‘Rape victim’ texted alleged attacker asking for more sex

An alleged rape victim continued to text an innocent man she accused of attacking her asking for more sex after the alleged assault.

Student Liam Allan 22, was on bail for almost two years before his trial ceased yesterday because the defence discovered texts from his alleged victim which ‘blew the case out the window’.

Discussing his horrendous ordeal, Mr Allan told BBC News this evening: ‘It kind of flips your whole life upside down.’ 

Found innocent at last: Discussing his horrendous ordeal, Mr Allan told BBC News this evening: ‘It kind of flips your whole life upside down.’

‘Everything you build up for yourself can be torn away,’ he added. 

‘You realise how much you have to lose. But you also do start losing things as the process gets longer. 

Mr Allan continued: ‘It’s made me realise that something needs to change. There are things that go on behind closed doors that you can’t even imagine and that a lot of people are probably going through the same sort of thing.’ 

‘Sheer incompetence’ by police meant that texts about his alleged victim’s fantasies of violent and casual sex were kept secret, a prosecutor revealed today.

Barrister Jerry Hayes claims the detective in charge told him sexual messages sent by the woman to Liam Allan and her friends were ‘too personal’ to share. 

Student Liam Allan 22, was on bail for almost two years before his trial ceased yesterday

Student Liam Allan 22, was on bail for almost two years before his trial ceased yesterday

A relieved Liam Allan, 22, is hugged by his tearful mother Lorraine on the steps of Croydon Crown Court surrounded by supporters yesterday after two years on bail for rape after police sat on evidence that proved he was innocent

A relieved Liam Allan, 22, is hugged by his tearful mother Lorraine on the steps of Croydon Crown Court surrounded by supporters yesterday after two years on bail for rape after police sat on evidence that proved he was innocent

But in fact they ‘blew the case out of the window’ and police had failed to even look at them because of ‘sheer incompetence’, he said.  

The CPS is also being asked to explain why it did not demand full disclosure of evidence including phone records before the trial started.

The texts revealed the woman asked Mr Allan for casual sex and fantasised about rough and violent intercourse and even being raped despite telling police she didn’t like being intimate with men. 

Judge Peter Gower stopped the trial at Croydon Crown Court yesterday and describing the moment the suspect found out Mr Hayes said: ‘Obviously he was happy but this has been hanging over his head for years. He could have had his life totally trashed. That was awfully wrong’.

Mr Allan said he had been ‘betrayed by the system’ and his mother Lorraine sobbed as she said her son had been treated as ‘guilty until you can prove you are innocent’, adding: ‘I knew the truth’.

Today Scotland Yard launched an ‘urgent assessment’ of its handling of Mr Allan’s case but there are calls for an independent investigation.   

Liam Allan, 22, was on bail for almost two years and spent three days at Croydon Crown Court in the dock before his trial was stopped yesterday

Prosecutor Jerry Hayes said 'incompetent' police didn't share the evidence that proved his evidence

Liam Allan, 22, was on bail for almost two years and spent three days at Croydon Crown Court in the dock before his trial was stopped yesterday – prosecutor Jerry Hayes said ‘incompetent’ police didn’t share the evidence that proved his evidence

Police have been blamed for the student’s ordeal by Mr Hayes but it is common for the CPS to also demand full disclosure of evidence including phone records before any trial.

Police refuse to say if they have suspended ‘incompetent’ rape detective and team

The Met has today refused to say if the detective shamed by the CPS’ prosecutor is still at work today.

Jerry Hayes said the officer in charge of the case failed in his ‘duty’ to properly review evidence and hand it to the CPS. 

But a Met spokesman said they would not ‘speculate’ on whether the lead officer or his team were working.

The force would not comment on whether they will re-interview the woman at the centre of the case, although their statement referred to her as ‘the victim’.

Scotland Yard launched an ‘urgent assessment’ after a rape prosecution collapsed due to the late disclosure of evidence which undermined the case against Liam Allan.

Police are understood to have looked at thousands of phone messages when reviewing evidence but it was not until the prosecution was close to trial that Met officers disclosed messages between the complainant and her friends which cast doubt on the case against him. 

A Scotland Yard spokesman said: ‘We are aware of this case being dismissed from court and are carrying out an urgent assessment to establish the circumstances which led to this action being taken.

‘We are working closely with the Crown Prosecution Service and keeping in close contact with the victim whilst this process takes place.’

In 2013 it emerged that up to a third of all rape allegations made to the Met in some boroughs were never recorded as crimes in 2012.

In the same year then Scotland Yard chief Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe has apologised to victims of rapes who were pressured by police into withdrawing their allegations in 2008 and 2009.

Chief prosecutor Alison Saunders has made a high profile push to bring more sex attack cases to court and asked her lawyers to trawl through a man’s relationship history to boost conviction.

