Revealed: How Green councillor’s hate-filled rant against rabbi who was called to fight for Israel in wake of Hamas attacks sparked social media pile-on and death threats that forced chaplain and his family to go into hiding

As the nation of Israel struggled to comprehend the magnitude of the horror inflicted by Hamas on its people as part of its terrorist atrocities on October 7, Rabbi Zecharia Deutsch received a call.

The Israeli national was told to go back to the Jewish state and fulfil his duty as a reservist in the armed forces – something that he has to do by law, along with almost all other compatriots under the age of 40.

Like thousands of others, the Jewish chaplain at Leeds University packed his bags fearful of what he could face amid Israel’s looming invasion of Gaza as it sought to drive out Hamas in response to the massacre of more than 1,400 people.

However, while he was away with the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) for three months, he could never have imagined that he would feel more at risk back in Britain, a place he has called home for years.

Upon his return in January he was bombarded with death threats – including chilling late night phone calls – and online abuse that left him so scared for his family’s safety they were forced into hiding less than two months later.

Among the people who targeted the man of faith was Mothin Ali, a pro-Gaza activist and Green Party councillor who has spent months railing against Israel on social media.

Rabbi Zecharia Deutsch (left) was branded a ‘creep’, a ‘low-life’ and an ‘animal’ by the newly-elected councillor 

Mothin Ali, who was elected to Leeds city council last week, has railed against Israel on social media in recent months

Mothin Ali, who was elected to Leeds city council last week, has railed against Israel on social media in recent months

On the surface mild mannered Mr Ali, who describes himself as ‘an accountant by day and an Islamic teacher at night’, comes across as a personable man. 

He talks about the importance of green spaces in his Leeds ward of Gipton and Harehills, and runs a blog where he waxes lyrical about gardening – he has even appeared on TV with chef Marcus Wareing to discuss how to grow chillis.

However, dig a little deeper and the father-of-three’s posts on platforms such as TikTok start to show an obsession with Israel.

In one post he brands Israeli’s ‘white supremacists’ after the Hamas atrocities,  insisted Palestinians have the ‘right to fight back’ and called Gaza the ‘world’s biggest concentration camp’.

However, of perhaps the most concern was a hate-filled tirade against Rabbi Deutsch – a man he has never even met.

Mr Ali, who shouted ‘Allahu Akbar!’ after winning his council seat last week, branded the rabbi a ‘creep’, a ‘low-life’ and an ‘animal’.

The online rant was notable for the utterly dehumanising way in which it described the Jewish chaplain, saying his ‘contract should be terminated with immediate effect’ and he ought to be ‘prosecuted for war crimes’.

‘This creep, that’s the only way I can describe him, is someone who went from Leeds to Israel to kill children and women and everyone else over there,’ it began, apparently ignorant of the fact that Rabbi Deutsch went to Israel because he was legally required to.

Mr Ali continued his message by branding the chaplain an ‘animal’, saying: ‘We [Muslims] are treated as second-class citizens and Leeds University is violating safeguarding standards.

‘You should be protecting people. You should be protecting students from this kind of animal, because if he’s willing to kill people over there, how do you know he’s not going to kill your students over here?’

In an increasingly frenzied tirade, the video added that the rabbi had been ‘massacring people’ (there is no evidence that he killed anyone) before concluding that the ‘far-Right radical’ is ‘radicalising students,’ meaning that ‘Leeds University should dismiss him urgently. He’s absolutely disgusting. He’s shameful’.

The Green councillor is being investigated by his party after the 'concerning' comments came to light

The Green councillor is being investigated by his party after the ‘concerning’ comments came to light

The 42-year-old father-of-three claimed his election to the local council as a Green candidate was a 'win for the people of Gaza '

The 42-year-old father-of-three claimed his election to the local council as a Green candidate was a ‘win for the people of Gaza ‘

After the Hamas terror attacks on Israel on 7 October last year, Mr Ali - who runs a gardening blog - branded Israelis as 'white supremacists' in social media videos

After the Hamas terror attacks on Israel on 7 October last year, Mr Ali – who runs a gardening blog – branded Israelis as ‘white supremacists’ in social media videos

Less than three hours later, the abuse began to roll in as Rabbi Deutsch received more than 300 highly threatening messages at the family home where he lived with his wife Nava and their two small children.

‘Tell that Jewish son of a b***h we’re coming for him,’ went one of the more sinister late-night telephone calls, picked up by Nava at midnight.

‘We’re coming to his house and we’re going to kill him in his house and you as well, you f*****g racist b***h, s**g.’

Another anonymous caller said: ‘We are going to get you, we’re going to get your husband and we are going to get you as well, love. It’s as simple as.

‘How dare you come to Leeds and expect the Muslims not to do ‘owt, when all you lot have been doing is killing innocent children?’

A third caller, who like the two previous ones was male and spoke with a Yorkshire accent, promised: ‘Us Muslims are coming for you, you dirty Zionist mother****ers.’

The comments under Mr Ali’s video on TikTok took on a similar tone, with some openly anti-Semitic.

