Romania – Factors to watch on Nov. 2

Nov 2 (Reuters) – Here are news stories, press reports and events to watch which may affect Romanian financial markets on Thursday.


Romania’s National Statistics Board to release September producer prices data at 0700 GMT.


Romanian debt managers aim to sell leu currency bills and bonds worth 3.03 billion lei ($766.66 million) in November, including 330 million lei at non-competitive rounds of auctions, they said on Wednesday, after low market liquidity led to six failed debt tenders in October.


The Romanian central bank’s foreign exchange reserves, excluding 103.7 tonnes of gold, rose by 612 million euros on the month to 33.93 billion euros ($39.47 billion) at the end of October, the bank said on Wednesday.


Romania’s defence ministry said on Wednesday it will acquire a surface-to-air missile Patriot system from U.S. company Raytheon International Defence System RTN.N worth an estimated $764.8 million before VAT by the end of this year.


Romania’s investment fund Fondul Proprietatea, managed by Franklin Templeton said it has sold on Wednesday all of its stakes in the subsidiaries of power utility Electrica for an overall 752.03 million lei ($190.60 million).


The Czech crown led regional gains on Wednesday, boosted by stronger-than-expected manufacturing data depicting continuous economic growth, though trading was light with Polish and Hungarian markets closed for All Saints Day holiday.


Representatives of Romania’s largest local and foreign investors’ associations criticised the government on Wednesday for repeated and sudden changes to tax and income policies without proper consultation and impact assessments. They said unpredictible fiscal policies and labour force shortages will put the Romanian economy at risk.

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