Romelu Lukaku has keys to Rolls Royce stolen at airport

Manchester United footballer Romelu Lukaku had the keys of his £250,000 Rolls Royce stolen from his Mercedes in an airport car park. 

The £75 million striker left the fob to his Rolls Royce Ghost inside the £100,000 Mercedes at Manchester Airport before flying back to his native Belgium on August 26.

At a hearing at Manchester Magistrates’ Court, Kelsey Winder, an 18-year-old ‘aspiring PE teacher’, admitted handling stolen goods and theft from a motor vehicle.

Romelu Lukaku (pictured) had the keys to his £250,000 Rolls Royce stolen from inside his £100,000 Mercedes after parking it at Manchester Airport

Prosecuting, Steve Woodman said police had spotted two men trying to break into cars in the nearby area of Wythenshawe, south of Manchester, at around 2am.

Officers arrested Winder, of Wynthenshawe, and found him the key fob, two credit cards that did not belong to him and two Manchester United season tickets, as well as a torch, hat and gloves.

Mr Woodman said: ‘When searched police found two Manchester United season tickets and a key fob belonging to a Rolls Royce which when traced was found to be the keys of footballer Romelu Lukaku.’

Kelsey Winder, 18, (pictured) admitted handling stolen goods and theft from a motor vehicle

Kelsey Winder, 18, (pictured) admitted handling stolen goods and theft from a motor vehicle

The court heard the teenager (pictured) wants to be a PE teacher and was desperate to avoid a jail sentence and be reunited with his family 

The court heard the teenager (pictured) wants to be a PE teacher and was desperate to avoid a jail sentence and be reunited with his family 

But despite being found with the keys and equipment to carry out a theft, police still do not know who broke into the 24-year-old’s car.

Winder was interviewed by police but gave no comment.

In court his lawyer Helen Sechiarai said: ‘The root of the problem is that he has fallen out with his mother because of his use of cannabis. She kicked him out and in a sense he has acted out in this way.

‘He is due to go back to college where he is doing a sports course, he has 13 GCSE’s and aspires to become a PE teacher. 

Lukaku (pictured) is worth £75 million and also plays for the Belgium national side 

Lukaku (pictured) is worth £75 million and also plays for the Belgium national side 

Winder was found with the fob to the Rolls Royce Ghost (pictured), stolen credit cards, Manchester United season tickets, and a hat and gloves 

Winder was found with the fob to the Rolls Royce Ghost (pictured), stolen credit cards, Manchester United season tickets, and a hat and gloves 

‘Last night when he was received into custody he told me his mum wants him home and so does he.

‘His parents have recently split up and he has been caught up in the middle of it being the second eldest of eight children.’

He was given a 12-month community order and 150 hours unpaid work. He will also have to stick to a curfew between 8pm and 6am.

Although Winder (pictured) admitted the charges, police claim they still do not know who actually broke into the footballer's car 

Although Winder (pictured) admitted the charges, police claim they still do not know who actually broke into the footballer’s car 

Posting on Facebook Winder (pictured) said 'Last few months I've been in a pretty bad place - not had the best life but time to turn it all round'

Posting on Facebook Winder (pictured) said ‘Last few months I’ve been in a pretty bad place – not had the best life but time to turn it all round’

Magistrates told him: ‘You need to know how close you were to going to prison and the reason for that is because of your lack of maturity and because of your lack of previous convictions we are going to reduce the sentence to a community order.

‘This is your last chance.’

Posting on Facebook on September 3, Winder said: ‘Last few months I’ve been in a pretty bad place – not had the best of life but time to turn it all round. 

‘Nice to see myself back on good terms with my mum and dad. I love yous both obv – but been quite hard to express that coz not really had anyone there. 

‘Times r changing I’m changing. Lets hope for the best.’