Python found inside Sydney air conditioning unit

  • Two-metre python found dead inside air conditioning unit in Sydney 
  • Resident Dave Marchant, 47, had noticed a strange smell coming from the AC
  • A new air conditioning unit was installed on Thursday afternoon

Two tradesmen got the fright of their lives after opening up an air conditioning unit to find a huge python.

Unfortunately the men found the two-metre snake dead inside the unit at a home in Earlwood in Sydney’s inner west. 

Resident Dave Marchant, 47, told the Sydney Morning Herald he believed the creature had likely been electrocuted weeks ago.

Two tradesmen have had the fright of their lives after opening up an air conditioning unit to find a huge python

He had noticed a strong smell coming from the unit, but thought it was just a rat until it was opened up this week.

‘The installers were just relieved it wasn’t alive. At first they weren’t 100 per cent sure it was actually dead. I said no, look, nothing alive smells like that.’

One of the tradesmen said in his 18 years at work he never seen anything like it. His young apprentice certainly hadn’t either.

‘The young offsider was so shocked he could barely speak, he just kept shaking his head,’ the tradesman said.

A new air conditioning unit was installed on Thursday afternoon.

Unfortunately the men found the two-metre snake dead inside the unit at a home in Earlwood in Sydney's inner west

Unfortunately the men found the two-metre snake dead inside the unit at a home in Earlwood in Sydney’s inner west

