Rachael Boomsma jailed after hitting teen with her car

A woman with three different prescription drugs in her system fled after driving into a 16-year-old boy in Melbourne and leaving him convulsing with a serious head injury.

Rachael Boomsma, 48, initially stopped at the Mount Martha accident scene, but panicked and drove away, leaving teenager Jarrah Smith unconscious.

On Friday she was jailed for nine months after pleading guilty to failing to stop at an accident.

Rachael Boomsma, 48, woman has been jailed after hitting a teen with her car while high

Jarrah Smith was left unconscious, convulsing, had a head injury and a hip fracture as well as suffering post-traumatic amnesia after spending 11 days in an induced coma

Jarrah Smith was left unconscious, convulsing, had a head injury and a hip fracture as well as suffering post-traumatic amnesia after spending 11 days in an induced coma

‘You panicked and you’ve driven away without saying anything,’ Judge John Carmody said during sentencing in the County Court of Victoria.

‘You elected to drive off and leave your victim’s welfare to others.’

Jarrah was walking along the road on August 10, 2016 when a friend, a learner driver, drove past with his parents.

The trio pulled over and called to Jarrah to see if he wanted a ride home.

The boy was reaching for his mobile phone when a green Toyota Landcruiser drove diagonally and hit him, throwing him into the air and onto the side of the road.

Boomsma's green Toyota Landcruiser (pictured) drove diagonally and hit Mr Smith, tossing him into the air before falling onto the roadside 

Boomsma’s green Toyota Landcruiser (pictured) drove diagonally and hit Mr Smith, tossing him into the air before falling onto the roadside 

On Friday Boomsma was jailed for nine months for failing to stop at an accident and she must also do a two-year community corrections order for dangerous driving 

On Friday Boomsma was jailed for nine months for failing to stop at an accident and she must also do a two-year community corrections order for dangerous driving 

Boomsma, who suffers bipolar disorder, initially pulled over on the side of the road behind Jarrah’s friend and his parents before driving off.

Jarrah was left convulsing and unconscious, suffering a head injury, hip fracture and post-traumatic amnesia.

After being rushed to hospital by helicopter, Jarrah spent 11 days in an induced coma.

Police found Boomsma later on the day of the accident, parked beside a school asleep in her car.

She was arrested and had a blood sample taken, which showed ‘therapeutic levels’ of sedative diazepam, bipolar medication quetiapine and depression/anxiety medication duloxetine in her system.

Judge John Carmody said during sentencing in the County Court of Victoria (pictured): 'You panicked and you've driven away without saying anything'

Judge John Carmody said during sentencing in the County Court of Victoria (pictured): ‘You panicked and you’ve driven away without saying anything’

Judge Carmody said the drugs would have slowed Boomsma’s reaction time, impaired her perception and affected her ability to focus on complex tasks such as driving.

Jarrah previously told the court he woke in hospital, not knowing where or who he was.

All of his childhood memories of family holidays had been ‘erased’ and his ‘brain power’ had been weakened.

In addition to a jail sentence, Boomsma must also undergo a two-year community corrections order for dangerous driving causing serious injury.

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk