Recovering anorexic hid food in her ears at her thinnest

An anorexia sufferer had such a bad case of the illness that she used to hide food in her ears to avoid eating it.

Julia Janssen would also smear butter in her hair so she wouldn’t have to ingest it as the disorder took hold.

Therapists said she had one of the worst cases they had ever seen when she was finally admitted to hospital and her lowest weight was just 5st 9lbs.

In her worst weeks, Julia was terrified to even drink water in case it was contaminated, and she wouldn’t touch food because she feared it would be absorbed through her skin.

She lost huge chunks of her hair, leaving bald patches, and simple tasks like taking a shower would take hours and leave her physically exhausted.

Her blood pressure was so low she would faint many times a day and her lips and fingers would turn blue because she was always cold despite wearing woolly hats all year round.

Julia, of Zurich, Switzerland, lost control of her bladder and also suffered open wounds where her skin was so thin that her hip bones protruded through, rubbing against her clothes.

Having now gained 22lbs, Julia wants to tell people that just because she now looks well it doesn’t mean she is.

Julia Janssen would hide food in her ears and smear butter in her hair so she wouldn’t have to ingest it as she battled with anorexia 

In her worst weeks, Julia, left, during her battle, was terrified to even drink water in case it was contaminated. She says the illness still dominates her life but she's getting better, right

In her worst weeks, Julia, left, during her battle, was terrified to even drink water in case it was contaminated. She says the illness still dominates her life but she’s getting better, right

She said: ‘I am at a very confusing part of my recovery.

‘I have worked really hard to gain weight and I look a lot healthier, but my mind hasn’t really caught up yet.

‘Sometimes when I look in the mirror I really struggle with the fact that what goes on in my mind doesn’t match what I see in the mirror.

‘This disorder is still a huge part of my life and everyday is still a battle, but I don’t look as sick anymore, which is hard to deal with.

‘This is something that a lot of eating disorder patients can relate to, I think.

‘The thing is, somebody can look completely healthy, but they could still struggle immensely with an eating disorder.

‘Not every eating disorder patient is stick thin and I feel like a lot of us fear that we won’t be taken seriously anymore when we aren’t just skin and bones.

‘But I have come a long way from my worst.’

At her lightest of 5st 9lbs, left, therapists said she had one of the worst cases they had ever seen. She is pictured, right, on her road to recovery

At her lightest of 5st 9lbs, left, therapists said she had one of the worst cases they had ever seen. She is pictured, right, on her road to recovery

Julia said that anorexia gave her a false sense of control and was a way of avoiding all the difficulties that come with puberty. She is pictured, left, then, and, right, more recently 

Julia said that anorexia gave her a false sense of control and was a way of avoiding all the difficulties that come with puberty. She is pictured, left, then, and, right, more recently 

Julia, 24, first began to struggle with eating when she was 13, but the disease really took hold two years later.

She was diagnosed with anorexia nervosa aged 16.

She was terrified of even the smallest weight gain and would force herself to get up in the middle of the night to do hours of exercise if she had eaten just a mouthful.

She added: ‘I felt very lost in life.

‘I didn’t know who I was and I was terrified to grow up.

‘Anorexia gave me a false sense of control and was a way of avoiding all the difficulties that come with puberty.

‘It was easier for me to worry about my weight and my food intake than to face the real world out there.’

At her thinnest, she was terrified of the smallest weight gain and would force herself to get up in the middle of the night to do hours of exercise

Julia, pictured now, said: 'If someone was watching me when I was eating breakfast to make sure I didn't cheat, I would smear butter into my ears and into my hair'

At her thinnest, left, she was terrified of the smallest weight gain and would force herself to get up in the middle of the night to do hours of exercise

She says looking back she is now ashamed of the things the illness made her do.

‘I did everything from going out at 2am to walk for hours, hiding food absolutely everywhere and lying straight to the face of my loved ones,’ she said.

‘If it wasn’t so sad, I would laugh at the ridiculous things that I did just to avoid some calories.

‘If someone was watching me when I was eating breakfast to make sure I didn’t cheat, I would smear butter into my ears and into my hair.

‘Food would go everywhere from my pockets to behind the couch or in my handbag.

‘I ruined so many of my favorite bags because I kept hiding all kinds of food in them.’

Sneakiness became normal – she was supposed to drink full fat soda at school to keep her energy levels up, but she would creep into the toilets to swap it for the diet version.

Her weight dropped from a slim eight and a half stone to just over five and a half – a shockingly low BMI of just 12. Healthy is between 18.5 and 24.9.

