Rafah rally Sydney: Hundreds of protesters descend on Sydney Town Hall demanding an end to Israel’s war in Gaza

Hundreds of pro-Palestine protesters have descended on Sydney Town Hall for an ’emergency rally’ after Israel launched a renewed onslaught in city of Rafah. 

An Israeli airstrike killed at least 45 Palestinians and wounded dozens more – many of them reportedly women and children – on Sunday night when it hit an area of the city in the southern Gaza Strip which was agreed to be a ‘safe area’ for those displaced by the war. 

Horrific footage from the scene showed people desperately fleeing burning tents and one man holding aloft a child whose head had shockingly appeared to have been decapitated in the blast.

The Palestine Action Group, which has been organising a series of rallies across Australia calling for an end to the conflict, was behind the peaceful gathering on Tuesday evening, which was closely monitored by police.

Protesters wearing keffiyeh – a traditional Arabic head dress – held Palestinian flags aloft and listened to speakers at the rally who denounced Israel ‘s actions, calling on the Australian government to do more to protect the Palestinian people

Hundreds gathered at the protest outside Sydney Town Hall on Tuesday evening to attend an 'emergency rally' organised by the Palestine Action Group following a bombing onslaught in the Palestinian city of Rafah in Gaza

Hundreds gathered at the protest outside Sydney Town Hall on Tuesday evening to attend an ’emergency rally’ organised by the Palestine Action Group following a bombing onslaught in the Palestinian city of Rafah in Gaza

At the Sydney rally, protesters wearing keffiyeh – a traditional Arabic head dress – held Palestinian flags aloft and listened to speakers who denounced Israel’s actions.

They called on the Australian government to do more to protect the Palestinian people.

‘Israel has committed another horrific massacre in Gaza, this time bombing displaced Palestinians who were sheltering in tents at Tal as-Sultan in Rafah, in an area designated by Israel as a ‘safe area’ which would not be targeted,’ rally organisers wrote.

‘Over 35 have been killed, mostly women and children, with many burned alive.’

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has insisted the civilian deaths were a ‘tragic accident’.

The pro-Palestine rally's organisers called on the Australian government to do more to protect the Palestinian people

The pro-Palestine rally’s organisers called on the Australian government to do more to protect the Palestinian people 

A Palestinian man and his children sit in a destroyed room following the targeting of a residential building by an Israeli airstrike in Rafah, a 'safe zone' in southern Gaza

A Palestinian man and his children sit in a destroyed room following the targeting of a residential building by an Israeli airstrike in Rafah, a ‘safe zone’ in southern Gaza

The Israel Defence Force is investigating the strike which was intended to target a ‘terrorist compound’ and which killed two senior Hamas officials. 

The collateral damage has caused international outrage. 

The strike came two days after the International Court of Justice ordered Israel to end its military offensive in Rafah, where more than half of Gaza’s population had sought shelter before Israel’s recent incursion. 

Foreign Minister Penny Wong published a statement in which she repeated calls for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire and the protection of civilians.

‘Events of the last 24 hours underscore that we must see a humanitarian ceasefire now so that civilians can be protected,’ she said.

‘Israel’s strikes have had horrific and unacceptable consequences. Australia has been very clear that Israel must not proceed with its operation in Rafah.’

On Monday, the White House also condemned the scenes in Rafah.

‘The devastating images following an IDF strike in Rafah last night that killed dozens of innocent Palestinians are heartbreaking,’ a spokesperson for President Joe Biden’s National Security Council said.

‘Israel has a right to go after Hamas, and we understand this strike killed two senior Hamas terrorists who are responsible for attacks against Israeli civilians. 

‘But as we’ve been clear, Israel must take every precaution possible to protect civilians.’

Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu has admitted a 'tragic mistake' was made after an Israeli strike in Rafah  allegedly killed 45 people including displaced people who burned alive in tents

Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu has admitted a ‘tragic mistake’ was made after an Israeli strike in Rafah  allegedly killed 45 people including displaced people who burned alive in tents

French President Emmanuel Macron said he was ‘outraged’ over Israel’s latest attacks. ‘These operations must stop. There are no safe areas in Rafah for Palestinian civilians,’ he said on X.

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock and the EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said the International Court of Justice ruling must be respected.

‘International humanitarian law applies for all, also for Israel’s conduct of the war,’ Baerbock said.

As Israel has expanded its military onslaught of Rafah in recent weeks in an attempt to root out the last of the Hamas militants taking refuge in the city, more than 800,000 Palestinians have fled the city, deepening the humanitarian crisis inside Gaza. 

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk