Removal men carry boxes from Lily Allen’s flat

Lily Allen can finally move back into her £2million luxury flat after removal men turned up to take boxes from the property belonging to the Italian diplomats she said were refusing to move out.

The singer moaned that she and her two children would be left homeless at Christmas because her tenants couldn’t find anywhere else to go.

But this morning tenant Maria Bilotta, 38, and her husband Luca told of their anger at being dragged into the dispute – as removal men carted all their possessions out of the property in Notting Hill, west London, and into two waiting vans.

Mr Bilotta said: ‘We’re not public figures. No one has any right putting us in the spotlight like that. We’re foreigners. We don’t want people knowing where we are.’

Lily Allen can finally move back into her £2m luxury flat after removal men turned up to take boxes from the property belonging to the Italian diplomats she said were refusing to move out

Moving: Removal men cart possessions out of the property in Notting Hill, west London, today

Moving: Removal men cart possessions out of the property in Notting Hill, west London, today

Maria Bilotta, 38, and husband Luca (pictured today) have told of her anger at being dragged into the dispute with the millionaire singer

Maria Bilotta, 38, and husband Luca (pictured today) have told of her anger at being dragged into the dispute with the millionaire singer

Lily Allen's tenant has said she was 'really astonished' by the millionaire singer's claim she and her three children were refusing to move out of her London flat

Lily Allen’s tenant has said she was ‘really astonished’ by the millionaire singer’s claim she and her three children were refusing to move out of her London flat

Three removal men helped the couple, who also have children, take their stuff from the Notting Hill property this morning.

Miss Allen, who cried on camera in the Calais jungle saying she’d ‘100 per cent’ put up a refugee, took to Twitter to complain how she was unable to move back into her home because her Italian tenants were claiming ‘diplomatic immunity.’

But Mrs Bilotta hit back and said they were ‘very sorry ‘ that the singer is their landlord.

The mother-of three, a photographer, said that she had already agreed to move out and had simply asked to stay for two extra days.

She told MailOnline: ‘I’m very sorry I had her as a landlord because all this has happened. We are leaving.’ 

Miss Allen moaned about how she couldn't get back in her Notting Hill home (pictured)

Miss Allen moaned about how she couldn’t get back in her Notting Hill home (pictured)

Removal men were pictured today outside the luxury Notting Hill property

Removal men were pictured today outside the luxury Notting Hill property

In the now-deleted message that started the furore, socialist Miss Allen wrote: ‘Meant to be moving back into my flat this week, but my tenants just dropped that they can’t find anywhere to go up to their standards.

‘Then they said they’re diplomats and have diplomatic immunity and there’s nothing I can do about it. So, who fancies a family of three for Xmas?’

Responding to that Mrs Bilotta said: ‘I’m really astonished. I don’t know why she did this. We are diplomats. But I don’t want to make trouble to our embassy. This is so stupid. I can’t believe this.’

Asked if she had anything more to add, she said: ‘No because I would never sink so low.’ 

Her husband, who arrived home on a scooter with Italian diplomatic plates, said: ‘We were moving out anyway.

‘This is exposing ordinary people to the magnitude of six million people. Things are not supposed to work like that. I am not a public figure. It’s not on.’ 

Miss Allen, 32, bought the two-bedroom flat near Queen’s Park station for £900,000 in 2008. It has an estimated rental value of up to £2,250 per month.

The year before her purchase she appeared on the BBC political show This Week, where she talked about money being a ‘massive issue’ and claimed she could not afford to buy a home in London. ‘I’ve been doing what I do for a few years now, and I’ve been paid pretty well?…?but even I’m not in a position to buy a one-bedroom flat in the city I grew up in,’ she said. 

Her plea comes after the mother-of-two – the daughter of actor Keith Allen and sister to Game of Thones star Alfie Allen – sold her £4.2million Cotswolds mansion last year after she was hit by a hefty tax bill. 

The millionaire singer later hit back on social media to those who accused her of hypocrisy, insisting she had ‘no shame’. 

