Rasila Akbar who performed sex act gives bizarre excuse

  • Rasila Akbar was filmed chatting to a group of men in the early hours of July 14
  • She then walked to the gardens of Huddersfield Parish Church with one of them
  • Akbar performed oral sex on the man before claiming he was her husband 

Rasila Akbar (pictured her with an unidentified man) performed oral sex on a man in a churchyard. She has now been jailed

A mother-of-three who performed oral sex on a man in a churchyard claimed she only did it because they had just got married.

Rasila Akbar was captured on CCTV speaking to a group of men before walking to the gardens of Huddersfield Parish Church with one of them.

But Akbar, 42, later bizarrely claimed she performed the act because she had just married the man – despite only seeing him around the town a couple of times.

She told the court she had agreed to satisfy her alleged husband’s sexual frustration in the early hours of July 14, reports the Huddersfield Examiner. 

Both Akbar and the man were arrested after being spotted by CCTV operators but he was let off with a police caution because he had no previous offences. 

Akbar, who has a lengthy criminal record, was also caught with a knife at Dewsbury Railway Station and was sentenced to 14 weeks in prison, suspended for a year.

She was also handed a community order but has now been jailed for failing to comply with it.

Akbar was caught performing the act in the gardens of Huddersfield Parish Church (pictured). She told a court she was satisfying her alleged husband's sexual frustration

Akbar was caught performing the act in the gardens of Huddersfield Parish Church (pictured). She told a court she was satisfying her alleged husband’s sexual frustration

The court heard she had twice failed to turn up for appointments and had two weeks added on to her sentence.

Defence solicitor Andy Day said Akbar suffered from bipolar disorder and other psychological issues.

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk