Pyrotechnician injured and three children treated for burns after fireworks display goes wrong

  • A man and three children injured after fireworks at a rural show malfunctioned 
  • The show in Darwin in the Northern Territory continued on today despite injuries
  • All four people cleared of serious injury and NT Worksafe visited the site Sunday

A fireworks malfunction at a rural show on Saturday night has resulted in one person being hospitalised and three children treated for burns.

The incident occurred at the Freds Pass Rural Community Show in Darwin when fireworks went off at ‘lower height than planned,’ a spokesperson told the ABC.

The unintended explosions caused debris to be thrown out of the exclusion zone and into the crowd.


A fireworks malfunction at a rural show in Darwin on Saturday night has resulted in one person being hospitalised and three children treated for burns

Three children were treated by St John’s Ambulance officers on site for minor burns and a pyrotechnics worker was transferred to the Royal Darwin hospital but was later discharged.

‘It would appear that there was a partial failure in one of the uplift charges, and accordingly, the fireworks discharged at a lower than anticipated height,’ show communications manager John McNeur said.

The show continues running today and NT Worksafe are investigating the incident. 

 The unintended explosions caused debris to be thrown out of the exclusion zone and into the crowd

 The unintended explosions caused debris to be thrown out of the exclusion zone and into the crowd

