Quids for Kids: Hole in the heart boy’s dreams come true

Ethan Docherty was born with three incurable heart defects, he has endured three major operations and will one day need a transplant

Brave little Ethan Docherty dreams of becoming a policeman.

Every day the six-year-old dresses up in uniform and ‘saves the day’.

But born with three incurable heart defects, he has endured three major operations and will one day need a transplant.

Now your support is going to help make Ethan’s dreams come true. 

In a day he’ll never forget, the youngster – who idolises New York policemen – will get the chance to ride in a genuine NYPD patrol car and feature in a movie-style car chase. 

Ethan – and scores of other desperately ill children – are achieving their ultimate wish this Christmas thanks to the Mail’s partnership with the Make-A-Wish Foundation UK.

Every year the charity grants hundreds of sick children their One True Wish, which could be a holiday of a lifetime, meeting their idol or simply owning a piece of equipment that will transform their life. Mail readers have already helped raise more than £100,000 towards this year’s goal of granting 1,000 wishes – but still many will remain unfulfilled.

And so we are asking readers to donate their old £1 coins, which ceased to be legal tender last month, to help turn many more wishes into a life-affirming reality. Ethan, from Irvine, Ayrshire, had his first heart operation when he was just 11 days old.

Born a month prematurely, Ethan had serious breathing difficulties, a hole in his heart and major arteries that were either in the wrong position or not connected. 

Doctors have been able to perform life-saving surgery to buy more time, but they remain clear that Ethan’s heart cannot be fixed. Not that the brave youngster allows that to stop him enjoying life.

His mum Jennie, 34, a social work assistant, and 33-year-old dad Graeme remain stoical. ‘There are medical advances happening all the time,’ said Mrs Docherty. ‘Who knows what might happen in the next few years?’ Ethan’s wish will come true next month with the help of Sheffield police as sadly his heart condition rules out flying to New York.

Officers will give him and older brother Calum, ten, the chance to experience a day as a New York cop. ‘He’s so excited and talks about it all the time,’ said Mrs Docherty.

It’s easy to make donations. Nationwide Building Society will take old £1 coins for the charity until December 20. Simply hand yours to the cashier, stating they are for the Mail’s Quids For Kids Make-A-Wish Foundation UK appeal.

Or like thousands of readers, you can make a donation for any amount – see the panel on the left for details.

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk