Remainer universities: Anti-Brexit bias laid bare

The extent of anti-Brexit bias at some of Britain’s best known universities was laid bare last night amid a furious row.

A Tory MP was castigated this week and accused of ‘McCarthyism’ for asking universities what they are teaching about the UK’s departure from the EU.

But yesterday the Daily Mail uncovered a string of examples of senior figures at universities explicitly speaking out in favour of Remain.

Before the vote, a raft of senior academics spoke publicly to urge their students to back staying in the EU.

Last night, one student campaigner revealed a professor had stormed up to him at a Vote Leave stall in Durham – and compared Brexit supporters to the Nazis.


Tory MP Paul Scully said his daughter was handed pro-Remain book on her university course 

Sutton and Cheam MP Paul Scully spoke up for his colleague, revealing on Twitter his daughter had been handed anti-Brexit literature by a professor

Sutton and Cheam MP Paul Scully spoke up for his colleague, revealing on Twitter his daughter had been handed anti-Brexit literature by a professor

Since last year’s referendum, lecturers have been caught doling out pro-EU pamphlets and inviting students to meetings held by the pro-single market group Open Britain.

The Mail also found the master of a Cambridge college used a graduation event this year to rail against Brexit.

One pro-Leave student yesterday said the extent of the bias had left him feeling ‘intimidated’ and afraid to speak his mind. In other developments last night:

  • A second Tory MP went public on the issue, revealing on Twitter that his daughter had been handed anti-Brexit literature by a university professor;
  • Leave supporters noted that opinion polls had showed more than eight in ten academics voted Remain;
  • Figures showed UK universities are the largest beneficiary of EU research funds to higher education institutions, receiving more than £1billion a year – £400million to the elite Russell Group of 24 alone;
  • Universities minister Jo Johnson explained that the MP at the centre of the row, Chris Heaton-Harris, had simply been pursuing an ‘academic inquiry’.

In a letter, Conservative whip Mr Heaton-Harris had asked institutions for the names of professors lecturing on Brexit and details of their courses. Universities described the letter as ‘McCarthyite’, while Chris Patten, the former Conservative Party chairman accused the MP of ‘idiotic Leninism’.

But last night Tory MPs said revelations of anti-Brexit bias showed that Mr Heaton-Harris was well within his rights to ask what is happening in higher education.

Andrew Rosindell said universities must ‘present a factual account of Brexit’.

Tom Harwood, from the student wing of the Vote Leave campaign at Durham University, yesterday said: ‘There is a worrying “groupthink” atmosphere hanging over our universities. Too many young people who voted to leave the EU feel intimidated or afraid to speak up because of this heavy atmosphere of institutional bias.

The letter, which has been widely circulated online, asks for the name of who is teaching Brexit and links to the syllabus and online lectures relating to the topic

The letter, which has been widely circulated online, asks for the name of who is teaching Brexit and links to the syllabus and online lectures relating to the topic

‘A professor got quite aggressive towards us when we were running a street stall in the run-up to the vote. He said we were “doing the same thing the Nazis did”. We complained and subsequently received a letter of apology from him.’ Durham University did not provide a comment last night.

Before the referendum, a number of senior academics encouraged students to vote Remain. Sir Steve Smith, vice chancellor at Exeter University, wrote an email to undergraduates encouraging them to recognise the ‘benefits’ of ‘membership of the EU’.

Eight in ten academics voted for Remain

More than eight in ten academics voted to Remain in the EU, polls showed.

The vast majority thought Brexit would have a negative impact on higher education in the UK, according to a YouGov survey commissioned by the University and College Union.

In the survey of 1,064 professors, published in January, just 8 per cent voted to leave the EU. It mirrored polls ahead of the referendum that suggested nine in ten supported the Remain campaign.

In March the Adam Smith Institute think-tank warned ‘groupthink mentality is rife within academia’, after 75 per cent of lecturers said they were ‘Left-wing’. Its report said: ‘Social settings characterised by too little diversity of viewpoints are liable to become afflicted by groupthink … key assumptions go unquestioned, dissenting opinions are neutralised, and favoured beliefs are held as sacrosanct.’

The authors said ‘ideological homogeneity’ in academia can lead to ‘systematic biases in scholarship, curtailments of free speech on university campuses’.

Some 44 per cent in the January poll said they knew academics who had lost research funding since the vote. More than four in ten said they were more likely to consider moving abroad.

John Curtice, politics professor at Strathclyde University, said the poll results ‘epitomise the relatively socially liberal climate in most universities’ and that in this case ‘culture and self-interest move in the same direction’.

Now it has emerged that pro-Remain bias has continued even after the vote. A lecturer at a Bristol university was recently called out by Conservative Paul Scully for handing out a poster advertising a pro-EU march to the MP’s daughter. In a separate incident, a Gloucester University lecturer advertised a ‘Unite for Europe national march to Parliament’ to ‘stop Brexit’ on her office door.

Durham students received emails from a lecturer in French, Dr Will McKenzie, highlighting the pro-EU group Open Britain, which wants to keep Britain’s membership of the single market. In December last year, he announced the first Durham Open Britain ‘community meeting’, urging students and staff to get involved.

He added: ‘The organisation might offer wider platforms to help staff members and departments relay the university’s explicit post-Brexit statement, namely, “We flourish because we are an inclusive and outward-looking community”.’ A month later Dr McKenzie invited students to an Open Britain stall in Newcastle as part of a national day of action.

He described Open Britain as ‘a group campaigning for the closest possible UK-EU relationship despite last year’s disappointing referendum result’.

It also emerged the master of a Cambridge college used a graduation dinner in June to warn students Brexit would cause uncertainty. Professor Geoffrey Grimmett was accused of ruining the ‘special moment’.

One of those present said: ‘For students at the end of their degree courses it is supposed to be a special moment … But he basically used the dinner to push his own political views and bash Brexit.’

Last night Professor Grimmett said: ‘In my speech I reflected on the immediate impact of the Brexit vote on Cambridge, namely uncertainty.’

Mr Heaton-Harris did not respond to requests for comments yesterday. But he received support from Tory MPs, including Andrew Bridgen who said: ‘I’m sure Chris Heaton-Harris wouldn’t have got this explosive and very defensive response if he’d enquired about the syllabus on advanced pure mathematics.’

Mr Rosindell said: ‘Universities must show they are unbiased and present a factual account of Brexit, not Remoaning drivel.’ Jacob Rees-Mogg said: ‘It is not unreasonable to ask questions of public bodies.’ 

In their own very telling words, how academics in our respected seats of learning have tried to influence students’ views both before and after the referendum

University of Exeter Vice Chancellor Sir Steve Smith (pictured)

University of Exeter Vice Chancellor Sir Steve Smith (pictured)


University of Exeter

A string of staff used their positions to push students towards Remain before the referendum.

Vice Chancellor Sir Steve Smith wrote an email to all undergraduates encouraging them to see the ‘benefits’ EU membership offers.

Melissa Percival, a languages professor at the same university, added her voice to tell students Brexit would ‘threaten the future of British students abroad’.

Professor Percival later told reporters: ‘People need to know this stuff. The Erasmus programme greatly facilitates modern linguists… and we will lose access if Britain leaves the EU.’ Another languages professor Emma Cayley also forwarded an email to students from the Students4Europe campaign requesting that they join the group, but refused to send a similar email for the University’s Leave Group.

University of Wolverhampton

Vice Chancellor Geoff Layer emailed students warning of the costs of leaving the EU. He said: ‘The university has made a stand in the EU referendum… we believe it is better for all of us to remain. The EU has been very supportive of the university.

‘In this century we have received nearly £70million of project and initiative funding from Europe.’ Conservative MP Bill Cash said: ‘The university is wrong to force propaganda down the throats of its students.’

University of Warwick

Sean Hand, the head of the School of Modern Languages, used the faculty’s mailing list to send a pro-EU letter signed by academics to undergraduates, urging them to vote with the ‘free mobility of students and staff’ in mind.

He said: ‘As languages students, this vote is clearly crucial to key funding issues concerning university research, free mobility of students and staff, and your own employability and career aspirations as internationally-skilled students.

‘The school of modern languages and cultures has a core set of values that includes communicating and working across national and linguistic boundaries.’

