RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: The only purpose of these endless marches is to intimidate British Jews. Why do we have to tolerate such hatred on our streets?

Let’s stop pretending these ‘peace rallies’ are all about Israel and call them out for what they really are: unashamed Jew-hatred, pure and simple.

We’ve seen nothing like it since Oswald Mosley’s Blackshirts marched through the East End of London in 1936.

On that occasion, at the so-called Battle of Cable Street, Communists and trades unionists combined with the local Jewish community to halt Mosley’s British Union of Fascists thugs in their tracks.

Today, the Hard Left are on the side of the real fascists — Hamas.

At the weekend they were out in force again everywhere, from Hackney, Tottenham and Bethnal Green to Oxford, Cardiff, Derby and Plymouth. The demonstrations, organised in part by the Socialist Workers Party and extreme Islamist groups, may pose as pro-Palestinian. But they are riddled with rampant anti-Semitism aimed at British Jews.

LONDON: Protesters during a pro-Palestine demonstration, on Thursday

USA: Virginia Mccuen, marches downtown Nashville to demand a ceasefire in Gaza on Sunday

USA: Virginia Mccuen, marches downtown Nashville to demand a ceasefire in Gaza on Sunday

LONDON: Pro-Palestine protesters gather outside a fundraiser for Israel at the Royal Society for Arts attended by Israeli Ambassador Tzipi Hotovely and Israeli President Isaac Herzog

LONDON: Pro-Palestine protesters gather outside a fundraiser for Israel at the Royal Society for Arts attended by Israeli Ambassador Tzipi Hotovely and Israeli President Isaac Herzog

Yes, many of those taking part are horrified at the loss of civilian life in the Gaza strip. No one with a shred of humanity can fail to be moved by the deaths of innocent men, women and children.

But these demonstrators seem blithely indifferent to the mass slaughter of Israelis during the Hamas pogroms on October 7. In fact, some were taking to the streets of London even before Israel’s counter-offensive had begun. Otherwise they would be marching on the Qatari embassy in Mayfair. After all, Qatar provides a safe haven for the Hamas leadership.

If they really gave a damn about civilian casualties of war, they’d set up a peace camp outside the Russian embassy, calling for an end to hostilities in Ukraine. Or picket the Saudi embassy over the fighting in Yemen.

But, no. Their only target is Israel — and by extension Britain’s loyal, law-abiding Jewish community. Since the brutal, bloodthirsty Hamas attacks on Israel, my primary concern has been over the disgusting, opportunist backlash against our Jewish friends and neighbours in this country.

LONDON: Health workers gather to stage demonstration demanding a ceasefire on Thursday

LONDON: Health workers gather to stage demonstration demanding a ceasefire on Thursday

LONDON: A solidarity event attended by MPs, community leaders and members of the public was held after the menorah was vandalised on Islington Green

LONDON: A solidarity event attended by MPs, community leaders and members of the public was held after the menorah was vandalised on Islington Green

Anti-Semitic incidents have gone through the roof since October. Jewish schools, synagogues, community centres and businesses have all come under attack. Jewish men, women and children have been understandably reluctant to wear symbols of their religion, such as skull caps and Star of David necklaces.

In Islington, North London, a menorah — a traditional display of candles to mark the Jewish religious festival of Hanukkah — was vandalised by pro-Palestinian supporters.

What the hell has any of this got to do with the war between Israel and Hamas? Why do we have to tolerate hatred on our own streets? These apparently interminable marches aren’t going to influence the Israeli government one iota. Their only purpose is further to intimidate British Jews.

Even if we accept the sincerity of demonstrators who claim their only aim is to protest loss of life and bring about a ceasefire, they are misguided at best, sinister at worst.

By marching alongside others dressed as Hamas terrorists and chanting their brain-dead ‘river to the sea’ slogans, these gormless Guardianistas in their ultra-fashionable Yasser Arafat keffiyeh scarves are helping to legitimise the Islamist/Hard Left’s hate campaign against all Jews. They have been characterised as ‘useful idiots’, Lenin’s description of fellow travellers in the West who supported Communism’s reign of terror in Russia.

LONDON: A protester holds a 'From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free' placard during a demonstration next to Green Park last month

LONDON: A protester holds a ‘From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free’ placard during a demonstration next to Green Park last month

LONDON: Protesters hold pro-Palestine placards, Palestinian flags, and a giant inflatable watermelon during a demonstration in Whitehall this month

LONDON: Protesters hold pro-Palestine placards, Palestinian flags, and a giant inflatable watermelon during a demonstration in Whitehall this month

‘Idiots’, certainly. Most of them couldn’t point to Gaza on a map. They parrot trite slogans about ‘decolonisation’, ‘occupation’ and ‘genocide’ without irony, even though they have no idea what these words actually mean.

If they took a moment to engage their brains, they might realise that the only organisation occupying Gaza is Hamas. Israel pulled out of the strip 17 years ago.

As for ‘genocide’, it is Hamas which is hell-bent on murdering every last Jew. And not just in Israel. If you doubt that, allow me to point you in the direction of events in Europe at the weekend, which went worryingly under-reported.

Anti-terror officers arrested several members of Hamas planning attacks on Jewish targets in Germany, Denmark and Holland. The Danish PM said the plot was ‘as serious as it gets’. The main man running a far-reaching Hamas network from Berlin is reported by German security sources to be a British citizen. We would be foolish to dismiss similar threats in this country from Hamas and related groups.

We know from bitter experience, primarily the suicide bombs on the London transport network in 2005, that Islamists are intent on slaughtering innocent civilians here. The police have foiled any number of terror attacks since then.

Under the guise of mass immigration over the past two decades, hardline Islamists have embedded themselves in Britain. Firebrand preachers spout hatred in some mosques and radicalise the young. Terrorist recruiting sergeants are already exploiting the war in Gaza.

Many of these extremists will have taken part in the pro-Palestinian marches in British cities, calling for ‘intifada’ and ‘jihad’ — uprising and holy war.

LONDON: Flares are lit as tens of thousands of people attend a Pro-Palestine demonstration

LONDON: Flares are lit as tens of thousands of people attend a Pro-Palestine demonstration

And can we really be sure that none of the thousands of military-age young men crossing the Channel illegally in small boats are members of Hamas or another Islamist terror group?

Is it any wonder our Jewish community is fearful, especially when some sections of the media appear to be hostile towards Israel and credulous of Hamas propaganda? According to a survey conducted by the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism, only one in 25 Jewish people believes the BBC’s coverage of Israel is unbiased.

The pro-Palestinian rallies continue to receive widespread, uncritical airtime and the BBC still won’t call Hamas ‘terrorists’.

All of this stokes unwarranted, anti-Jewish sentiment, which has spilled over into violence and criminal damage on our streets.

Posters calling for the release of Israeli hostages have been torn down and in one of the most recent incidents anti-Semitic graffiti was sprayed on the constituency office on the Labour MP for Enfield North, Feryal Clark.

Anti-semitic graffiti has appeared around the UK. Pictured is a letter box wall in Newport

Anti-semitic graffiti has appeared around the UK. Pictured is a letter box wall in Newport

PARIS: A man walks by Stars of David tagged on a wall on Tuesday, October 31

PARIS: A man walks by Stars of David tagged on a wall on Tuesday, October 31

At long last, the police seem to have woken up to the situation. Officers have been sent to protect Jewish institutions and at the weekend Scotland Yard finally warned organisers of the rallies that they must do much more to clamp down on blatant anti-Semitic chants and placards. The Met insists most marchers are peaceful but ‘on every occasion so far we have found offences of hate crime, supporting a proscribed organisation and people looking to intimidate’.

Sadly, these criminals are given cover by the virtue-signalling idiots enjoying a jolly day out.

It’s no surprise that the pro-Palestinian crowd always numbers among its ranks the usual suspects, including the overgrown toddlers with mental health issues from Just Stop Oil.

It’s almost 17 years since I made my Channel 4 documentary exposing the growing, unholy, anti-Semitic alliance between the Hard Left and Islamists. Few people took me seriously back then and, to be honest, even I have been surprised at the way in which Jew-hatred in Britain has exploded.

I never expected to see hundreds of thousands of people marching through the streets of London, some of them brandishing placards plastered with swastikas, giving succour to a terrorist organisation which wants to wipe Jews off the face of the Earth.

Back then, I interviewed a young Jewish student who said he was so worried about anti-Semitism he was planning to leave Britain and emigrate to… Israel.

I thought at the time that he was exaggerating, being unduly alarmist. Now, I’m not so sure. Just because you’re paranoid, etc.

Then again, I never thought either that a few short years later Britain’s Jewish community would be celebrating the holy festival of Hanukkah, which ended a few days ago, in an atmosphere of fear and unease.

The Hard Left headbangers may be the most visible and make the most noise right now, but as I pointed out some weeks ago, they are the few, we are the many.

Let’s not forget that there are 30,000 British passport holders living in Israel, under daily threat from Hamas rockets and terror incursions. British citizens are among those killed and taken hostage. All those calling for a ceasefire and a ‘two-state solution’ should be reminded that there was a ceasefire until Hamas broke it on October 7 and there will never be a two-state solution until Hamas is destroyed.

Yes, we all want peace. But the Hamas apologist ‘river to the sea’ crowd should also be reminded, forcefully, that there is no more reason for holding British Jews responsible for the actions of the Israeli government than for holding all British Muslims responsible for Hamas.

Oswald Mosley would have been proud of them.

The vile anti-Semitism which has seeped out on to our streets like an overspill of effluent must be crushed. Our Jewish friends and neighbours in this country deserve to live in peace, too.
