Qantas passenger pokes her foot between the seats

  • Man disgusted when passenger puts her foot next to his tray on Qantas flight
  • He said woman in front of him sat backwards and ruined his in-flight meal
  • Photo shows her big toe touching the tray table well into his territory
  • Irate man said he regretted not telling her off but didn’t want to make a scene

Personal space is at a premium on cramped airlines and the last thing anyone wants is for it to be invaded by a fellow passenger’s body part.

A woman on a Qantas flight appeared to have broken that cardinal rule by bizarrely sitting backwards in her to the disgust of the man behind her.

The passenger’s foot was seen dangling next to her neighbour’s tray table from between the seats in front of him, in a photo posted online.

A Qantas passenger was disgusted when the woman in front of him sat backwards in her seat and poked her foot next to his try table as he was trying to eat

‘She nearly stuck her toe in my meal,’ the irate flier said.

‘At one point this ignorant beast had her legs across half the narrow walkway causing stewardesses to navigate around her.’ 

The woman’s foot, sporting a painted toenail, was indeed actually touching the side of the try table in the photo.

A completed meal was seen sitting on the tray, but the passenger seemed too disgusted to have enjoyed it.

He said he regretted not politely asking his fellow passenger to put her feet back on her side of the seat.

‘I’m not sure why, really. Maybe that constant nagging many of us have to not cause a scene,’ he wrote.

He was also dissuaded from more drastic measures by his wife sitting next to him.

‘I motioned to my wife that I should stab her foot with my onboard plastic knife. She slapped my shoulder, I took that as a “NO”,’ he said. 

The interloping passenger's foot was seen dangling next to her neighbour's tray table from between the seats in front of him

The interloping passenger’s foot was seen dangling next to her neighbour’s tray table from between the seats in front of him