Race-faking white Muslim exploited France terror attack to preach about Islamist extremist violence

Race-faking white Muslim Raquel Saraswati preached about Islamist extremist violence years before she was exposed for lying about her Arab, Latin and South Asian heritage.

A 2015 MidPoint interview of Saraswati, 39, with host Ed Berliner on NewsmaxTV resurfaced amid accusations of ‘cultural vulturism’ – while her family exclusively told DailyMail.com that she is ‘British, German and Italian.’

In the video, Saraswati appeared to condemn the Islamist extremist behind the Charlie Hebdo newsroom al-Qaida terrorist attack in France that claimed the lives of 12 people in 2015.

She also expressed her disappointment that the attackers were referred as Muslim and Islamic extremists, which ‘represses’ the Muslim community as a whole. She blamed countries, such as Saudi Arabia, who ‘propagates a very malignant interpretation of Islam.’

‘There is a history of Muslim dissidents trying really hard to have our voices be heard. We are drowned out by leaders, who unfortunately occupy the halls of power in our government,’ she said. ‘I am a patriotic American but I’m deeply troubled by the fact that our government continues to ally with the worst within my community.’

Raquel Saraswati, 39, preached about Islamist extremist violence in 2015 following the Charlie Hebdo newsroom terrorist attack in France. A 2015 MidPoint interview of Saraswati, 39, with host Ed Berliner on NewsmaxTV resurfaced amid accusations of ‘cultural vulturism’

Saraswati lied about being 'Arab, Latin and South Asian' and was exposed by her family as 'British, German and Italian'

Saraswati lied about being ‘Arab, Latin and South Asian’ and was exposed by her family as ‘British, German and Italian’

At the time, Saraswati claimed the US government chooses to see the worst interpretation of Islam and pushed for officials to step back to allow ‘non-violent’ Muslims to speak out.

‘[It] hurts me as an American and it hurts me as a Muslim who seeks change and believes what America is about.’

‘We need to see law enforcement engage in Muslims like myself and engage in Muslims who really understand what the problems are and really seek out those dissidents’ voices who are trying to speak out. We are out there, we are trying to make a change, but across the world voices like ours are often silenced.’

She called herself a patriotic American and insisted it was time for officials to create Muslim allies with a better interpretation of Islam, such as herself.

‘There is a history of Muslim dissidents trying really hard to have our voices be heard. We are drowned out by leaders, who unfortunately occupy the halls of power in our government.

‘We really do need the support of non-Muslim allies in helping to magnify the voices of those of us who are very honest and forthright about what the problems really are.’

Saraswati, hired by a Philadelphia-based Quaker group as their Chief Equity, Inclusion and Culture Officer, never had to prove her race

Saraswati, hired by a Philadelphia-based Quaker group as their Chief Equity, Inclusion and Culture Officer, never had to prove her race 

An old photograph from the early 2000s of 'race faker' Raquel Saraswati, who was 'outed' for making false claims about her ethnicity, has revealed her with visibly lighter skin and no hijab

Recent images of the the 39-year-old former chief inclusion officer at a Philadelphia-based Quaker group show her with a much darker complexion, hijab and dark eye-makeup

Saraswati has been accused of lying about her alleged descent – her biological mother confirming that she is in fact ‘British, German and Italian’ 

The resurfaced video came to light amid the scandal Saraswati lied about her Muslim heritage.

Until recently, Saraswati served on the Mayor’s Commission on LGBT Affairs and worked as the chief equity and inclusion officer for the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC). She was also named Woman of the Year. 

The AFSC confirmed she resigned from her position last week and said there are no requirements for employees to prove their race or ethnicity.

In a statement to DailyMail.com they wrote: ‘AFSC’s Chief Equity, Inclusion, and Culture Officer, Raquel Saraswati, who is facing public allegations that she misrepresented her background and past associations, has informed us of her intention to separate from the organization. 

‘AFSC supports her in this difficult decision. This is a deeply personal issue, and we respect her privacy and ask that others do as well.’

The organization has stressed its commitment to working globally with people from ‘all faiths, ethnicities, races and backgrounds for lasting peace with justice.’

‘Through our history and continuing today, AFSC has brought the Quaker belief in peace, equity, integrity, and the divine Light in every person into vital work across the U.S. and around the world,’ the statement continued.

‘We see ending all forms of racism as a critical part of this work both within our organization and in the world.’

Saraswati, who grew up as Rachel Seidel, was investigated by a ‘group of individuals who care deeply’ about the AFSC and provided an open letter which identified years of deception.

Human resources professional Oskar Henry Castro, who participated in ASFC’s hiring committee for Saraswati, told the Intercept that Saraswati had represented herself as ‘multiethnic’ and as ‘a queer person of color, who happens to be a Muslim’ in hiring interviews he saw.

‘I definitely feel conned. I feel deceived,’ he said.

