Retiring early could kill you, data reveal

People who retire early die sooner than those who keep working past 65, a new data analysis reveals.

US Census figures reveal a clear correlation between premature death and premature retirement, according to an analysis by Cornell University.

The link is particularly stark among men, who have a 20 percent higher mortality risk if they start claiming Social Security benefits at 62 – three years premature.

While this could be down to the fact that many are forced to take early retirement due to underlying health conditions, the researchers warn we cannot be certain of that theory.

Work hard, live longer? US Census figures reveal a clear correlation between premature death and premature retirement, according to an analysis by Cornell University (file image)

The research conducted by economists Maria Fitzpatrick and Timothy Moore involved comprehensive birth and death records for the entire US population. 

This was contrasted with data on claims for pensions, looking at each claimant’s gender and age, and subsequent mortality.  

They found a third of Americans start taking Social Security benefits at 62, which is deemed early retirement for most employees.

For those whose retirement technically started at 62 or earlier, retiring at 62 had no impact on their health.

However, they found that those who retired early at 62 had a significantly higher mortality rate than workers who retired on time. 

They concluded that early retirement ‘may have an immediate, negative impact’ on health.

It is hardly the first study to find this correlation. 

Last year, researchers at Oregon State University found that those who work past age 65 could add more years to their life.

This group of individuals were found that have an 11 percent.

Those termed unhealthy who also worked another year longer had a nine percent lower mortality risk.