Relatives of Enniskillen bombing victims unveil memorial

Relatives of the Enniskillen bombing victims murdered by the IRA in its cowardly Poppy Day outrage 30 years ago have vowed to continue their fight for justice as they unveiled a new memorial. 

The terrorist bomb went off without warning ahead of a Remembrance Sunday service on November 8 1987, killing 10 civilians and a police officer and injuring 63 more, including children.

A 12th victim died in December 2000 after spending 13 years in a coma due to injuries sustained in the attack.

Relatives of the Enniskillen bombing victims – including Stephen Gault, whose father Samuel died in the blast – laid wreaths at a new memorial at the site of the outrage and held a two minute silence. Also seen in this photo is Northern Ireland Secretary James Brokenshire(left)

The terrorist bomb went off without warning ahead of a Remembrance Sunday service on November 8 1987, killing 10 civilians and a police officer. Mr Gault was visibly emotional during the memorial service

Mr Gault attending the service

The terrorist bomb went off without warning ahead of a Remembrance Sunday service on November 8 1987, killing 10 civilians and a police officer. Mr Gault was visibly emotional during the memorial service 

 The Queen did not attend the ceremony, but sent a message praising the memorial as a poignant tribute to the dead

 The Queen did not attend the ceremony, but sent a message praising the memorial as a poignant tribute to the dead

Relatives of the victims laid wreaths at the new marble memorial at the site of the bombing and held a two minute silence during a service attended by DUP leader Arlene Foster.

The Queen did not attend the service, but sent a message praising the memorial as a poignant tribute to the dead.  

The Poppy Day bomb, one of the darkest days of the Troubles, ripped through the Co Fermanagh town while locals were attending a ceremony at the war memorial.

The device was planted in a building close to the memorial and when it detonated the walls collapsed on top of those who had gathered to pay respect. 

The actions of the bombers stood in stark contrast to the response of bereaved father Gordon Wilson. 

He made headlines around the world with his words of forgiveness for those who killed his daughter Marie, a 19-year-old student nurse.

The Poppy Day bomb, one of the darkest days of the Troubles, ripped through the Co Fermanagh town while locals were attending a ceremony at the war memorial. Pictured: A vicar speaks in front of the new monument to the atrocity 

The Poppy Day bomb, one of the darkest days of the Troubles, ripped through the Co Fermanagh town while locals were attending a ceremony at the war memorial. Pictured: A vicar speaks in front of the new monument to the atrocity 

The device was planted in a building close to the memorial and when it detonated the walls collapsed on top of those who had gathered to pay respect 

The device was planted in a building close to the memorial and when it detonated the walls collapsed on top of those who had gathered to pay respect 

Another innocent victim of the Troubles was killed the following day when loyalist paramilitaries sought to retaliate by shooting a Catholic in west Belfast. 

Due to mistaken identity, they killed a Protestant student, Adam Lambert.

No one has ever been held to account for the Enniskillen bombing.

Joan Anderson, whose parents William and Agnes Mullan were killed in the attack, said: ‘You have to learn to live with it or else you’re another victim and I refuse to be another victim.

A woman wearing a poppy headscarf appears emotional during the unveiling of the new memorial 

A woman wearing a poppy headscarf appears emotional during the unveiling of the new memorial 

‘You heal to a point but it’s inside you and it never leaves. Every day of my life I miss my parents.

‘I can say that after 30 years, you finally get to the point where you can accept that it happened but you do not forget and I am still angry about it.

‘I’m angry that right across Northern Ireland, good people have been killed and we have been forgotten about.’

Aileen Quinton, whose mother Alberta was killed, said: ‘It’s so hard to believe that it’s been 30 years. 

‘There’s just an unreality about it. At the time, it just felt too awful to be true and in many ways it still is. I’m no more used to it. It’s still awful and it still matters.’

Stella Robinson, whose mother and father Wesley and Bertha Armstrong died, said: ‘I think people born after the Troubles or after 1996 (the year of the IRA ceasefire), are not educated enough about what happened.

‘I think they just want people to move on and they don’t want to be reminded.

‘But I just don’t want this to be forgotten about. They were taken from us and I want people to know.

‘I was very close to both my parents and they meant the world to me. I really miss them and I was robbed of 30 years of their life with me.’

Pictured 30 years later: Sisters relive horrors of the IRA attack

Two young sisters caught up in a bomb blast 30 years ago are calling for expert psychological aftercare for teenage survivors of the Manchester pop concert tragedy.

Shirley and Julie Bridge were pictured fleeing the IRA aged 13 and 14 in Enniskillen, Ulster, and said they suffered from a lack of counselling. 

To Shirley's (circled centre) left is Julie (circled right), her hands dripping with blood, while on Shirley's right, father David Stuart scooped up his toddler son and daughter under each arm

To Shirley’s (circled centre) left is Julie (circled right), her hands dripping with blood, while on Shirley’s right, father David Stuart scooped up his toddler son and daughter under each arm

They still bear the emotional scars and feel it would have been much easier to cope had they been offered proper mental support.

The iconic picture showed 13 year-old Shirley, her mouth wide open in horror, clinging to schoolboy and next door neighbour Andrew Bracken’s cream coloured anorak, his poppy still in place despite the carnage.

To Shirley’s left is Julie, her hands dripping with blood, while on Shirley’s right, father David Stuart scooped up his toddler son and daughter, one under each arm.

Shirley, known known by her married name, Robinson, said from her home in New Zealand: ‘There was no forum for any of us children involved. 

‘We’d thought at one time that we were filling in questionnaires about how we felt after the bomb, however it was merely for someone’s research rather than actually trying to help us.’     

Shirley Robinson recalls there was no counselling of any note following the blast

Julie O'Donnell stands at the site of the bombing in Enniskillen

Pictured today: Shirley Robinson, left, recalls there was no counselling of any note following the blast. On the right, Julie O’Donnell stands at the site of the bombing

During a recent visit to Belfast, former US president Bill Clinton revealed that the Clinton Centre, a peace-building facility named in his honour and built on the site of the bombing, will receive a major investment towards its activities commemorating those who died.

Ten people were arrested in connection with the bombing but no charges were ever brought.

Detective Superintendent Ian Harrison, from the Police Service of Northern Ireland’s Legacy Investigation Branch, said: ‘The Police Service of Northern Ireland remains committed to pursuing investigative options should they develop in the future.’