Radio host and influencer Amy Gerard hits back at mum-shaming troll who called her ‘inappropriate’ for a very common parenting act

An Australian radio host has hit back at a troll who called her ‘inappropriate’ for kissing her child on the lips.

Amy Gerard, best known for KIIS FM’s Chris Page & Amy Gerard in the Morning, detailed how she received a mum-shaming remark on Instagram over the weekend.

One of her followers had privately messaged her to tell her they thought it was ‘inappropriate’ and ‘unhygienic’ that she kisses her kids on the lips.

Amy – who is a mother to three young kids, Charli, Bobby and Kobe – read out the message live on-air as she didn’t hold back in her response to the judgmental fan.

The message read: ‘Hi Amy, I love your videos with your kid but I think it’s really inappropriate that you kiss your kids on the lips. Don’t you think it sends the wrong message and it’s also so unhygienic?’

Australian radio host Amy Gerard has hit back at a mum-shaming troll who called her ‘inappropriate’ for kissing her child on the lips 

Amy - who is a mother to three young kids, Charli, Bobby and Kobe - revealed one of her followers told her they thought it was 'unhygienic' that she kisses her kids on the lips

Amy – who is a mother to three young kids, Charli, Bobby and Kobe – revealed one of her followers told her they thought it was ‘unhygienic’ that she kisses her kids on the lips

In response, Amy – who is married to husband Rhian – firmly shut down the troll as she told how it is ‘healthy’ for parents to show their children affection.

‘Firstly, it’s my kid and I will kiss him wherever I want on the face,’ she replied. 

‘And secondly, he’s four years old, not 18. And as a mum who has carried him and given birth to him, breastfed him, that is my God-given right to smooch his adorable little face on the lips.’ 

‘And I’m going to do it until he goes, “Mum, you’re embarrassing”, and that’s exactly what happened to my other two kids. 

‘There’s nothing unhygienic, in fact, it is so healthy for parents to show their kids affection.

In response, Amy (pictured with her husband Rhian) slammed the troll as she told how it is 'healthy' for parents to show their children affection as she firmly shut down the remark

In response, Amy (pictured with her husband Rhian) slammed the troll as she told how it is ‘healthy’ for parents to show their children affection as she firmly shut down the remark 

It comes just a week after Amy and her co-host Chris were left flabbergasted after a nursing home worker revealed the scandalous activities that go on at night.

Using pseudonyms, a caller named Vanessa recounted a series flings and tensions at the home.

Page and Gerard were left shocked as the nurse explained why one man in the home is considered ‘the talk around town’.

‘Arthur is a bit of a ladies’ man. He’s quite the talk around town. He loves a nightly stroll down the corridors with his pants off,’ the nurse explained.

It comes just a week after Amy and her co-host Chris were left flabbergasted after a nursing home worker revealed the scandalous activities that go on at night

It comes just a week after Amy and her co-host Chris were left flabbergasted after a nursing home worker revealed the scandalous activities that go on at night 

‘We’re constantly running after him and guiding him back to his room so he’s not showing what he has to offer to the ladies,’ she added.

Vanessa revealed several ladies at the home have been experiencing tension because of the competition over Arthur.

‘The ladies love him, so much so that in the dining room there has been a divide. The ladies and Arthur, they’re at a standoff,’ she said, leaving Amy and Chris utterly lost for words.
