Queensland man left fuming after EMF gym takes back Harley-Davidson bike in gym competition error

Furious fitness buff hits out after winning $18,000 Harley-Davidson in a gym muscle-building challenge – only to have the prize bizarrely taken away from him

  • Duncan Southwood told he won a Harley-Davidson before gym realised its error 
  • The gym had taken back the $18k motorcycle & awarded it to a different winner
  • Mr Southwood is now threatening legal action against EMF gym over the bungle
  • He believes the bike is rightfully his & the gym was wrong to take away the prize 

A furious fitness buff is threatening to sue his gym after it told him he had won an $18,000 Harley-Davidson in a muscle-building challenge – only to give the award to someone else after realising they had counted the scores incorrectly.  

EMF gym in Queensland told member Duncan Southwood he had won first prize in a 12-week challenge to lose body fat and build muscle. 

However, Mr Southwood’s glory was short-lived as EMF informed him three days later that they had awarded him the motorbike by mistake. 

Duncan Southwood was accidentally awarded a Harley-Davidson motorcycle at his local EMF gym in Queensland

‘Everyone was coming up and congratulating me which was fantastic… and then they asked for the keys back,’ Mr Southwood told A Current Affair. 

He said the gym took back the prize after it realised it calculated the scores incorrectly and another member had actually won the motorbike.   

The gym initially offered Mr Southwood two years of free membership to make up for the mistake, which he declined. 

He then claims the gym offered him $5,000, but Mr Southwood said the sum wasn’t close to the motorcycle’s $18,000 value.  

He added he sold his previous bike the day after being told he had won the Harley-Davidson.  

Mr Southwood believes the bike is rightfully his and is now planning to take legal action. 

‘I said, “I’m not interested in free membership. As far as I’m concerned, you gave me the bike, you’ve had photos taken, you are using those as part of the promotion. You can’t just take it away like that”,’ he told the TV program.

Mr Southwood claims the gym had taken back the Harley-Davidson after it realised it had calculated the scores incorrectly and that another member had actually won the prize

Mr Southwood claims the gym had taken back the Harley-Davidson after it realised it had calculated the scores incorrectly and that another member had actually won the prize

EMF gym in Queensland told member Duncan Southwood he had won first prize in a 12-week challenge to lose body fat and build muscle. Pictured is Mr Southwood being awarded the motorbike

EMF gym in Queensland told member Duncan Southwood he had won first prize in a 12-week challenge to lose body fat and build muscle. Pictured is Mr Southwood being awarded the motorbike

EMF director Scott Freeman said in statement the gym was working with Mr Southwood to reach a resolution. 

‘We have apologised to Mr Southwood directly and have attempted to work with him to bring about a resolution that addresses the hurt he has suffered from the mistake.’

Mr Southwood said he plans to take his case to Queensland’s Civil and Administrative Tribunal. 

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk