Psaki defends Biden’s claim to have visited the border

White House press secretary Jen Psaki argued that President Joe Biden did take a border trip – pointing to a 2008 campaign drive-by – while also saying the president doesn’t need a ‘photo-op’ to understand the migrant crisis during Friday’s briefing, as new September figures revealed 1.7 million migrants have been apprehended so far this year. 

New border figures show that 192,001 migrants were apprehended in September, down from nearly 210,000 in August and nearly 214,000 in July. Friday’s figures bring the total number of apprehensions this year up to 1,734,686.

More than 53 per cent of those who arrived were processed for expulsion under Title 42, the CDC’s coronavirus public health order, according to Customs and Border Patrol.  

The White House press secretary was being prodded about a claim Biden made at Thursday night’s CNN town hall – that he had ‘been there before’ and that he knew it ‘well.’  

‘Well, Peter, as you may have seen, there’s been reporting that he did drive through the border when he was on the campaign trail in 2008,’ Psaki said. ‘And he is certainly familiar with the fact … that in El Paso the border goes right through the center of town.’  

White House press secretary Jen Psaki argued that President Joe Biden did take a border trip – pointing to a 2008 campaign drive-by – while also saying the president doesn’t need a ‘photo-op’ to understand the migrant crisis during Friday’s briefing

Biden traveled to New Mexico in 2008, during his run as vice president, landing in El Paso and briefly traveling by car near the U.S.-Mexico border. 

Psaki argued the ‘most important thing’ was that the ‘president has worked on these issues throughout his entire career and is well-versed in every aspect of our immigration system, including the border.’ 

‘That includes when he was vice president and he went to Mexico and Central America 10 times to address border issues and talk about what we can do to reduce the number of migrants who are coming to the border,’ Psaki said. 

‘He worked in a bipartisan manner with senators like Ted Kennedy, Harry Reid, John McCain and others to push for comprehensive immigration reform,’ she continued. 

Haitian migrants, part of an encampment that swelled to over 15,000 on the US side of the border under the International Bridge, cross the Rio Grande

Haitian migrants, part of an encampment that swelled to over 15,000 on the US side of the border under the International Bridge, cross the Rio Grande 

In September, the average number of unaccompanied children in CBP custody was 772 per day, compared with an average of 1,435 per day in August, according to the agency

In September, the average number of unaccompanied children in CBP custody was 772 per day, compared with an average of 1,435 per day in August, according to the agency

Encounters of unaccompanied children decreased 24%, with 14,358 encounters in September compared with 18,806 in August

Encounters of unaccompanied children decreased 24%, with 14,358 encounters in September compared with 18,806 in August

‘He does not need a visit to the border to know what a mess was left by the last administration, that’s his view,’ Psaki added. 

Fox News’ Peter Doocy challenged how a brief drive-by could be considered a trip to the border. 

‘What is the root cause? Where are people coming from who are coming from the border, Peter?’ the press secretary shot back. ‘I’m asking you a question because I think people should understand the context. I’ll answer it for you – People come from Central America and Mexico to go to the border.’ 

‘The president has been to those countries 10 times to talk about border issues,’ she said. 

She then pointed a finger at Republicans who have been shaming Biden for not taking a trip. 

‘There is a focus right now on a photo-op. The president does not believe a photo-op is the same as solutions, that may be a difference he has with Republicans,’ she said.   

At the town hall Thursday night, however, Biden admitted he may need to make a trip. 

‘I guess I should go down,’ the president had said. ‘But the whole point of it is I haven’t had a whole hell of a lot of time to get down,’ he added. 

NBC News' Mike Memoli shared a shot of Biden - then running for vice president - arriving at the El Paso airport in 2008, when he did a drive-by of the U.S.-Mexico border en route to a campaign rally in New Mexico

NBC News’ Mike Memoli shared a shot of Biden – then running for vice president – arriving at the El Paso airport in 2008, when he did a drive-by of the U.S.-Mexico border en route to a campaign rally in New Mexico 

At the rally in Mesilla, New Mexico then Sen. Joe Biden (right) appeared alongside Democratic New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson (right) on October 17, 2008

At the rally in Mesilla, New Mexico then Sen. Joe Biden (right) appeared alongside Democratic New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson (right) on October 17, 2008 

Hanging on to Psaki’s ‘photo-op’ claim, Doocy shot back asking her if the president ‘think[s] he needs a photo-op?’  

‘He doesn’t. And that’s a fundamental disagreement he has,’ Psaki answered. 

‘I would say the former president went to the border, at least once, maybe more, you may know the numbers,’ she continued. ‘How did that immigration policy result, Peter?’ That immigration policy resulted in separating kids from their parents, building a border wall that’s feckless and that cost billions of dollars for taxpayers.’ 

‘The president fundamentally disagrees on how we need to approach the border issue,’ the press secretary added. 

Doocy tried one more time, asking Psaki if the border had changed between 2008 – Biden’s last trip – and 2021.  

‘Aside from the fact that migrants are still coming to the border through the course of Democratic and Republican presidents and the need to reform the immigration system is even farther long overdue, no,’ she answered. ‘But we need to work with Democrats or Republicans to get that done.’ 

Of the 192,00 migrants who tried to cross the border illegally in September, 59 per cent were single adults. 

Encounters of unaccompanied children decreased 24 per cent, with 14,358 encounters in September compared with 18,806 in August. 

In September, the average number of unaccompanied children in CBP custody was 772 per day, compared with an average of 1,435 per day in August, according to the agency. 

Only 27 per cent percent of family units encountered at the southern border were expelled under Title 42, while 75 per cent of single adults were.