Radical Islamic extremists pose the biggest terror risk to Australia according to ASIO

Radical Islamic extremists pose the biggest terror risk to Australia despite ‘small but significant’ far right threat, ASIO says

  • Sunni Islamic extremism remains the primary source of domestic terrorist threat 
  • Extreme right-wing groups are a small but significant part of ASIO investigations
  • ASIO doesn’t focus on a terror group’s specific ideology, but the threat they pose

Islamic extremists pose the biggest terror risk to Australia despite the ‘small but significant’ threat from far right-wing groups remaining on ASIO’s radar.

ASIO director-­general Mike Burgess maintained Sunni Islamist extremism ‘remains the primary source of domestic terrorist threat’ in Australia.

‘Individuals who adhere to an extreme right-wing ideology currently constitute a small but significant proportion of ASIO’s counter-terrorism investigative cohort,’ he told The Australian. 

Mr Burgess said ASIO doesn’t focus solely on a potential terror group’s particular ideology, but the threat they pose.

Radical Islamic extremists pose the biggest terror risk to Australia. Pictured: the Lindt Cafe siege in Martin Place in 2014 where Islamic extremist Haron Monis held hostages 

ASIO director-­general Mike Burgess maintained Sunni Islamist extremism 'remains the primary source of domestic terrorist threat' in Australia

ASIO director-­general Mike Burgess maintained Sunni Islamist extremism ‘remains the primary source of domestic terrorist threat’ in Australia

‘ASIO has been focused on (right-wing extremism) for many decades and has maintained continuous and dedicated resources to this area,’ he said.

In the wake of the Christchurch mosque massacre – where Brenton Tarrant allegedly killed 51 Muslim worshippers during Friday prayers – Australia’s security agencies have turned their attention towards monitoring right-wing radicals.

Questions were raised over whether police and ASIO were previously putting too much focus on Islamic extremism.

Just weeks after March’s terror attack, Victoria Police Chief Commissioner Graham Ashton said right-wing groups tend to avoid violence and prefer ‘rhetoric and ideology’ to get their message across.

Mr Ashton said a few right-wing groups in Victoria actively decided to shy away from brutality to avoid hampering their cause. 

‘Fortunately, the approach groups have taken in Australia to date has been not to engage in acts of violence, preferring a more rhetorical and ideological-based approach,’ Mr Ashton said.

While the bulk of Australia’s terror threats aren’t affiliated with right-wing groups, ASIO warned right-wing extremists have become more organised.

‘Any future extreme right-wing-inspired attack in Australia would most likely be low-capability and conducted by a small actor or small group,’ the agency said.

‘Although a sophisticated weapons attack is possible.’

In the wake of the Christchurch mosque massacre - where Brenton Tarrant (pictured) killed 51 Muslim worshippers during Friday prayers - Australia's security agencies have put more resources into monitoring right-wing radicals

In the wake of the Christchurch mosque massacre – where Brenton Tarrant (pictured) killed 51 Muslim worshippers during Friday prayers – Australia’s security agencies have put more resources into monitoring right-wing radicals

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk