Restaurant boss shames group who fled without paying £127 Boxing Day meal by posting their pictures

Restaurant boss shames nine bill dodgers including three children who fled without paying £127 Boxing Day meal tab by posting their pictures on Facebook

  • Group of nine ordered four Mixed Grill Platters, a curry and drinks on Boxing Day
  • They ‘staged’ their exit from Manjaros restaurant in Teesside without paying
  • Owner Peter Blythe is appealing for the group to return and pay their £127.60 bill 
  • His restaurant offered free food to the homeless over Christmas and Boxing Day 

Restaurant boss Peter Blythe (pictured) has publicly shamed nine diners who ‘staged’ their exit without paying their food bill

A restaurant owner has publicly shamed a group of nine who fled without paying their £127 bill on Boxing Day by sharing their photos.

Manjaros in Teesside shared CCTV images claiming the group of six adults and three children ‘staged’ their departure, on Facebook. 

Owner Peter Blyth, 60, says it is infuriating ‘especially when all staff are working extra hard between Christmas and New Year’.

It is especially poignant as the Linthorpe Road restaurant opened its doors on Christmas Day offering parmos, pizzas and skewers to people in need. 

The group, who were said to be in their 20s and 30s, allegedly ordered four mixed grill platters at £18.95 each, one Caribbean chicken curry, several children’s meals and four to five drinks.

The restaurant boss is urging people to pass on any names of the group said to be in their 20s and 30s

He wanted to share CCTV to give other restaurants a 'good look' at the diners and prevent them being 'stung' by them

Mr Blythe has called out a group of diners who planned their departure from Manjaros restaurant in Teesside without paying their £127.60 bill

Mr Blythe, of Middlesbrough, hopes the footage will allow restaurants will get a ‘good look’ at the family and prevent them ‘being stung’.

A woman, pushing a pram, is spotted leaving with a man at Manjaros. While the company policy is to pay the bill at the counter after finishing your meal, none of the group approached it

A woman, pushing a pram, is spotted leaving with a man at Manjaros. While the company policy is to pay the bill at the counter after finishing your meal, none of the group approached it

‘Its just sad really. People work so hard, especially at this time of year, and you get people like that.’

Manjaros posted on Facebook: ‘We fed the homeless and the less fortunate yesterday but we think this lot got their days muddled up and forgot to pay for their bill today.

‘Please feel free to share and pass on any names, or if this is you can you please come back and pay we also have staff to pay.

‘Your bill was £127.60.’ 

While the policy in Manjaros is to pay the bill at the counter after finishing your meal, none of the group approached it.   

Their plates were clear which suggested there was not a problem with the food. 

Mr Blythe decided to give back to the local community on Christmas Day after seeing less fortunate people outside on Linthorpe Road.  

The restaurant is also handing out jackets donated to them by Nunthorpe Oaks Care Home and presents by generous local resident Linzi Dixon.

The group are said to have ordered four Mixed Grill Platters at the restaurant (pictured), one of the most expensive dishes on the menu each priced at £18.95, a Creamy Caribbean Chicken Curry, several children's meals and four to five drinks

The group are said to have ordered four Mixed Grill Platters at the restaurant (pictured), one of the most expensive dishes on the menu each priced at £18.95, a Creamy Caribbean Chicken Curry, several children’s meals and four to five drinks