‘He’s a terrorist, psychopath and paedo,’ reads one. ‘Zio lunatics pathetic savages beastly f***s always ugly deranged f***s, they need to be put in nutters asylum or concentration camps,’ goes another.

‘I am beginning to believe the Holocaust is a myth, we seeing the lies and propaganda,’ said a third commentator.

Rabbi Deutsch and his family responded to the menacing calls – which included several threats to rape Nava and torture their children – by going into hiding. They have remained there since.

More than 40 councillors were elected in England after making the conflict part of their campaign, analysis of Thursday's vote suggests. Pictured: Councillor Mothin Ali

More than 40 councillors were elected in England after making the conflict part of their campaign, analysis of Thursday’s vote suggests. Pictured: Councillor Mothin Ali 

Mothin Ali out campaigning for his council seat - which he won on Thursday

Mothin Ali out campaigning for his council seat – which he won on Thursday 

The video was uncovered by Mail journalist Guy Adams, who upon finding out that Mr Ali was a Green candidate at the upcoming election, contacted the party.

The Green Party responded by saying it ‘believes in free speech’ and allowed him to stand as a councillor. 

It did not respond to a follow-up request for comment from Mr Adams, confirming it intended not to respond to Mr Ali’s hate-filled speech or the death threats directed at Rabbi Deutsch that followed.

Mr Ali himself responded at the time by saying: ‘I have received hundreds of death threats from those on the far Right and supporters of what the Israeli government is doing, many of which have been reported to the police.

‘I understand very well the emotional turmoil threats of violence can have and would not wish that on others… the video in question has absolutely nothing to do with violence.’

However, following Mr Ali’s election the party has come under pressure to take action against him, with calls from Jewish leaders who accused it of hypocrisy for not distancing itself from his ‘extremist nonsense’. 

Staggeringly, when asked about Mr Ali’s offensive remarks in a television interview on Sunday night, Carla Denyer co-leader of the Green Party, appeared not to know about them.

She declined to comment when asked about how well the party vets candidates, saying she was ‘not familiar with all of the details’ and didn’t have ‘the full facts at hand.’ She added the remarks sounded ‘very concerning’ and that she would ‘make sure that those are looked into’.

Last night there was still no indication Mr Ali faced being suspended, with the Greens only saying they were ‘investigating’.

It came as the party faces a showdown with the Government’s independent adviser on anti-Semitism, ex-Labour MP Lord Mann, over its vetting of candidates. Ahead of a high-level meeting this week, he warned: ‘Doing nothing is not an option.’

Analysis has showed that more than 40 councillors were elected in England last week after making the Middle East crisis part of their campaign.

Leaders of Britain’s Jewish community yesterday condemned the Green Party as ‘breathtakingly foolish, dangerous and insensitive’ for having stood by Mr Ali and demanded his immediate suspension.

The Green Party is set for a showdown with Lord Mann, the Government's independent adviser on antisemitism

The Green Party is set for a showdown with Lord Mann, the Government’s independent adviser on antisemitism

In an open letter to co-leaders Carla Denyer and Adrian Ramsay, the chairman of Leeds Jewish Representative Council, Simon Myerson KC, wrote that Mr Ali had a ‘substantial history of views which are concerning to the Jewish community’.

Accusing the Greens of ‘hypocrisy’, Mr Myerson said it was wrong for the party to continue to associate itself with Mr Ali.

In an open letter to co-leaders Carla Denyer and Adrian Ramsay, the chairman of Leeds Jewish Representative Council, Simon Myerson KC, wrote that Mr Ali had a ‘substantial history of views which are concerning to the Jewish community’.

He accused Mr Ali of seemingly attempting to justify ‘rape, murder and kidnap’ and using ‘anti-Semitic tropes’. ‘These matters do, I suggest, call the Green Party’s own integrity into question,’ Mr Myerson wrote.

He added: ‘The deliberate exploitation of a particular issue which is never going to be addressed by the election of a local councillor as a major factor in that councillor’s election campaign is nakedly opportunistic.’

Saying the party had ‘known about Mr Ali’s views for a considerable time’, he insisted it was time to act and ‘formally suspend Mr Ali as a Green Party member’.

Claudia Mendoza, head of the Jewish Leadership Council, added: ‘Mr Ali’s record speaks for itself and if the Green Party is serious about dealing with anti-Semitism rather than just paying lip service to it in meetings with community leaders, action will be taken.’

A spokesman for the Board of Deputies of British Jews said it was ‘appalled’ by Mr Ali appearing to ‘attempt to justify the October 7 mass terror attack on Israel’, saying the Greens had ‘serious questions to answer’. The party has failed to respond to the Mail’s requests for comment since Mr Ali’s acceptance speech emerged.

But a spokesman told the Daily Telegraph: ‘The Green Party is investigating issues drawn to our attention in relation to Councillor Mothin Ali, so cannot comment further. However, we are clear that we never support anything that extols violence.’

Mr Ali has also been approached for comment. He has said he has been inundated with death threats himself, insisting his video about the Leeds rabbi ‘has absolutely nothing to do with violence’.