The 39-year-old was seen rubbing shoulders with celebrities - such as Jodie Foster

Saraswati seen with Nathan Lane after receiving an accolade

The 39-year-old was seen rubbing shoulders with celebrities – such as Jodie Foster (left) and Nathan Lane (right) after receiving an accolade

Family members, who asked to remain nameless after backlash from the embattled race faker, told DailyMail.com that the 39-year-old is of ‘British, German and Italian’ heritage and started to shape her new identity after going to boarding school.

Saraswati has been at the center of a media frenzy following the deception, but commentators noted the irreparable damage her misrepresentations have caused for the minority groups she’d so vocally tried to represent over the years.

‘This is not about ‘proving’ one’s heritage but about lying, misrepresentation and taking opportunities from actual women of color,’ tweeted documentarian Laila Al-Arian, who referred to Saraswati as a ‘Rachel Dolezal of the Muslim community.’

Journalist Sana Saeed, who called attention to Saraswati’s heritage as early as 2015, tweeted about the ‘harm she’s done – especially the years she worked as essentially a ‘native informant’ with anti-Muslim orgs & platforms.’

So far, Saraswati has remained silent on the issue – deleting her social media platforms and taking a step back from her once prominent and shamelessly self-promotional lifestyle.

Family members gave some insight into the web of lies served up by Saraswati over the years, saying she’d become ‘intrigued’ by the culture of a friend from school. 

They noted that growing up, Saraswati, who they knew as Rachel, had lived a fairly ‘sheltered life in a fairly white town.’

Members of Saraswati’s family – who were privy to her life before the ‘fraudulent’ claims – exclusively told DailyMail.com that her new life began to take shape while she attended the prestigious Emma Willard school in Troy, New York.

Saraswati's relative, who claims to have watched the 39-year-old grow from the age of three till she started to attend the scholarship-funded private girl's school, said she remembers Saraswati, who went by Rachel Seidel then, as a 'bright and terribly creative' young woman

Saraswati’s relative, who claims to have watched the 39-year-old grow from the age of three till she started to attend the scholarship-funded private girl’s school, said she remembers Saraswati, who went by Rachel Seidel then, as a ‘bright and terribly creative’ young woman

Members of Saraswati's family - who were privy to her life before the 'fraudulent' claims - exclusively told DailyMail.com that her new life began to take shape while she attended the prestigious Emma Willard school in Troy, New York

Her hair appears to have become darker as she grew older, but her complexion remains the same

Members of Saraswati’s family – who were privy to her life before the ‘fraudulent’ claims – exclusively told DailyMail.com that her new life began to take shape while she attended the prestigious Emma Willard school in Troy, New York

Pictures provided by family members show a young Saraswati with blonde/brown hair and a visibly paler complexion

Pictures provided by family members show a young Saraswati with blonde/brown hair and a visibly paler complexion

One of Saraswati’s relatives, who claims to have watched the 39-year-old grow from the age of three till she started to attend the scholarship-funded private girl’s school, said she remembers her as a ‘bright and terribly creative’ young woman. 

‘She went to a small public school where everybody knew her and then she went to a private school and no one there was American – most were European or eastern European,’ the family member said.

They went on to say that this is where Saraswati met her roommate, a friend from Turkey, named Fatima, who followed the Muslim faith.

‘Her junior year at school she had a roommate that was from Turkey who was Muslim and Rachel was very intrigued by that culture, she was a very inquisitive kid,’ they explained. 

‘Rachel converted to the Muslim religion while at school and we never found out because she was boarding there… we found out much later that this was her new persona.’

Saraswati’s early years were a stark contrast, however, growing up in a Christian household.

Pictures provided by family members show a young Saraswati with blonde hair and a visibly paler complexion. 

Her hair appears to have become darker as she grew older, but her complexion remains the same. 

Photos revealed by DailyMail.com from the early 2000s show Saraswati with a similar pale complexion, thin eyebrows and a light blush. 

However, Saraswati’s appearance began to change, as she publicly rejected her heritage and started to claim she was Latin, South Asian or of Arab descent.

‘Rachel was a very sweet, loving child. She went to church with us and she belonged to several different church clubs,’ the family member said.

‘We all had the expectation that she was going to do great things because she was bright and politically astute but what we didn’t know was it would be in a fraudulent manner.’

The relative told DailyMail.com that the entire family have been ‘shocked’ and ‘saddened’ by the entire situation believing that at one time they had been ‘close to Saraswati.

In 2007, Saraswati herself told conservative media host Glenn Beck she was ‘estranged’ from her family, ‘for reasons that I can’t get into.’

‘It’s curious and bizarre,’ the relative said. 

‘The comments to Glenn Beck were really bizarre because she said she was estranged from her family.

‘I felt very sad because we thought, wrongly, that we were very close to Rachel and that she was a very bright, politically astute woman.

‘She went about all of this the wrong way.

‘There was no way we had no relationship with her. Her friends, who would continue to see us all, still asked us how she was doing and we embarrassingly had to admit we didn’t know.’

The family have not spoken to Saraswati, who they say they last saw at her graduation, except for an alleged phone call in which she blasted her biological mother for revealing her true ancestry.

