Rapist Ryan Brody smirks as he strolls from court

Ryan Brody, formerly of Bamburgh Terrace, smirks as he leaves court just moments after pleading guilty to the rape of a 14-year-old girl

A 20-year-old sexual predator has been pictured smirking as he left court after pleading guilty to raping a 14-year-old girl.

Ryan Brody is facing a prison sentence after admitting to attacking a child in Ashington, Northumberland, at around 1.30am on June 29.

Brody, who has no previous conviction, pleaded guilty to carrying out the depraved sex attack during a brief appearance at Newcastle Crown Court.

He was warned he faces time behind bars but has been released on bail in order to get his affairs in order ahead of sentencing next month.

He was pictured on the phone smirking as he left court.

Judge Paul Sloan QC had told him minutes earlier: ‘I’m going to adjourn your case for sentence, the sentence will be listed on December 15.

‘You have entered an honest plea today.

‘I’m going to extend your bail so you can put your affairs in order but you will understand you face an immediate custodial sentence, having admitted the commission of this offence.

‘I’m going to extend your bail on the same conditions as before but there will be one extra condition, you are to co-operate with the preparation of pre-sentence and psychological reports.

‘You must understand, the fact I’m adjourning sentence and requiring the preparation of reports is not an indication of anything other than an immediate custodial sentence. The precise length of that sentence will be determined by the judge who hears your case in December.’

Full details of Brody’s attack will not be released until after he has been sentenced.

Brody, formerly of Bamburgh Terrace, is now living with a relative and was given bail on the condition he does not enter Northumberland.

He must also adhere to a night-time curfew, cannot contact prosecution witiness and not allowed to have contact with anyone under 16 without the permission of the child’s parents and that they must know about the rape charge.

Brody after his appearance in court yesterday and after pleading guilty

Brody must be placed on the sex offenders register

Brody (left) after his appearance in court yesterday and after pleading guilty and on his phone (right). He must also be placed on the sex offenders register

Judge Sloan also order that victim impact statements and a draft sexual prevention order be put in place ahead of the next hearing. 

He must also be placed on the sex offenders register. 

Kate Barnes, defending, said: ‘He is a young man without any previous convictions.’

Detective Chief Inspector Helen Anderson, of Northumbria Police, said: ‘This was an extremely distressing attack on a young girl and we have been supporting the victim and her family with the help of specially trained officers ever since it was reported to us.

‘These types of incidents do cause concern in the community and we hope that now Brody has admitted the offence the victim and her family will be able to start to move forward with their lives.’ 

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk