Refugee smuggled into Britain enrols at Cambridge

Rabia Nasimi, pictured, has enrolled at Cambridge University for a PhD 18 years after arriving in the UK in a refrigerated lorry after fleeing the Taliban in Afghanistan with her family

A girl who was hidden in a lorry and smuggled into the UK at Dover at the age of five has enrolled as a Cambridge University student 13 years later.

Rabia Nasimi, 23, and her family escaped the Taliban in Afghanistan after fearing they would be killed, hiding in a refrigerated lorry to get into Britain and leaving all their possessions behind.

The family of five eventually reached London and were granted asylum, with Miss Nasimi unable to speak a word of English.

She is now studying for a PhD at the sociology department at Cambridge researching Afghan identity.

Her family left her native land  in 1999 and her father Dr Nooralhaq Nasimi set up a charity, the Afghanistan and Central Asian Association, to provide education and support to fellow immigrants from the region.

Dr Nasimi, who grew up in poverty and lived through the Soviet occupation, had only returned to Afghanistan that year after spending 10 years  in Ukraine with wife Mahboba studying law and fled after liberals were kidnapped and executed by the Taliban.

Miss Nasimi said: ‘The journey to England was quite difficult, my brother was only six months old while we were on the way, and it wasn’t very common for families with young children to travel.

‘Part of the journey was through water, there were inflated makeshift boats which were only safe for two or three people, but the smugglers put 30 to 40 people in them, which was risky and very dangerous.’

She added: ‘I don’t really remember it much, but my parents have always told us about our journey story.

‘I do remember when we arrived in London and had our photos taken, and when we were greeted by police officers, who gave us sweets, that’s the sort of thing you do remember as a child!

‘I think while they were making their journey people were talking about different countries, and the UK was one that stood out for them as a country with a lot of diversity and equal opportunities, and that provides people with support when needed.

Miss Nasimi, 23, pictured graduating from a Masters' course at the London School of Economics, is studying a sociology doctorate aiming to improve the lives of fellow refugees

Miss Nasimi, 23, pictured graduating from a Masters’ course at the London School of Economics, is studying a sociology doctorate aiming to improve the lives of fellow refugees

Dr Nooralhaq Nasimi

Mahboba Nasimi

Her father Dr Nooralhaq Nasimi, left, and mother Mahboba, right, left Afghanistan in 1999 fleeing the Taliban. Dr Nasimi went on to set up the Afghanistan and Central Asian Association charity to support immigrants to the UK

‘In the model of integration adopted by the UK you can follow your own identity and religion, and also be a British citizen, and that was something a lot of the other European countries didn’t have.’

Miss Nasimi helped with English language classes at her father’s charity while developing her connection to Afghanistan, and keeping in touch with its diverse national culture.

After developing an interest in sociology at A-level she went on to study the subject at university at Goldsmith’s and then gained a Master’s degree at the London School of Economics. 

After getting to grips with the traditions and eccentricities of Cambridge, she said she is now ready to continue her research into Afghan identity at Lucy Cavendish College.

Miss Nasimi said: ‘This week is the first time I have managed to see a bit of Cambridge, and it is quite different to London.

‘The buses have only one door, and you can still pay with cash here, and the bikes are quite a big part of my first impressions as well, that’s taken some getting used to!’

She said she hopes her work in Cambridge will allow her to better understand Afghan culture, and assist her to help others back home.

When she arrived in England aged five she could not speak English but eventually became involved in her father's charity the Afghanistan and Central Asian Association, helping run English language classes

When she arrived in England aged five she could not speak English but eventually became involved in her father’s charity the Afghanistan and Central Asian Association, helping run English language classes

Miss Nasimi said: ‘Quite a lot of my work in the UK has been involved in supporting the diaspora in the UK, but I am also quite interested in researching identity in Afghanistan.

‘I have been back around 10 times now with my family, and every time I go back I feel I am learning something new about the country, and every time it is something new for me.

‘Afghanistan is a multi-ethnic and quite diverse country, and there are some tensions around ethnic identity, but I think when it’s contentious it gives you even more interest to go and research it.’

A fluent Farsi speaker, Miss Nasimi added she hopes to work with the UK Government in supporting refugees in the future.

She has also returned to Afghanistan twice this year and said the country is ‘showing signs of improvement’ since the Taliban regime. 

Miss Nasimi said: ‘I think we shouldn’t be too negative. All my previous journeys and visits showed me a completely different picture.

‘Afghanistan is continually improving and developing, but it is a slow process, and nothing is going to happen very quickly.

‘But the international support, especially from the UK, shows the international community are still aware Afghanistan need support.

Miss Nasimi, pictured at her LSE graduation, has also returned to Afghanistan twice this year and wants to improve life for people in the country

Miss Nasimi, pictured at her LSE graduation, has also returned to Afghanistan twice this year and wants to improve life for people in the country

‘People here have been very supportive. From what I have seen so far there are people that have come from all over the world, so it’s really nice to come and sit with people from different backgrounds and experiences.’ 

Based in London, her father’s charity has received government funding to run two Citizens’ Advice Bureaus in Kabul and Baghlan provinces.

Miss Nasimi said: ‘As a refugee myself, supporting refugees in the UK and supporting Afghans in Afghanistan is a great accomplishment for my family and I, and I couldn’t be more proud.

‘In the UK we aim to be a leader in the support, development and integration of immigrant communities, including newly-arrived refugees.

‘We run various free services such as English language classes, women support groups and legal advice.

‘In Afghanistan, we favour a grassroots, localised approach to tackling poverty and promoting human rights.’