Rebekah Vardy talks about sexual abuse in teens

She previously confessed the abuse she endured in her teenage years drove a wedge between her and her family.

And Rebekah Vardy gave a powerful new interview with the Loose Women panel on Tuesday, discussing the horrific ordeal in detail for the first time and revealing how she got through it thanks to her footballer husband Jamie.

The model, 35, urged people who had suffered a similar fate to speak openly about it and seek professional help, explaining that bottling it up for years almost ruined her life.


Rebekah – whose appearance on the show came shortly after she shared a moving Instagram post about her past – remained calm and collected throughout her interview as she recalled her troubled past.

She explained: ‘In my early teens, I experienced numerous unpleasant incidents. It was someone pretty close to my family, I had conversations with numerous members of my family about it.

‘I got persuaded not to take it any further. I made quite a few bad mistakes when I was growing up, which I now link back to that.

‘I was troubled child, I didn’t know what direction to take… but it’s really important that I came through it.’

In 2016, Becky had revealed she was sexually assaulted for three years as a teenager and had fallen out with her mother over it.

Becky, née Nicholson, confessed she attempted to take her own life at the age of 15 because she just ‘wanted to escape’.

The mother-of-three explained that it was the reason her mother Alison,nd other family members did not attend her lavish wedding to Jamie earlier that year.

Becky admitted that she is no longer on proper speaking terms with her mother because she ‘didn’t believe her’ when she told her as a teenager that she was being abused.

The man, who she described as a ‘friend of the family’, first assaulted her when she was 13 years old and continued the abuse almost once a week for the following three years.

Recalling the abuse during Tuesday’s Loose Women show, Becky said she only talked about it after having thereapy to cope with her post-natal depression>

She said: ‘After I suffered post natal depression with Taylor and I didn’t even want to leave the house at that point, the doctor persuaded me that I needed medication and to go to therapy

‘I was made to feel like it was my fault, it’s one of those things that you dont discuss.

‘Having children of my own, I would never want anything like this to happen to them.’

Becky went on to reveal that her troubled teenage years led her to make poor relationship decisions – until she met her husband Jamie.

She said: ‘I’ve made some horrific choices with men, I get blackmailed and harrassed by certain people. I’m still dealing with it now,

Struggles: Rebekah Vardy, 35, has revealed shocking details about her past as a victim of sexual abuse and domestic violence in an Instagram essay

‘I didn’t tell Jamie straight away, it was one of those conversations that is difficicult. It still is difficul

‘Jamie is so supportive, he likes that I’m able to stand on my own two feet. Up until him I didn’t trust anyone.’

She urged others who had experienced any form of abuse to speak about it without someone they trust and not to bottle it up.

This comes after Rebeka shared a poignantInstagram essay on Thursday night as women from the music, modelling and movie industries continue to come forward with their stories.

She simultaneously praised her footballer husband, with whom she shares two children, for being kind and supportive and giving her the life she loves.

The essay began: ‘I had years of hardship. Sexual abuse in my teens, a suicide attempt, awful relationships with nasty men who I stupidly thought would look after me.

‘I was a victim of awful domestic abuse (physical & psychological), I suffered from PND [post-natal depression] & caught my partner at the time messaging other women for sex when I was in the depths of despair.’

The mother-of-four also detailed how she escaped from her violent past, and was able to move forward with her life. 

Poignant: Rebekah disclosed the details about her life in a post to accompany this picture

Poignant: Rebekah disclosed the details about her life in a post to accompany this picture

Sharing her story: Rebekah spoke out during a week of women coming forward about sexual harrassment in the modelling, acting and music industry

Sharing her story: Rebekah spoke out during a week of women coming forward about sexual harrassment in the modelling, acting and music industry

She added: ‘I struggled to make ends meet but I was independent and free from bad relationships for the first time in 16 difficult years and I was taking care of myself and my kids and loving it.’

Rebekah, who has been married to Jamie since May 2016, also described how meeting Jamie has helped her to forget her insecurities.

She said: ‘When I wasn’t looking for anyone and I was learning who I really was, I met the only man other than my real Dad who finally showed me how kind and supportive a man could be. 

‘I am so grateful for our happy life and I truly believe that every awful thing I went through lead me on the path to the life that I love today.’

Support: Rebekah thanked her husband Jamie for helping her through the difficult time

Support: Rebekah thanked her husband Jamie for helping her through the difficult time

The essay appeared in the caption for a photo post of a quote that read: ‘Sometimes the bad things that happen in our lives put us directly on the path to the best things that will ever happen to us’.

Rebekah and Jamie share two young children, daughter Sofia, one, and 10-month-old son Finley.

She also has son Taylor, seven, and daughter Megan, 12, from two previous relationships, welcoming her first child when she was 23.

Her oldest child Megan was born in 2006. The following year she met Luke Foster, who was playing for Oxford United. They had their son Taylor. 

Becky (nee Nicholson) left home as a teenager and was married at 17 to first husband Mark Godden.

But she walked out on the electrical engineer after six months and they shared no children.

Jamie is also father to five-year-old daughter Ella with his ex Emma Daggett.  

She met Jamie, who is five years her senior, when she was hired to plan his birthday party at the Viper Rooms nightclub in Sheffield, where she was working as a party organiser. 

Rebekah ended her post with a message to her fans: ‘To anyone who is having a hard time for whatever reason, things do change, it will take time but it will get better.’

Strong: The mother-of-four revealed that her life began to turn around when she met husband Jamie. The pair have been married since May 2016

Strong: The mother-of-four revealed that her life began to turn around when she met husband Jamie. The pair have been married since May 2016

Her poignant message comes amid the fallout from allegations of rape, harassment and assault lodged against Hollywood film producer Harvey Weinstein. 

Over 30 high profile actresses have now come forward accusing Weinstein of sexual harassment, four of which include rape.

Those recalling his inappropriate behaviour include Rose McGowan, Gwyneth Paltrow, Cara Delevingne, Angelina Jolie and Kate Beckinsale, as well as a string of other young actresses and models. 

Weinstein, 65, has given a statement to The New York Times apologising for his behaviour but insisted that he had never engaged in non-consensual sexual activity.  

Moving on: She described how her hardships have brought her to a happy place 

Moving on: She described how her hardships have brought her to a happy place 

Fans were quick to throw their support behind Rebekah after her brave revelation and the post was subsequently flooded with positive comments.

One wrote: ‘True inspirations,’ while another wrote: ‘A whole new respect for you . Amazing inspirational message’.

The brunette has been very open in speaking about her past and insecurities, after she was the target of vile abuse from internet trolls.

Appearing on Channel 5’s Celebrity Trolls, she said: ‘I don’t think I’ve ever read anything as disgusting.

‘I was distraught. We just got the police involved straight away.’

Lavish life: The mum-of-four had her first child at 23 and is now a mum-of-four

Lavish life: The mum-of-four had her first child at 23 and is now a mum-of-four