Quick quinoa with courgettes, avocado & lime 


flesh of 2 medium avocados

2-3 tsp lime juice

sea salt and black pepper

600g courgettes

4 tbsp good olive oil

2 x 4cm fresh turmeric roots peeled

3cm knob fresh ginger peeled

1 tsp finely chopped medium-hot red chilli

2 garlic cloves peeled

1 x 250g packet cooked ready-to-eat red and white quinoa

large handful coarsely chopped coriander


lime wedges

30g pine nuts

extra chopped coriander

● Whiz the avocado with the lime juice to taste and some seasoning until smooth. Scoop into a small bowl, cover and chill until required. Trim and discard the ends of the courgettes, halve them lengthways and slice diagonally into thick pieces.

● Preheat the oven to 250C/230C fan/ gas 10 or to its highest setting. Arrange the courgettes in a roasting dish that just holds them in a crowded single layer. Drizzle over 2 tablespoons of the oil, season and toss to coat. Roast for 15 minutes.

● Meanwhile, whiz the turmeric, ginger, chilli and garlic to a coarse paste in a food processor. Transfer to a small bowl and add a tablespoon of oil. Loosen the courgettes with a spatula, dot with the chopped mixture and stir to coat. Return to the oven for 10-15 minutes until lightly golden.

● Crumble the ready-to-eat quinoa to separate the grains, spoon it over the courgette, drizzle over another tablespoon of the oil and stir through, then mix in the chopped coriander. Serve with the avocado on the side for dolloping and lime wedges for squeezing. Scatter over the pine nuts and extra coriander.


Read more at DailyMail.co.uk