Richard Dreyfuss accused of exposing himself, harassment

Jessica Teich, 58, spoke out about her claims in an interview released Friday

A female writer has accused actor Richard Dreyfuss of exposing himself and sexually harassing her when she worked for him in the 1980s – claims that the actor has emphatically denied, saying the relationship was one of mutual flirting.

Jessica Teich, 58, spoke out in an interview with Vulture released late Friday, claiming that Dreyfuss behaved lewdly when she worked as a junior writer on his ABC comedy special.

The special marking the bicentennial of the US Constitution, called Funny, You Don’t Look 200: A Constitutional Vaudeville, aired in October 1987. 

Teich says that in the run up to its air date Dreyfuss, the now 70-year-old star of Jaws and Close Encounters Of The Third Kind, called her to his trailer at a Los Angeles film studio lot.

She was in her late 20s at the time and he was 12 years her senior. 

‘I remember walking up the steps into the trailer and turning towards my left,’ Teich said, ‘and he was at the back of the trailer, and just – his penis was out, and he sort of tried to draw me close to it.’

Oscar-winning actor Richard Dryfuss (seen in June) denies that he exposed himself to Teich in his trailer on a Los Angles film lot in 1987

Oscar-winning actor Richard Dryfuss (seen in June) denies that he exposed himself to Teich in his trailer on a Los Angles film lot in 1987

Teich says she 'felt sexualized, objectified, and unsafe' with Dreyfuss

Teich is the author of a memoir detailing unrelated sexual abuse and molestation that took place when she was 16

Teich is the author of a memoir detailing unrelated sexual abuse and molestation that took place when she was 16. She says she ‘felt sexualized, objectified, and unsafe’ with Dreyfuss

She said the Oscar-winning actor didn’t ask for sexual favors, but that the implication was clear. 

‘He was hard. I remember my face being brought close to his penis,’ she continued. ‘I can’t remember how my face got close to his penis, but I do remember that the idea was that I was going to give him a blow job. I didn’t, and I left.’

‘It was like an out-of-body experience. I just tried to swiftly get out of the room. I pretended it hadn’t really happened,’ she said. ‘I kept moving because it was part of my job, and I knew he was, at the time, a very important guy, and certainly important to me. I trusted him. That’s what’s always so weird. I liked him.’

Dreyfuss denied the exposure allegation in a lengthy statement to Vulture. 

‘I emphatically deny ever ‘exposing’ myself to Jessica Teich, whom I have considered a friend for 30 years. I did flirt with her, and I remember trying to kiss Jessica as part of what I thought was a consensual seduction ritual that went on and on for many years. I am horrified and bewildered to discover that it wasn’t consensual,’ Dreyfuss wrote.

Teich, however, claims that Dreyfuss sexually harassed her throughout the two to three years that she worked for him.

‘He created a very hostile work environment, where I felt sexualized, objectified, and unsafe,’ she said. 

Dreyfuss is seen in 1987, the same year that Teich claims he invited her into his trailer and exposed his erect penis. Dreyfuss emphatically denies that claims, but admits flirting with her

Dreyfuss is seen in 1987, the same year that Teich claims he invited her into his trailer and exposed his erect penis. Dreyfuss emphatically denies that claims, but admits flirting with her

Vulture spoke with a family member of Teich who said she had spoken of the exposure incident years ago, as well as a confidante who recalled Teich discussing her discomfort with Dreyfuss hitting on her.

Teich said she has no plans to sue Dreyfuss, and came forward after seeing reports that the actor’s son had spoken out with allegations that Kevin Spacey had groped him in 2008, when he was 18. 

Dreyfuss tweeted a statement in support of his son Harry on Saturday, saying: ‘I love my son @harrydreyfuss more than I could explain with all the words in the world. And I am so incredibly proud of him right now.’

Teich said that seeing that tweet ‘bothered’ her, adding: ‘When I read about his support for his son, which I would never question, I remember thinking, But wait a minute, this guy harassed me for months.’

Dreyfuss opened up in his statement about his regrets about the aggressive way he flirted with women in the 1970s and 80s, noting: ‘The rules are changing invisibly underneath our feet. I am playing catch up. Maybe we all are.’

Teich responded to Dreyfuss’ statement, saying: ‘I respect that he’s trying to grapple with it, and I regret that he’s not being totally honest. Sadly, what I regret even more is I’ll never forget the sight of his penis because I was so surprised to see it there.’

Teich is the author of a memoir, The Future Tense Of Joy, detailing unrelated sexual abuse and molestation that took place when she was 16.


I value and respect women, and I value and respect honesty. So I want to try to tell you the complicated truth. At the height of my fame in the late 1970s I became an a**hole–the kind of performative masculine man my father had modeled for me to be. I lived by the motto, ‘If you don’t flirt, you die.’ And flirt I did. I flirted with all women, be they actresses, producers, or 80-year-old grandmothers. I even flirted with those who were out of bounds, like the wives of some of my best friends, which especially revolts me. I disrespected myself, and I disrespected them, and ignored my own ethics, which I regret more deeply than I can express. During those years I was swept up in a world of celebrity and drugs – which are not excuses, just truths. Since then I have had to redefine what it means to be a man, and an ethical man. I think every man on Earth has or will have to grapple with this question. But I am not an assaulter.

I emphatically deny ever ‘exposing’ myself to Jessica Teich, whom I have considered a friend for 30 years. I did flirt with her, and I remember trying to kiss Jessica as part of what I thought was a consensual seduction ritual that went on and on for many years. I am horrified and bewildered to discover that it wasn’t consensual. I didn’t get it. It makes me reassess every relationship I have ever thought was playful and mutual.

There is a sea-change happening right now, which we can look upon as a problem or an opportunity. We all of us are awakening to the reality that how men have behaved toward women for eons is not OK. The rules are changing invisibly underneath our feet. I am playing catch up. Maybe we all are.

I hope people can join me in honestly looking at our behavior and trying to make it right. We have to relearn every rule we thought we knew about how men and women interact, because after all getting together is the most fundamental human compulsion. And if we don’t succeed in that, what do we have? I hope this is the beginning of a larger conversation we can have as a culture.