Pubs gear up for a takeaway booze bonanza this weekend

Thirsty Britons will head to pubs tomorrow to enjoy takeaway drinks on what promises to be a boozy Bank Holiday weekend. 

Hundreds of landlords across the country are gearing up to open their bars, most of which have been mothballed during the coronavirus lockdown.

The millions of sunseekers taking advantage of relaxed restrictions in the nation’s parks and beaches have prompted a wave of pubs to reopen up for takeaways.

Publicans will be eager to drum up business after suffering the brunt of the pandemic’s economic fallout, while at the same time cautious of not wanting to accelerate the spread of infection.

Visor-wearing barmen were pictured in London today maintaining strict social distancing as they carried foamy pints to ‘collection points’ where they were then carried away by customers.

And the beer is set to flow even more tomorrow on the sunny Spring Bank Holiday where temperatures will hit 73F this weekend, before climbing to 78F on Monday.  

Visor-wearing barmen were pictured in London today maintaining strict social distancing as they carried foamy pints to ‘collection points’ where they were then carried away by customers (Althorp pub in Wandsworth pictured)

Staff at the Greenwich Tavern in Greenwich, London, start selling takeaway alcohol from a window directly out onto the street today

Staff at the Greenwich Tavern in Greenwich, London, start selling takeaway alcohol from a window directly out onto the street today

Thirsty Britons will head to pubs tomorrow to take advantage of takeaway drinks services on what promises to be a boozy Bank Holiday weekend (punters in Wandsworth today)

Thirsty Britons will head to pubs tomorrow to take advantage of takeaway drinks services on what promises to be a boozy Bank Holiday weekend (punters in Wandsworth today)

Millions of sunseekers taking advantage of relaxed restrictions in the nation's parks and beaches have prompted a wave of pubs to reopen up for takeaways

Millions of sunseekers taking advantage of relaxed restrictions in the nation’s parks and beaches have prompted a wave of pubs to reopen up for takeaways

The recent heatwave has pulled the public to packed parks, beaches and beauty spots, where many settled down with drinks bought from nearby pubs.

Takeaways have been allowed to remain open under the lockdown rules, but have been told to enforce robust social distancing.

At the Althorp pub in Wandsworth, bar staff operating from a hatch are wearing face coverings and dropping drinks off at outdoor tables to avoid person-to-person contact and the possibility of contamination. 

The Greenwich Tavern in London also served customers from a hatch directly on to the street this afternoon.

Because punters are banned from drinking on the premises, booze is primarily being served in plastic cups before been taken to nearby green spaces.

But many places are encouraging customers to bring their own containers, in a throwback to the 1950s when people would fill up casks at the pubs before taking them back home.

A stampede of drinkers would come as welcome relief to pubs which have largely shuttered during the lockdown – with the hospitality sector left in the lurch as to when it will be allowed to reopen.      

At the Althorp pub in Wandsworth, bar staff operating from a hatch are wearing face coverings and dropping drinks off at outdoor tables to avoid person-to-person contact and the possibility of contamination

At the Althorp pub in Wandsworth, bar staff operating from a hatch are wearing face coverings and dropping drinks off at outdoor tables to avoid person-to-person contact and the possibility of contamination

Takeaways have been allowed to remain open under the lockdown rules, but have been told to enforce robust social distancing

Takeaways have been allowed to remain open under the lockdown rules, but have been told to enforce robust social distancing

The British Beer & Pub Association (BBPA) said pubs would have been packed on a normal late May Bank Holiday, with good weather forecast, and the FA Cup final usually held on the Saturday.

The trade body noted that pubs were the first businesses to be ordered to shut down by the Government in March and could be among the last to re-open.

The BBPA said not all pubs will reopen from July as many won’t be able to meet the social distancing measures required by then.

Ensuring a distance of two metres will be impossible for some pubs, keeping them closed for much longer, said the BBPA.

Chief executive Emma McClarkin said: ‘This bank holiday weekend would usually bring a much-needed boost to our sector – as many as 10 million extra pints could have been sold in pubs.

‘With such good weather, Brits would normally flock to their local pub beer garden to make the most of the sunshine.

Customers observe social distancing as they queue for takeaway drinks outside the Althorp pub, in Wandsworth, London

Customers observe social distancing as they queue for takeaway drinks outside the Althorp pub, in Wandsworth, London

The Greenwich Tavern in London also served customers from a hatch directly on to the street this afternoon

The Greenwich Tavern in London also served customers from a hatch directly on to the street this afternoon

A stampede of drinkers would come as welcome relief to pubs which have largely shuttered during the lockdown - with the hospitality sector left in the lurch as to when it will be allowed to reopen

A stampede of drinkers would come as welcome relief to pubs which have largely shuttered during the lockdown – with the hospitality sector left in the lurch as to when it will be allowed to reopen

‘The FA Cup final, which would have taken place this weekend, would have boosted pub beer sales by two million pints on Saturday alone.

‘Those pubs with beer gardens and outside terraces are best placed to meet social distancing restrictions to open from July 4.

‘We welcome the idea of an additional bank holiday in October and support any Government help to boost the speed of recovery of pubs and breweries.’

The Met Office is forecasting mild temperatures on Saturday and Sunday, with London at 73F (23C) and the western regions of England both north and south hovering around 68F (20C).

But on Monday London could hit highs of 78F (26C) with Manchester and Birmingham expected to enjoy temperatures of around 75F (24C) and Newcastle 72F (22C).