Ray Martin struggles to explain what the Voice will look like as he defends calling No voters ‘dinosaurs and d***heads’ – before Jacinta Price explains the real problem with his rant

Ray Martin struggles to explain what the Voice will look like as he defends calling No voters ‘dinosaurs and d***heads’ – before Jacinta Price explains the real problem with his rant

Ray Martin has struggled to clarify his controversial view that those going by the No Campaign’s slogan ‘if you don’t know, vote no’ for the upcoming referendum are ‘dinosaurs and d***heads’ – as Jacinta Price breaks down why it’s troublesome.

The veteran TV journalist tried to explain his point on Seven Spotlight’s Voice to Parliament referendum debate on Sunday night.

He appeared on the program alongside prominent No campaigner and Country Liberal Party Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price, ‘progressive’ No campaigner and Independent Senator Lidia Thorpe and Labor senator Malarndirri McCarthy.

Martin, who made his comments at a Yes rally in Marrickville last month, strongly denied Spotlight host Liam Bartlett’s claim that he was ‘abusing people with a different opinion’.

‘I didn’t say No voters were dinosaurs or d***heads. I said that those who vote no because they don’t know, that slogan is one of the silliest I’ve ever heard,’ he said.

Veteran journalist Ray Martin (pictured) tried to explain what he meant when he insinuated that those following the No campaign’s slogan were ‘a dinosaur or d***head’

Bartlett countered that those who took notice of the slogan were, in Martin’s mind, a ‘dinosaur or d***head’.

Martin then stated that both Yes and No voters should be informed when they vote.

‘You didn’t say that, you said No voters,’ Bartlett responded.

‘No I didn’t. If you read my speech, that’s not true. That is categorically not true,’ Martin said. 

He then agreed with Bartlett’s point that Aussies shouldn’t be voting on ’emotion’, and added that Yes voters who didn’t properly look at the referendum were ‘d***heads as well’.

More to come 

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