Rolls-Royce among six firms shortlisted to develop small nuclear power plants

Rolls-Royce among six firms shortlisted to develop small nuclear power plants

Rolls-Royce was one of six firms shortlisted by the Government yesterday to develop factory-made small nuclear power plants as part of the drive for cleaner energy.

The aim is to build a fleet of small modular reactors (SMRs) which can be set up more quickly and cheaply than larger more conventional reactors.

Rolls-Royce says it is two years ahead of its rivals because it is the only one whose technology is going through a separate UK regulatory process that will be needed to build the sites.

The Government is seeking to increase Britain’s nuclear capacity to provide up to a quarter of all UK electricity by 2050 as it shifts away from oil and gas.

Nuclear is seen as an important part of the mix partly because, unlike renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power, it does not rely on the vagaries of the weather. 

Shortlisted: Rolls-Royce says it is two years ahead of its rivals in the race to develop factory-made small nuclear power plants 

But plans for big power stations have been beset by problems. The Hinkley Point C project in Somerset has been hit by delays and cost overruns, and a Hitachi nuclear plant planned for North Wales was cancelled in 2020.

Yesterday’s announcement by the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero was the latest phase in a process which aims to see SMRs operating by the mid-2030s.

Next spring the Government will choose which of the six companies to back, with contracts awarded in the summer, a spokesman said.

In addition to Rolls-Royce, the short list includes France’s EDF, GE-Hitachi Nuclear Energy International, Holtec Britain Limited, NuScale Power and Westinghouse.

Energy Secretary Claire Coutinho said: ‘Small modular reactors will help the UK rapidly expand nuclear power and deliver cheaper, cleaner, and more secure energy for British families and businesses, create well-paid, high-skilled jobs, and grow the economy. 

This competition has attracted designs from around the world and puts the UK at the front of the global race to develop this exciting, cutting-edge technology, boost our energy security and deliver our net zero ambitions.’

Chris Cholerton, chief executive of Rolls-Royce’s SMR division, said its technology was ‘a British solution to the global energy security and decarbonisation challenge’. 

He added: ‘We have the only SMR technology in a European regulatory approval process, putting us almost two years ahead of any of our competitors.’

Rolls-Royce plans a network of 16 SMRs in the UK and has already received £210million from the Government to develop the technology. 

Each would be the size of two football pitches and power around 1m homes.

Rolls-Royce has argued that a government commitment will help give confidence to potential overseas customers in places such as the Netherlands, the Czech Republic and Estonia.