‘We went to her graduation, had lunch with her and never saw her again.’

The family stressed that they have never tried to ‘out’ Saraswati’s ‘double life.’

‘Her mother really had no influence on this information surfacing, her double life…  we knew about it for a while and nobody tried to correct it,’ they said.

‘It came from people concerned about where she worked who suspected something wasn’t quite right.

‘We have always said it’s a crazy, crazy situation and the people that we know and knew her growing up also agree that it’s just crazy.’

Saraswati's early years were a stark contrast to the deceptive identity which took hold in the later years of her life

Saraswati’s early years were a stark contrast to the deceptive identity which took hold in the later years of her life

Family members of a race-faking white Muslim social justice activist have claimed she turned her back on her heritage after attending boarding school

Family members of a race-faking white Muslim social justice activist have claimed she turned her back on her heritage after attending boarding school

The linchpin, an open letter from the anonymous group, provided an in-depth analysis of the 39-year-old’s ancestry and her work, and expressed concern about her role.

They accused Saraswati – who converted to Islam in high school, and has since come out as gay – of ‘cultural vulturism’, and noted ‘the shades of bronzer she applies to her face have become darker over time’.

The authors of the damning open letter called on AFSC to investigate ‘why a member of its most senior leadership has so profoundly eroded trust among people of color’.

They noted her appearance on conservative-hosted shows, and asked: ‘Are there external entities with whom Saraswati is collaborating?’

The case is being likened to that of Rachel Dolezal, a white woman, who in 2015 was exposed as having posed for years as black, rising to become president of an NAACP chapter in Spokane, Washington. 

Saraswati’s identity was first questioned by media commentator Sana Saeed, who tweeted in 2015: ‘Can we talk about “Raquel Dolezal” in the Muslim community. Y’all know who I mean.’

The allegations were given fresh impetus this month. On February 10, the letter was published on Medium, and on February 16 The Intercept spoke to Saraswati’s biological mother, Carol Perone, who confirmed her daughter was not a person of color.

‘I call her Rachel,’ said Perone. ‘I don’t know why she’s doing what she’s doing.’

Perone said her daughter is of ‘British, German, and Italian descent’ — not Latin, South Asian, or Arab as she claims.

‘I’m as white as the driven snow and so is she,’ she said.

Perone told the site that her daughter converted to Islam in high school, which likely informed her decision to present herself as another ethnicity.

‘I’m German and British, and her father was Calabrese Italian,’ her mother added.

‘She’s chosen to live a lie, and I find that very, very sad.’ 

Perone was adopted by Carl and Winifred Seidel, who ran a guesthouse in the Catskill mountains, in Windham, New York.

Saraswati’s grandparent’s were Ed Newman and Myrtle Burkhardt – an alcoholic of Alliance, Ohio, who had 18 children, and put most of them up for adoption, according to a 1988 newspaper report found by the authors of the letter. 

Perone said Saraswati’s father is now dead. She had a relationship with him before marrying Flory Perone, who died in 2006.

The family have not spoken to Saraswati, who they say they last saw at her graduation - except for an alleged phone call in which she blasted her biological mother following the deception surfacing

The family have not spoken to Saraswati, who they say they last saw at her graduation – except for an alleged phone call in which she blasted her biological mother following the deception surfacing

Saraswati appears to have begun claiming Indian ancestry around 2005. She is pictured celebrating the election of Kamala Harris, the first Indian American vice president

Saraswati appears to have begun claiming Indian ancestry around 2005. She is pictured celebrating the election of Kamala Harris, the first Indian American vice president 

Saraswati was born in Paterson, New Jersey, and spent large amounts of time in Windham, where she attended school before being sent to boarding school in Troy, New York.

She studied at Simmons University in Boston, settling in Massachusetts and marrying her girlfriend, Anh Dao Kolbe in 2005.

In 2004, the couple was mentioned in a Boston Globe feature, in which Saraswati went by the name Seidel and said she was of Arab and Latin descent.

‘Raquel Evita Seidel, 20, of Brookline, said she and her girlfriend, Anh Dao Kolbe, have been together nine months,’ the author wrote.

‘While they are confident they want to marry, they also want to take the time to plan something that respects Seidel’s Arab and Latin traditions and 33-year-old Kolbe’s Vietnamese traditions. 

‘We want it to be something special, not about hype and not about media,’ Seidel said.’

Sometime around the time of the article, she switched her name to Saraswati. In 2005, she was performing belly dances under her new name.

Her wedding was featured in an article about Indian-American marriages.

The couple are now divorced, and Saraswati moved from Massachusetts to Pennsylvania, where she now lives.

She took on a higher profile after 9/11, appearing on Beck’s show and in a 2013 film produced by the Clarion Project, an organization the Southern Poverty Law Center said specialized in ‘rabidly anti-Muslim films.’

She worked with the American Islamic Forum for Democracy, another group that has been accused of promoting Islamophobia.

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk