Republican Jason Spencer screams n-word on new show Who Is America?

A Republican lawmaker who is currently serving in the Georgia House of Representatives got semi-nude, shouted racial slurs and expressed anti-gay, anti-Muslim and anti-Asian sentiments on the latest episode of Who Is America?

Representative Jason Spencer, 43, was tricked into appearing on Sacha Baron Cohen’s Showtime program, believing he was being taught self-defense to fight off terrorists. 

Instead, the physician’s assistant from the town of Woodbine was seen on the show shouting the n-word multiple times, calling Muslims ‘sand n*****s’ and ‘rapists,’ imitating a Chinese tourist by speaking nonsense, and trying to ward off a potential terrorist by ripping down his pants and threatening them with his bare buttocks.

Spencer is now being asked to step down by members of both parties, including Georgia House Speaker David Ralston, but has said he refuses to vacate his post.

He also released a statement that said in part: ‘Sacha Baron Cohen and his associates took advantage of my paralyzing fear that my family would be attacked.’ 

Guns blazing: Jason Spencer, a Republican member of the Georgia House of Representatives, was taught techniques to combat terrorists on Who Is America? (Spencer above trying to fight off Cohen as an ISIS member by threatening to rub his butt on him and make him appear gay)

Flashdance: In one segment, he stripped off his pats and boxers to ward off a potential ISIS member with gay panic by threatening to rub his bare buttocks on the man (above)

Flashdance: In one segment, he stripped off his pats and boxers to ward off a potential ISIS member with gay panic by threatening to rub his bare buttocks on the man (above)

Spencer bites a dummy's penis

The faux penis was meat

Snap into it: At the end of the episode he simulates cutting off a dummy’s penis, then produces a piece of cured meat he bites into (left) and starts to chew (right)

In this episode, Cohen was playing the character of Captain Erran Morad, an anti-terrorism expert. 

He introduces himself by stating: ‘I was in the Mossad, I mean not in the Mossad for 13 years. I am here to teach you krav maga.’

Spencer then introduces himself, at which point the show reveals that last August the Republican lawmaker had told a former member of the Georgia House of Representatives that she would be killed and thrown in a swamp if she supported the removal of Confederate statues.

LaDawn Jones, a black attorney who is no longer a member of the Georgia House, expressed her shock when Spencer responded to her objections over a Jefferson Davis statue by writing: ‘Continue your quixotic journey into South Georgia and it will not be pleasant. The truth. Not a warning. Those folks won’t put up with it like they do in Atlanta. It best you move on.’

He did not stop there either, going on to state: ‘I can guarantee you won’t be met with torches but something a lot more definitive. People of South Georgia are people of action, not drama.  

Things then went a step further in the next post, with Spencer writing of people like Jones who are against these statues: ‘They will go missing in the Okefenokee [swamp]. Too many necks they are red around here. Don’t say I didn’t warn you about ’em.’

Spencer was also in the news for introducing a bill that would make it illegal for people to conceal their faces in public.

He tells Cohen that he does not call it a ‘burka ban’ and rather an ‘anti-masking statute’ because ‘to win in the legal system you cannot be against the First Amendment.’ 

He then added: ‘See this is how the Muslims in the country are using the First Amendment for them. You got to fight fire with fire.’

Spencer threatens lawmaker

Spencer goes after black woman

Headline grabber: He was in the news last year after telling a black woman, who was previously a member of the House, she might go missing for protesting Confederate statues (above)

Message: 'All you sand n****** over the Middle East, we are tired of you coming to America and we are tired of you threatening us,' states Spencer (above waving a knife while addressing terrorists)

Message: ‘All you sand n****** over the Middle East, we are tired of you coming to America and we are tired of you threatening us,’ states Spencer (above waving a knife while addressing terrorists)

Putting in mouth

Cut and chew: ‘You understand, we will cut off your dick and we will shove it in your mouth, chew it off, put it in your mouth,’ he tells the camera (cutting off the dummy’s fake penis on left, putting the fake penis in the dummy’s mouth right)

The men then work on techniques, with each practice becoming more and more absurd and offensive. 