University of Wolverhampton Vice Chancellor Geoff Layer

Sean Hand, the head of the School of Modern Languages at University of Warwick

University of Wolverhampton Vice Chancellor Geoff Layer (left) and Sean Hand, the head of the School of Modern Languages at University of Warwick (right)

University of Plymouth

Students campaigning for Vote Leave were banned from holding events on campus because they were not ‘fair and unbiased’.

The university later allowed an event called ‘Another Europe is Possible’, involving only three pro-EU speakers.

Durham University

A student claimed he had been compared to the Nazis for running a pro-Leave stall in the city centre. Tom Harwood said: ‘A professor got quite aggressive towards us when we were running a street stall in the run-up to the vote. He said we were “doing the same thing the Nazis did”.

Their £1billion a year from the EU 

British universities are the largest beneficiary of EU research funds to higher education institutions.

Figures released before the referendum showed they received a total of £1.2billion each year.

The elite Russell Group of 24 universities alone receives around £400million – making up 11 per cent of their research income. A report by the Royal Society and others found archaeology is most dependent on Brussels, receiving 38 per cent of its funding from EU government bodies. This is followed by classics with 33 per cent and IT on 30 per cent.

Oxford University receives the most EU funds – £60.3million – followed by Cambridge which receives £59.5million and UCL on £45.7million.


We complained and received a letter of apology from him.’ The university had last night not responded to calls for a comment.


University of Bristol 

Paul Scully, MP for Sutton and Cheam, tweeted an image of a flyer for a ‘100 per cent Remain’ rally to ‘stop Brexit’ in Bristol, which had been given to his daughter. He added the message: ‘This is what a lecturer was handing out to my daughter who spends £9k pa for him to be teaching engineering, not politics.’ The MP said later: ‘He conducts lectures on engineering and talks Brexit during that time.’

University of Gloucestershire

Dr Abigail Gardner, from the Media School, replied to the furore about Mr Scully’s tweet by replying with a picture of her office door, advertising a ‘Unite for Europe national march to Parliament’ to ‘Stop Brexit’ flyer. Addressing the MP she added the message: ‘My students have to go through my door. Want me to redecorate that too?’ A poster of the EU flag is also visible in the picture.

Dr Gardner and the university were contacted for comment but, last night, had not responded.

University of York

On a page entitled ‘EU advice’, published in the aftermath of the Brexit result, the university said: ‘We are proud that York voted to remain in the EU.

‘We are proud that that vote demonstrates a spirit of generosity and openness that our students experience on a daily basis.

Paul Scully, MP for Sutton and Cheam, tweeted an image of a flyer for a ‘100 per cent Remain’ rally to ‘stop Brexit’ in Bristol

Dr Abigail Gardner, from the Media School, replied to the furore about Mr Scully’s tweet by replying with a picture of her office door, advertising a ‘Unite for Europe national march to Parliament’ to ‘Stop Brexit’ flyer.

Paul Scully, MP for Sutton and Cheam (left) caused a storm with his tweet. Dr Abigail Gardner (right) replied with a picture of her office door, advertising a ‘Unite for Europe’ march

‘York is a city that has benefited from migration for hundreds of years.’ The page also offers counselling for those worried about the EU result saying: ‘We appreciate that the outcome of the referendum has created a period of uncertainty which is concerning.’

Durham University

University of Cambridge Professor Geoffrey Grimmett

University of Cambridge Professor Geoffrey Grimmett

Students received emails from a lecturer in French, Dr Will McKenzie, highlighting the pro-EU group Open Britain. In December last year, he wrote he was pleased to announce the first Durham Open Britain ‘community meeting’.

‘This meeting will offer a university students and staff members to get involved with activities run by Open Britain,’ he said.

A month later Dr McKenzie invited students to an Open Britain campaign stall in Newcastle as part of a national day of action

University of Cambridge

A college master used a graduation dinner to warn students about Brexit. Professor Geoffrey Grimmett, an expert in statistics, had previously used the university email system to encourage students to sign a petition demanding a second referendum.

One of those present at the graduation dinner in June this year said: ‘Instead of using the speech to congratulate those graduating, he spent a significant amount of the time railing against Brexit.’ Professor Grimmett said: ‘I reflected on the immediate impact of the Brexit vote on Cambridge, namely uncertainty.’