Protected breeding badgers burrow under tarmac and close road for six months 

A family of breeding badgers has forced a road in Suffolk to close after the council announced they were unable to move the animals without a licence.

Suffolk County Council was alerted to reports in March that Flowton Road was beginning to sink ‘due to animal activity’.

Breeding badgers had burrowed beneath the tarmac causing the road in Somersham to partially collapse and forcing an emergency road closure.

Suffolk County Council has been forced to close a road after a family of badgers burrowed under the tarmac causing it to partially collapse (stock image)

But the badgers will continue to enjoy their breeding season until September due to being a protected species in England and Wales.

The council must be granted permission to carry out work from Natural England – a government-sponsored body responsible for conservation – who are currently in the process of making an assessment.

Until then the road will remain closed for six months as the council says they must not be disturbed during season, according to the Daily Telegraph.

However, there have been complaints that the badger sett has put local resident’s livelihoods on hold.

A council spokesperson said in March: ‘As badgers are a protected species Suffolk Highways has a legal obligation to seek a license from Natural England to undertake road repairs in the vicinity of badgers.

‘To ensure that badgers are not disturbed during their breeding season Natural England usually only issue licences between 1 July and 30 November.

‘Suffolk Highways are now liaising with Natural England to plan the necessary repair works, which are likely to be undertaken during the summer.

‘It will therefore be necessary to keep this emergency road closure in place until we are able to carry out these repair works.’

Suffolk County Councillor for Flowton, John Field, said the road closure was vital in order to protect the badger species. Pictured: Flowton Road in Somersham which has been closed

Suffolk County Councillor for Flowton, John Field, said the road closure was vital in order to protect the badger species. Pictured: Flowton Road in Somersham which has been closed

Yesterday a spokesman from the Countryside Alliance said: ‘It is ridiculous that people’s livelihoods have been put on hold when these badgers could easily and safely be moved so the road could be repaired.

‘The badger population has doubled in the last 20 years, we cannot put the needs of badgers ahead of those who live and work in the area.’

However, Suffolk County Councillor for Flowton, John Field, said the road closures are vital in order to protect the badger species.

‘We need to look after badgers and protect them in the areas where we’re not culling them, but it’s my belief that the badgers that were there have left,’ he told the Daily Telegraph.

‘They’re sensible creatures – after the road collapsed on their set they left.

‘We could trap them and take them somewhere else. To me that seems a reasonable move in the situation.

‘Leaving that road closed for months on end is completely inconvenient. It’s particularly crucial at the moment because there are issues with other roads that have to be closed for engineers to lay electricity wires.

‘If you have a village with three roads in and out, having one road closed is inconvenient, but having two leaves you with few options.

‘It’s an over-response to the need to protect wildlife.’

A Natural England spokesperson said: ‘We are working closely with Suffolk County Council to ensure the badgers are protected and the necessary repairs are made to the road as soon as possible.

‘Once we receive an application we will assess the situation and ensure that work is carried out in a sensitive manner causing minimal disturbance to the badgers and the local community.’ In order to grant a licence, Natural England must be satisfied that significant damage has occurred or is likely to occur and that there is no satisfactory alternative, according to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA).

A licence can be applied for at any time, however Natural England cannot issue a licence to permit action that would cause cruel ill-treatment of animals.

Therefore, licences to exclude badgers from setts are normally only issued for works to be undertaken between 1 July and 30 November.

This is to ensure that badgers are not disturbed during their breeding season.