 2015 up until September 2017, Santana stalked mostly through electronic communication. 

US District Court documents add that the woman used ‘many different identities, email addresses, social media accounts and temporary telephone numbers.’

For the sake of anonymity, the names were redacted from the report. 

The professor was detained on campus by US Forest Service law officers. A spokeswoman from the university added that Santana was not employed at the school any longer. 

‘The university does not comment on what appears to be an ongoing criminal matter,’ Ott said to the Arizona Daily Sun.

Court documents state Santana met the firefighters through Tinder and met the first one, NL, under the alias ‘Ann, 29.’

The associate professor of interior design at Northern Arizona State (pictured) was alleged to have stalked two US Forest Service firefighters, one of their wives, a friend and a NAU student

The associate professor of interior design at Northern Arizona State (pictured) was alleged to have stalked two US Forest Service firefighters, one of their wives, a friend and a NAU student

The firefighter shared with authorities that the relationship with Santana was sexual and consisted of meetups mostly in her office or his house. 

The affair with the married professor lasted from November 2015 until June 2016 when he ended the relationship. 

Santana matched with the second, KT, in August 2016 and planned to meet in September 2016. 

He shared with law enforcement that he was soon aware that she was the same woman harassing the other firefighter. 

Using aliases such as ‘Laura Towner’ and ‘Kendall Patterson’, Santana would send threatening messages to the two men, according to court documents. 

Messages were sometimes affectionate but also occasionally intentionally malicious.

Court documents share that Santana sent a text to NL that said ‘I miss you so much,’ but also sent a message to KT that said ‘be like the Granite guys and go die in a fire.

The second referred to the 19 out of 20 Granite Mountain Hotshots who died during the Yarnell Hill Fire in 2013 

Using the alias ‘Kelli Torrence’, she sent a message to KT’s fiance stating the two had a sexual relationship. 

The professor was said to have keyed expletive on the driver side door of one of the firefighters and slashed his tires. 

Santana allegedly threatened to post pictures of the other firefighter offering him up for sexual services. 

Under the name ‘Cathy McCarthy’ she sent an email to several hotshot crew supervisor accusing firefighters of raping her 15-ear-old daughter in September 2016. It was said to have occurred while the crew was headed to a fire near Rock Springs, Wyoming. 

US Magistrate Judge Charles R. Pyle denied the teacher's release as she was a danger to the public and she was fired from the university

US Magistrate Judge Charles R. Pyle denied the teacher’s release as she was a danger to the public and she was fired from the university

Matched IP address confirmed that the email Cathy McCarthy used was attached to Santana. 

The woman was also said to have used a fake number to the Globe Hotshot Superintendent Dean Whitney that said ‘Can you please tell REDACTED to call me. He won’t return my phone calls, I’m pregnant, it’s his. He needs to take responsibility. Thanks.’ 

That same September 2016 text was sent t the Flagstaff hotshot crew superintendent as well.

A student at NAU told authorities that he met the professor through a Craigslist post in 2014 and met her in person in February 2015. 

‘Stalking on the NAU Facebook page began about a week later,’ according to the student. 

He added that ‘harassing phone calls from various unknown numbers, emails and posts on his personal Facebook page.’

A ‘smear campaign’ was launched online claiming he had an STD. Traced IP Address showed that the computer used had searched for information on the two firefighters and confirmed that the person was Santana. 

She also used the name ‘Amanda Foster’ to harass the students friends, even going as far as to get one fired over ‘continuous false post and emails that claimed she steals.’

Describing Santana as someone he once considered to be a friend, the student shared that ‘he confided about being stalked to Santana.’

US Magistrate Judge Charles R. Pyle denied the teacher’s release as she was a danger to the public. Her multiple aliases also made her an obvious flight risk. 

If convicted, she could face 40 years at a maximum.