Reker Ahmed: 3 yobs face jail for nearly killing student

Three thugs are facing jail after they almost killed a Kurdish-Iranian asylum seeker waiting for a bus as they shouted: ‘Go back to your own country.’

Reker Ahmed, 17, was left fighting for his life with a brain haemorrhage after being attacked near The Goat Pub in Croydon, south London.

A 12-strong gang piled out of the pub shortly before midnight and surrounded the Kurdish-Iranian in a ‘disgraceful episode of violence and thuggery.’

Mr Ahmed was punched and kicked in the ‘savage’ attack, leaving him with a bleed on the brain, a broken spine, and facial fractures.

Reker Ahmed, 17, (pictured) was left fighting for his life with a brain haemorrhage after being attacked in Croydon 

George Walder

Lliam Neylon

George Walder, 23, and Lliam Neylon, 19, (pictured) were convicted of two counts of violent disorder

Killick (pictured) was cleared of the more serious charge of causing Mr Ahmed grievous bodily harm with intent but was convicted of two counts of violent disorder

Killick (pictured) was cleared of the more serious charge of causing Mr Ahmed grievous bodily harm with intent but was convicted of two counts of violent disorder

On Thursday, three men were convicted of charges relating to the assault at Croydon Crown Court. Three of the gang were acquitted.

George Walder, 23, Lliam Neylon, 19, and Kurt Killick, 18, were each convicted of two counts of violent disorder.

Killick was cleared of the more serious charge of causing Mr Ahmed grievous bodily harm with intent.

Daryl Davis, 21, sister Danyelle Davis, 24, and Kyran Evans 23, were acquitted of the violent disorder charges. 

Danyelle Davis wept in the dock as the verdicts were given. Her brother put his arm around her as he was also cleared.

Mr Ahmed and two friends were told ‘go back to your country’ by one of the gang as they waited for a bus to take them into Kingston on a night out.

Walder admitted in court he threw the first punch following a short confrontation, striking a friend of Mr Ahmed’s, Hamo Mustafa, 21.

Several others then ran out of The Goat Pub and join in the attack, encircling Mr Ahmed as he goes down.

Mr Ahmed managed to escape the initial assault, but the mob chased after him, launching into a second attack.

Mr Mustafa fled to a nearby garden where he dialled 999 as Mr Reker shouted for help.

Daryl Davis

Danyelle Davis

Daryl Davis, 21, (left) and his sister Danyelle Davis, 24, (right) were acquitted of the violent disorder charges

Kyran Evans 23, (pictured) was also   acquitted of the violent disorder charges at Croydon Crown Court 

Kyran Evans 23, (pictured) was also acquitted of the violent disorder charges at Croydon Crown Court 

He told the court how he heard a female passer-by scream at the attackers ‘stop it, you’re killing him’ as they continued to beat him.

With Mr Reker on the floor, Killick is alleged to have stamped on his head, causing serious internal injuries.

The attackers ran off at the sound of police sirens, with locals rushing to help the stricken teenager.

Prosecutor Jonanthan Polnay said: ‘Mr Ahmed has no recollection of what happened.

‘He received serious injuries from the attack. They include a bleed on the brain, complex facial fractures, a frontal bone fracture, a small fracture of his spine, and lacerations, bruising and swelling of the soft tissues of the face and skull.

‘It must have been eight against one. This was no fight. It was a brutal, unjustified, and unjustifiable assault.

‘Pack mentality took hold – and it turned into a mob beating.’ 

Walder, Neylor and Killick will be sentenced along with semi-professional footballer James Neves. The 23-year-old, of Beckenham, earlier admitted violent disorder.