Ros Bates shouts ‘close your legs’ during Queensland Parliament to Minister for Women Shannon Fentiman

Queensland’s Shadow Minister for Women shouted ‘close your legs’ at her Labor opponent during a wild outburst in parliament.

Shannon Fentiman, the minister for women, health, mental health and ambulance services, was speaking in Queensland state parliament on Wednesday when the remark was made by member for Mudgeeraba, Ros Bates.

‘Close your legs!’ Ms Bates was reported as saying, prompting Ms Fentiman to stop speaking and look visibly shocked.

Fellow politicians groaned with disgust before Ms Bates was asked to withdraw her comment.

She quickly stood up and said she withdrew the comment but has since copped heavy criticism.

Shannon Fentiman, (pictured) was told to ‘close your legs’ during parliament on Wednesday and appeared visibly shocked by the remark

Queensland Premier Steven Miles blasted the remark as ‘disgraceful’.

‘No woman should be treated like this in a workplace, or anywhere for that matter,’ he wrote on X.

Ms Fentiman shared a clip of the outburst to her X account and explained she had been talking about women’s health and maternity services at the time.

In response to the backlash, Ms Bates shared a lengthy statement to her own social media and demanded she receive an apology from Ms Fentiman.

She clarified what she actually said was ‘cross your legs’ and that the comment was not about the health minister but was aimed at ‘the alarming Queensland maternity crisis’.

Ros Bates was asked to withdraw the comment during parliament on Wednesday

Ros Bates was asked to withdraw the comment during parliament on Wednesday

Queensland Premier Steven Miles blasted the remark as 'disgraceful'

Queensland Premier Steven Miles blasted the remark as ‘disgraceful’

‘We have had women give birth on the side of the road in Queensland due to maternity services being closed in regional areas and this is what we were demanding the Health Minister answer for today,’ she said.

The shadow minister said she was questioning what pregnant women were being told about hospital closures.

‘With Labor suggesting women could just bypass their local hospital to go to another hospital to give birth, I could not believe Labor was telling mothers to ‘cross your legs’ while in labour,’ Ms Bates said.

‘This is the comment I made.’

Ms Bates went on to say that Ms Fentiman was ‘aware’ she has been a victim of domestic violence.

‘For her to mischaracterise my words for her own political gain and attempt to portray me as a misogynist is deeply offensive,’ she continued.

Ms Bates said her comment was in relation to Queensland's maternity crisis

In response to the backlash, Ms Bates shared a lengthy statement to her own social media and shockingly demanded she receive an apology from Ms Fentiman

In response to the backlash, Ms Bates shared a lengthy statement to her own social media and shockingly demanded she receive an apology from Ms Fentiman.

‘I am demanding the Health Minister apologise and admit she deliberately misrepresented parliament.’ 

X users were left unimpressed by Ms Bates’ statement with one saying it was a ‘pathetic explanation’.

‘Inappropriate and unprofessional either way,’ another said.

‘If this is true, why did you withdraw the comment?’ one wrote.

The shadow minister has copped heavy criticism online for her outburst

The shadow minister has copped heavy criticism online for her outburst
