Reddish pensioner brutally attacked during pub darts match

A pensioner’s face has been left fractured in 16 places after he suffered a savage attack at a pub darts match.

George Pike was viciously punched 13 times and then kicked while on the floor by a player at the Union Inn, Reddish Stockport.

The 69-year-old had not been playing, merely supporting the rival team, when he was set upon by Steven Clarke 54.

The ‘sickening’ attack was caught on CCTV, though Mr Pike has heeded warnings from the police not to watch it.

Mr Clarke was jailed for 15 months following the attack which happened in May last year, though Mr Pike said it is not long enough. 

George Pike was attacked at his local pub. His face was left fractured in 16 places after he received 13 punches and was kicked on the ground

The grandfather-of-seven said the incident has left him unable to ‘trust or have confidence in people.’

‘I used to be a postman and the man from the union saw the footage and told me not to watch as it’s too sickening.

‘I was talking to someone and the next thing I know I’m seeing stars. Then I was falling down in what felt like slow motion. He punched me 13 or 14 times when I was on my knees, then kicked me.

‘Personally, I don’t think the sentence is enough, he could have killed me. I don’t go out much now, I don’t play darts or bowls. I have lost my confidence and trust in people.’

Following the attack, Mr Pike had fractures to his cheek bone, jaw and nose and needed surgery.

The attacker, Steven Clarke, 54, has been jailed for 15 months, although Mr Pike says this is not long enough

The attacker, Steven Clarke, 54, has been jailed for 15 months, although Mr Pike says this is not long enough

He also lost a tooth, had heavy cuts and bruising and 18 months on still struggles to breath through his nose.

Mr Clarke was jailed at Manchester’s Minshull Street Crown Court having admitted inflicting grievous bodily harm.

It was said that there had been an earlier verbal exchange between the two men that Mr Clarke had ‘clearly escalated’.

CCTV footage shows the two men in a brawl in the back corner of the room while bystanders watch on 

CCTV footage shows the two men in a brawl in the back corner of the room while bystanders watch on 

Mr Pike is then seen on the floor with Mr Clarke standing over him and kicking his stomach. An observer has stepped in to try and break up the fight

Mr Pike is then seen on the floor with Mr Clarke standing over him and kicking his stomach. An observer has stepped in to try and break up the fight

Judge Recorder Rowena Goode told the court: ‘You went over to him and threw a punch and this was then followed very rapidly by a series of many more punches and one kick.’

Michael Knowles, defending, said that Mr Clarke accepted his responsibility for the injuries and has voluntarily been receiving therapy since the incident.

Mr Pike, who lives with his wife Vivien, 70, and has three sons and three daughters, said: ‘I don’t know what kicked it off. He (Clarke) is a bully and a coward as far as I am concerned.’