The number of rapes reported to police has gone from around 13,000 in 2002 to 45,000 last year but in 2014 it emerged a quarter of sex offences – including rape – were never recorded as crimes. 

The prosecutor and former Tory MP said he and the CPS had no idea a disc of the woman’s messages even existed until the trial started.

He said as soon as the defence got them they realised the texts ‘blew the case out of the window’ and he asked the judge at Croydon Crown Court to throw the case out last night. 

Revealing how the case unraveled Mr Hayes told the BBC: ‘I spoke to the officer in charge and he said [the texts] are clearly not disclosable and I said “Why not” and he replied “you know it’s very personal matters”.’

The prosecutor said this was ‘wrong’ and he wasn’t ‘happy’ and insisted that he, the CPS and the defence get them.

He said: ‘The defence quickly saw the information blew the prosecution out of the water. If they had not been seen this boy faced 12 years in prison and on the sex offenders’ register for life with little chance of appeal. This was a massive massive miscarriage of justice, which thank heavens was avoided’.

And slamming Scotland Yard he said: ‘I don’t think they had looked at it [the texts]. It’s just sheer incompetence I’m afraid. Police don’t always understand it is their duty to review it’. 

Mr Hayes went to the judge Peter Gower to say he would no longer offer any evidence and Mr Allan was found not guilty of six counts of rape and six counts of sexual assault. 

Describing the moment he told the rape suspect he said: ‘He was happy obviously but this had been hanging over him for years and his life totally trashed. What happened was completely wrong’.   

He also said last night: ‘I would like to apologise to Liam Allan. There was a terrible failure in disclosure which was inexcusable’. 

He added: ‘The trouble is everyone is under pressure. This is a criminal justice system which is not just creaking, it’s about to croak’.

Liam Allan, 22, was on bail for almost two years and spent three days at Croydon Crown Court in the dock before his trial was stopped yesterday. 

The judge has called for an inquiry after the trial of a student accused of rape collapsed after police failed to reveal she sent him messages asking for casual sex and revealing her own violent sexual fantasies.

Mr Allan's mother Lorraine (pictured together) said her son's case was 'guilty until you can prove you are innocent'

Mr Allan’s mother Lorraine (pictured together) burst into tears as she said her son’s case was ‘guilty until you can prove you are innocent’

Officers failed to hand over evidence proving his innocence and the Crown’s prosecutor apologised to Mr Allan last night.

Evidence missed included a computer disk containing copies of 40,000 messages – including ones sent to Mr Allan by the woman pestering him for sex.

The woman had told police she didn’t enjoy sex and the lead detective has been accused of failing to review her texts. 

If found guilty, the 22-year-old was told he would be jailed for at least ten years. 

Liam Allan's life has been 'trashed' and he faced 12 years in prison had the texts not been released

Liam Allan’s life has been ‘trashed’ and he faced 12 years in prison had the texts not been released

After the trial collapsed Mr Allan, a criminology student, told The Times: ‘I can’t explain the mental torture of the past two years. I feel betrayed by the system which I had believed would do the right thing — the system I want to work in.’

His mother Lorraine Allan, 46, told the paper: ‘In the current climate, in these sorts of cases, you are guilty until you can prove you are innocent.’ 

Prosecuting barrister Jerry Hayes said: ‘I would like to apologise to Liam Allan. There was a terrible failure in disclosure which was inexcusable’. 

Last night the judge called for an inquiry at the ‘very highest level’ of the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) and a review of disclosure of evidence by the Metropolitan Police.

Scotland Yard said today it is carrying out an ‘urgent assessment’ after the rape prosecution collapsed due to the late disclosure of evidence which undermined the case. 

Judge Peter Gower found him not guilty and set him free saying: ‘There is something that has gone wrong and it is a matter that the CPS, in my judgment, should be considering at the very highest level.

‘Otherwise there is a risk not only of this happening again but that the trial process will not detect what has gone wrong and there will be a very serious miscarriage of justice. He [Mr Allan] leaves the courtroom an innocent man without a stain on his character’.

He advised of ‘serious miscarriages of justice’ when he heard that documents were not always sent to defence lawyers in order to keep costs at a minimum.

Mr Allan, a criminology undergraduate at Greenwich University, was accused of six counts of rape and six sexual assaults against a woman who claimed she did not enjoy sex.

The young man, however, claimed the sexual intercourse had been consensual.

He said the woman involved had acted maliciously because he was starting university and would not see her again.

Judge Peter Gower found him not guilty and set him free

Prosecutor Jerry Hayes apologised to the student and said there had been a ‘terrible failure’ after Judge Peter Gower found him not guilty and set him free

The judge at Croydon Crown Court threw out the case when it emerged the evidence had not bee

The judge at Croydon Crown Court threw out the case when it emerged the evidence had not bee

CPS boss ‘inflated rape conviction figures and doesn’t understand how a trial works’

Britain’s top prosecutor Alison Saunders was recently accused of inflating rape conviction figures and having little idea of how rape trials work.