At her most ill, left, she'd do out walking at 2am, hide food 'absolutely everywhere' and lie straight to the face of her loved ones, she explained. 'But I cannot change what happened. I am lucky that I survived and I am going to fight for a better future,' Julia, right, said

At her most ill, left, she’d do out walking at 2am, hide food ‘absolutely everywhere’ and lie straight to the face of her loved ones, she explained. ‘But I cannot change what happened. I am lucky that I survived and I am going to fight for a better future,’ Julia, right, said

Doctors told her she could drop dead from heart failure at any moment and even she knew she was dying.

‘I just knew that my time was running out and that I could drop dead or simply die in my sleep any day,’ she said.

‘This is the only thing I can clearly remember from my worst time – this feeling of time running out.

‘I looked and felt like a ghost.’

In December 2014, Julia knew she wouldn’t make Christmas unless she ate and she didn’t want her parents to have to bury her.

Determined not to die, she was asked whether she wanted inpatient treatment but vowed to begin eating at home by herself. Her doctors told her that if she didn’t make progress they would section her.

Anorexia meant Julia lost out on huge chunks of her youth, missing university, isolated from friends and unable to work.

Most days were just filled with eating one yoghurt and a slice or two of cucumber.

She added: ‘It is not an exaggeration to say that anorexia has taken pretty much everything from me.

‘It has destroyed my life and it is going to take a very long time to build it up again.

‘I had plans and dreams. I wanted to go to university. I wanted to do music. I wanted to work.

‘But instead, I spent my youth isolated from the world, missing out on so many experiences that my peers were having.

‘In my worst times, I could barely take a shower on my own or brush my hair or walk up the stairs, because I was so weak.

‘Anorexia turned me into a lifeless shell and I have missed opportunities and lost friends that I will never get back.

‘What is even worse, is the pain this illness has brought to the people in my life, especially my family.

‘But I cannot change what happened. I am lucky that I survived and I am going to fight for a better future.’

Doctors told her she could drop dead from heart failure at any moment and even she knew she was dying

Julia admits that she looked and felt like a 'ghost'

Doctors told her she could drop dead from heart failure at any moment and even she knew she was dying. Julia admits that she looked and felt like a ‘ghost’ 

She still wants people to be aware that now she looks healthy, mentally she is still not quite there yet.

Julia had to learn to eat 3,000 calories a day to get her weight back up.

She now has a BMI of 16, which is still underweight, but she is no longer at risk of dropping dead.

‘Mentally I still struggle a lot,’ Julia admits.

‘The thing with anorexia recovery is your mind often takes a lot longer to heal than your body.

‘Today I can honestly not imagine that this disorder will ever completely leave my life. I feel like at least a small part of it will always stay.

‘But it is about progress, not perfection.

She now has a BMI of 16, which is still underweight, but she is no longer at risk of dropping dead

She now has a BMI of 16, which is still underweight, but she is no longer at risk of dropping dead

‘At my worst, anorexia was 100 per cent of my life. Now I would say it is 80 per cent on my good days and 90 per cent on my bad days, so still a huge part of my life.

‘But that is also at least 10 per cent of my life that I have gained back and that I can now fill with other things.

‘My goal is that maybe one day, my life will be 95 per cent mine again and that the eating disorder is only a tiny fraction of it.

‘I want to be in control of anorexia and no longer let anorexia control me.’

Julia, of Zurich, Switzerland, also credits Instagram with helping her recover, saying many people criticise it for so-called ‘pro-ana’ images, but she says talking to people online with the same issues was immensely helpful.

She said: ‘There were so many accounts of girls and women who have been very, very sick for many years, but who have decided to fight this illness and are now leading relatively happy lives.

‘That has always been such a big motivation.

‘I always knew in theory that you could recover from anorexia, but really seeing people who have done it, is amazing and I am so grateful to all of the support I get online.

‘If I can motivate only one girl to fight this illness, like all these great people have motivated me, I would be extremely happy.

‘I also think that people need to be more aware of what it really means to suffer from an eating disorder.

‘Anorexia is still often glamorised as a thing that will make you skinny and pretty.

‘That is just so far from the truth. People need to hear what these illnesses do to the sufferers and their loved ones and that anorexia is very deadly.

‘There is nothing glamorous about your body wasting away and there is nothing pretty about your parents sobbing uncontrollably because they have to watch their child die right in front of their eyes.

‘I want to show the pain that eating disorders cause, but also that there is hope that you can get better.’ 

Julia, pictured now, says that if she can motivate only one girl to fight this illness, like all these great people have motivated her, she would be extremely happy

'I also think that people need to be more aware of what it really means to suffer from an eating disorder,' she added

Julia, pictured now, says that if she can motivate only one girl to fight this illness, like all these great people have motivated her, she would be extremely happy. ‘I also think that people need to be more aware of what it really means to suffer from an eating disorder,’ she added

For more information and advice on eating disorders visit