When Cohen urges Spencer to try and attract attention by screaming out the n-word, the politician yells out the racial slur a slew of times before Cohen stops him and says he meant ‘noony.’

Cohen then adds that the word Spencer was screaming is ‘disgusting.’

‘ISIS is scared of being seen as homo,’ says Cohen, who teaches Spencer ‘how to use his bottom’ to scare off terrorists.

Spencer willingly takes down his pants and runs backwards to ram his buttocks into Cohen’s groin while yelling ‘Murica’ on the first attempt shown on the show, with the editing of the episode making it unclear how long each segment lasted and what parts made it to air.

Cohen then tells Spencer that in the Mosad they say: ‘If you want to win, you have to show some skin.’

That is when the lawmaker takes down his boxer briefs, which he once again seems to do with no real issue or concern, and again starts to back up his buttocks to Cohen’s groin.

Cohen meanwhile has his pants unzipped the entire time they are simulating this ‘intimidation technique.’

A semi-naked Spencer yells: ‘I will touch you. I will touch you with my buttocks. USA’

This practice, meant to simulate a gay panic that would fend off terrorists, ends with Spencer doing a fourth pass in which he screams: ‘I will touch you. I will make you a homosexual. USA!’ 

Family: Spencer and his wife Meloney with their children and Ted Cruz in 2016 during the primary (above)

Family: Spencer and his wife Meloney with their children and Ted Cruz in 2016 during the primary (above)

Spencer is then off the show, but returns in the end of the episode in a special message he filmed for terrorists.

‘All you sand n****** over the Middle East, we are tired of you coming to America and we are tired of you threatening us. We will cut off your dick,’ states Spencer, who then simulates cutting off a dummy’s penis with the knife he is waving around while producing a piece of cured meat in his hand.

‘You understand, we will cut off your dick and we will shove it in your mouth, chew it off, put it in your mouth.’

While delivering that line, Spencer bits off the top of the meat and then shoves the rest into the dummy’s mouth. 

‘How are you going to rape little children and women without a dick?’   

While he may not be stepping down, Spencer is not long for his seat, having lost in the recent primary election. 

Dick Cheney, Trent Lott, David Petraeus, Alberto Gonzales and Sarah Palin are among the other big names who have been duped by Cohen for the new series.

Palin, the former governor of Alaska, confirmed that she was tricked into flying to Washington DC for an interview with Cohen, writing a detailed post about her experience on Facebook.

It has also been suggested by Cohen himself that President Trump will be the focus of his new show, which airs new episodes on Sunday night.


‘The makers of this film fraudulently induced me in participating in bogus self-defense and anti-terrorism training after they learned of the legislation I introduced in November 2016 that provoked death threats against me and my family. They took advantage of my fears that I would be attacked by someone inspired by the vile rhetoric used against me. 

‘I was told the video was intended to be an educational aid to train elected officials who may be targeted by terrorists. Threats to public officials are real as we have seen with the assassination attempt upon Congressman Steve Scalise’s life, which occurred one month prior to my contact with the film’s makers.

‘They exploited my state of mind for profit and notoriety. This media company’s deceptive and fraudulent behavior is exactly why President Donald Trump was elected. 

‘Furthermore, there are sensitive parts of this training that took place under a kidnapping scenario where I was repeatedly asked to shout provocative language which I requested be removed, but I was not afforded that opportunity to have final approval over footage used that was initially extended to me by the film makers.

‘It is clear the makers of this film intended to deceive me in an attempt to undermine the American conservative political movement; therefore, I have sought legal counsel to challenge this illegal and unethical behavior and plan on taking action if and when any of this fraudulently obtained footage of me is used by these Hollywood liberals to line their own pockets.’