Ms Saunders has repeatedly come under fire over the CPS handling of sex allegations because innocent men have had their lives destroyed on the basis of spurious claims later rejected in court.

In August this year she said that men accused of rape will have more of their relationship history put under the microscope during trials in a bid to increase convictions rates.

Britain’s top prosecutor told lawyers to focus on a man’s behaviour in the run up to the alleged sex attack rather than just the immediate moments before. 

But in October she was blasted by a watchdog for claiming the number of rape convictions is more than double the real figure.

She was warned that the hugely inflated figures in a report on violence against women were ‘misleading’.

And was told in a letter from the UK Statistics Authority that the true number of people convicted of rape last year was under 1,400. This is less than half the 3,000 she alleged in the report by the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) earlier that month.

The huge gap is because the CPS includes crimes that were originally investigated as rapes but later downgraded to less serious offences. 

Mr Allan’s lawyers were denied access to the woman’s telephone records after police insisted there was nothing of interest for the defence or prosecution.

Meanwhile, when Jerry Hayes took over the case on the day before the trial started – he demanded police hand over the phone records.

A computer disk containing copies of 40,000 messages were taken from the handset, revealing that the woman had continuously pestered the undergraduate for ‘casual sex’.

She also told her friends that she enjoyed sex with him and even spoke about her fantasies of having violent sex and being raped by him.

A Scotland Yard spokesman said: ‘We are aware of this case being dismissed from court and are carrying out an urgent assessment to establish the circumstances which led to this action being taken.

‘We are working closely with the Crown Prosecution Service and keeping in close contact with the victim whilst this process takes place.’

A spokesman for the CPS said: ‘A charge can only be brought if a prosecutor is satisfied that both stages of the Full Code test in the Code for Crown Prosecutors are met, that is, that there is sufficient evidence to provide a realistic prospect of conviction and that a prosecution is required in the public interest.

‘All prosecutions are kept under continuous review and prosecutors are required to take account of any change in circumstances as the case develops.

‘In November 2017, the police provided more material in the case of Liam Allan. Upon a review of that material, it was decided that there was no longer a realistic prospect of conviction.

‘Therefore we offered no evidence in the case against Liam Allan at a hearing on December 14 2017.

‘We will now be conducting a management review together with the Metropolitan Police to examine the way in which this case was handled.’

Rape trial shambles is latest sex attack case to end in chaos

Leo Mahan and Thady Duff were charged with gang-raping a young woman following the May Ball at the Royal Agricultural University in Cirencester but the case collapsed when it emerged detectives had 'cherry picked' the evidence

Bartolomeo Joly de Lotbiniere, 22, was cleared of rape

Leo Mahan and Thady Duff (left) were cleared of rape when it emerged detectives had ‘cherry picked’ the evidence while Bartolomeo Joly de Lotbiniere, 22, (right) was cleared of rape reported to police 14 months later

It comes after a string of rape cases were found to have fallen apart.

Friends Thady Duff, Leo Mahon, Patrick Foster, all 22, and James Martin, 20, were charged with gang-raping a young woman following the May Ball at the Royal Agricultural University in Cirencester, Gloucestershire in 2014.

It was alleged that the violent assault was filmed, and the footage circulated via Snapchat. But the trial at Gloucester Crown Court collapsed after it emerged that detectives had ‘cherry picked’ and ‘airbrushed’ the evidence.

A study of the alleged victim’s phone revealed that she had sent nude pictures of herself to one of the men in advance of the ball and also how she had given inconsistent accounts of a ‘threesome’ she took part in at an Army barracks five months after the alleged university rape.

Shockingly, none of this material was handed over to the prosecution or defence by an investigating police officer.

Royal Agricultural University students Mahon, Foster and Duff, and friend Martin, were cleared in 2016 after the prosecution offered no evidence.

Bartolomeo Joly de Lotbiniere, 22, was accused of raping a geography student at York University after a night out downing cheap spirits and alcopops. His 19-year-old accuser said his advances were unwanted and that she froze in terror as Lotbiniere, also then 19, undressed her and carried her to bed in her halls of residence.

But she only reported Mr Joly de Lotbiniere to police 14 months after the alleged attack when he appeared on television in six episodes of the BBC2 quiz show University Challenge.

After such a long passage of time there was no forensic evidence, only individual testimonies, accounts from friends and text messages.

Mr Joly de Lotbiniere insisted what had happened was a ‘two way’, consensual one-night stand, saying : ‘Drunk or sober I would never rape anybody.’ After two trials spread over seven months — the first ended in a hung jury — he was found not guilty of rape and sexual assault in September.




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