Mrs Bilotta, who is Italian, said: ‘I’m astonished. I don’t know why she did this. We are diplomats’

Maria's husband was pictured outside the house today following the spat with Lily Allen

Maria's husband was pictured outside the house today following the spat with Lily Allen

Her husband Luca Bilotta was pictured outside the house today following the spat with Lily Allen

Miss Allen hit back at criticism levelled at her on Twitter by insisting she has 'no shame' 

Miss Allen hit back at criticism levelled at her on Twitter by insisting she has ‘no shame’ 

Her tweet resulted in a flurry of angry responses from her followers, with one branding her a ‘champagne socialist’ and others starting a ‘prayforLily’ hashtag.

One wrote: ‘Just sing outside their front door, that’ll get them shifted in under an hour.’ 

Twitter user Paul Watson commented: ‘Why do you have paying tenants in your flat, Lily, when you could be housing Syrian refugees?’ 

Eleanor Black wrote: ‘Welcome to the real world. One major difference, you’ve plenty money – go buy another house.’ 

And in a sarcastic reference to the Live Aid fundraising concert, one commenter said: ‘Bit of a crazy request, but has anyone got Bob Geldof’s number?

‘I think we need to organise a concert to buy Lily Allen a £4million property this Christmas. She’s homeless and in need.   

The millionaire singer took to Twitter yesterday to complain that she is unable to move back into the property because her tenants are claiming 'diplomatic immunity'

The millionaire singer took to Twitter yesterday to complain that she is unable to move back into the property because her tenants are claiming ‘diplomatic immunity’

The tweet sparked fury with the 32-year-old branded a 'champagne socialist' by her followers

The tweet sparked fury with the 32-year-old branded a ‘champagne socialist’ by her followers

Last year the 32-year-old came under fire when she apologised to Calais migrants on Britain’s behalf – before insisting she would ‘100 per cent’ take in a refugee herself.

She became emotional while meeting with a 13-year-old boy from Afghanistan who had risked his life trying to board UK-bound lorries.

The teenager, who said his father lives in Birmingham, has been camped at the Jungle on the edge of the northern French port city for two months. 

The clip was aired on the BBC’s Victoria Derbyshire show and prompted some viewers to claim her ‘crocodile tears’ and apology were ‘ridiculous’. 

The singer, who will be spending Christmas with her daughters Marnie and Ethel, was educated at fee-paying schools including Hill House in Knightsbridge, which counts Prince Charles among its alumni

The singer, who will be spending Christmas with her daughters Marnie and Ethel, was educated at fee-paying schools including Hill House in Knightsbridge, which counts Prince Charles among its alumni

The singer, who will be spending Christmas with her daughters Marnie and Ethel, was educated at fee-paying schools including Hill House in Knightsbridge, which counts Prince Charles among its alumni 

Asked by the presenter if she would take in an unaccompanied child, she replied: ‘100 per cent. Who wouldn’t?’

She added: ‘These children are being displaced – [if] there’s room for people in my house, I’m going to take them in. I think anyone would.’ 

Critics also accused the star of trying to boost her flagging career, and a former British commander who served in Afghanistan said: ‘She clearly does not have any understanding of the situation’.

Miss Allen later hit back by insisting she was only saying sorry to a ‘helpless child for the part this country has played in contributing to his dire situation’.

The singer, who will be spending Christmas with her daughters Marnie and Ethel, was educated at fee paying schools including Hill house, which counts Prince Charles among its alumni, and Millfield. 

She married builder Sam Cooper, the father of her children, in 2011 but they went their separate ways in 2015. 

She has since been linked to grime DJ Daniel London, with the couple being pictured around London and on holiday in Ibiza together.

Under the Diplomatic Privileges Act 1964, diplomats are entitled to immunity from the civil and administrative jurisdiction of the British courts, except in certain circumstances.

David Fleming of property legal specialists William Heath & Co, has previously explained how he would always advise a client to be ‘very wary’ of letting a property to a diplomat. 

A spokesman for the Italian Embassy said: ‘It is not something we want to comment on.’