Rescuers slam man who left a young woman after she slipped off a cliff because he was late for work

A man has been slammed after he shockingly left a 23-year-old woman alone after she slipped off a mountain ledge during their first date in a national park. 

‘He was such a bad date she literally jumped off a cliff,’ one man theorised after the Friday morning ‘romantic’ hike at Glass House Mountains, north of Brisbane, ended in disaster.  

Sarah slipped and fell off a mountain peak shortly before her date left her stranded with a badly injured hand, telling her he had to leave for work. 

‘But she did get to be rescued by firemen,’ a more optimistic observer said. 

A man has shockingly left a woman alone after she slipped off a mountain ledge during their first date in a national park north of Brisbane, Queensland (pictured)

Sarah slipped and fell off a mountain peak where she badly hurt her hand (pictured)

Sarah slipped and fell off a mountain peak where she badly hurt her hand (pictured)

‘Can he be prosecuted for deserting an accident or not helping? Being made to pay for her rescue would be a good start,’ one man wrote online.

‘Whoops! Sometimes your knight in shining armour turns out to be a jerk in tin foil,’ another person said. 

After she fell, four climbers with first aid training managed to help her out. 

One of the climbers, Brian Coulter, was the real gentleman on the poor woman’s failed first date.  

Brian, a Brisbane ecologist, said he was climbing with three friends on the mountain, Mt Tibrogargan, when he spotted Sarah.

Brian told Daily Mail Australia that he didn’t see Sarah fall but she was about 15 metres ahead of him.

‘Her feet slipped out and she came down heavily on a sharp piece of the track,’ Brian said.

'Sarah had a very badly lacerated hand we had to use two of my pressure bandages [which I usually carry for snake bite first aid] to stop the bleeding and she needed surgery to repair the injury,' Brian said

‘Sarah had a very badly lacerated hand we had to use two of my pressure bandages [which I usually carry for snake bite first aid] to stop the bleeding and she needed surgery to repair the injury,’ Brian said

Emergency services safely managed to abseil down with Sarah and she was taken to Caboolture Hospital (pictured)

Emergency services safely managed to abseil down with Sarah and she was taken to Caboolture Hospital (pictured)

‘Sarah had a very badly lacerated hand. We had to use two of my pressure bandages to stop the bleeding and she needed surgery to repair the injury,’ he said.

Brian said he felt sorry for her because she had a very deep cut but he and his fireman mates helped give her first aid.

‘I felt very sympathetic to Sarah as she was bleeding very heavily and starting to go into shock,’ the ecologist said.

‘We did first aid and got her settled – she was very calm and even managed a smile or two,’ he added.

Brian said it was a challenge for emergency services to rescue her because they were on a remote and steep part of the mountain, yet they safely managed to abseil down with her (pictured)

Brian said it was a challenge for emergency services to rescue her because they were on a remote and steep part of the mountain, yet they safely managed to abseil down with her (pictured)

Brian said they were less than 50 metres from the summit which would make getting her to safety an issue.

The former department of environment wildlife officer said his three friends were all firefighters and so they helped the injured woman before calling on their team of local firies to help out. 

Emergency services safely managed to abseil down with her before she was taken to Caboolture Hospital.

Brian said he met Sarah’s date and wasn’t impressed with him saying he’d be late for work.

‘He did indeed leave her because he was running late for work [sic]. It was probably for the best given I don’t believe he fully appreciated how serious the situation was,’ Brian said.

People have taken to social slamming Sarah’s date for not sticking around. 

‘Wow, what normal person would do that!’ one woman said 

‘Can he be prosecuted for deserting an accident or not helping? Being made to pay for her rescue would be a good start,’ one man said.  

The woman was on a first date hike at Glass House Mountains, north of Brisbane, for a morning climb on Friday

The woman was on a first date hike at Glass House Mountains, north of Brisbane, for a morning climb on Friday

Despite Sarah’s accident, Brian said the mountain is a popular hiking spot and he gave some advice for those trekking there for the first time.

‘Never hike alone, always carry a mobile phone, research climbs based on your level, check the weather before and don’t climb if it’s raining,’ he said. 

He also recommends letting a friend of family member know before you set off in case of an emergency.