Roseanne Barr apologizes to billionaire George Soros – TWO WEEKS after calling him a Nazi

Roseanne Barr apologized to George Soros on Monday — two weeks after she accused the Jewish billionaire of being a Nazi collaborator.

‘I apologize sincerely to @georgesoros. His family was persecuted by The Nazis & survived The Holocaust only because of the strength & resourcefulness of his father,’ she said, alongside a link to Soros’ Open Society Foundation.

Two weeks ago, Barr falsely claimed that Chelsea Clinton was married to Soros’ nephew, then called the Democratic megadonor a ‘Nazi’ who ‘turned in his fellow Jews.’

Roseanne Barr apologized to George Soros on Monday — two weeks after she accused the Jewish billionaire of being a Nazi collaborator

On May 29, Barr had falsely claimed that Chelsea Clinton is married to Soros' nephew, then called the Democratic megadonor a 'Nazi' who 'turned in his fellow Jews'

On May 29, Barr had falsely claimed that Chelsea Clinton is married to Soros’ nephew, then called the Democratic megadonor a ‘Nazi’ who ‘turned in his fellow Jews’

‘George Soros is a nazi who turned in his fellow Jews 2 be murdered in German concentration camps & stole their wealth-were you aware of that? But, we all make mistakes, right Chelsea?’ Barr wrote in the tweet, which she has not yet deleted.

Later that same day the comic then compared former Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett to an ape which led ABC to promptly cancel the revival of her hit sitcom, Roseanne. 

Although Barr apologized soon after the tweet, she didn’t address her comments about Soros which were even retweeted by President Trump’s son Donald Trump Jr.

Her apology to the 87-year-old Holocaust survivor comes two days after he gave a rare interview with the Washington Post calling her comments ‘a total fabrication.’

The tweet in question was one in which Barr called billionaire Democratic donor George Soros, who is Jewish, a ‘nazi’ who ‘turned in his fellow Jews’

Soros was 14 when the Nazis occupied his native Hungary. He told how he and other children were ordered by the Jewish Council to deliver deportation notices to local Jewish lawyers. 

His father also paid a Christian government minister to allow Soros to pose as his godson — during which time he once watched the official inventory the estate of a Jewish man who had fled the country.

The conspiracy theory that Soros was a ‘Nazi collaborator’ was spread after he discussed the incident in a 1998 ’60 Minutes’ interview, saying he didn’t feel any guilt over it because he was ‘only a spectator,’ according to the Independent.

Roseanne Barr came under fire for a racist tweet about Valerie Jarrett during an unhinged rant on Tuesday morning

The television star attacked everyone from Chelsea and Hillary Clinton to CNN¿s Chris Cillizza, but it was her tweet about Jarrett that truly sent shock waves

Barr came under fire for a racist tweet about Valerie Jarrett during an unhinged rant last month

Many on Twitter were appalled by Barr's tweet, which was in response to an article from a conspiracy website 

Many on Twitter were appalled by Barr’s tweet, which was in response to an article from a conspiracy website 

ABC cancelled Roseanne's show  after the comedian posted a racist tweet about Valerie Jarrett

ABC cancelled Roseanne’s show after the comedian posted a racist tweet about Valerie Jarrett

Soros’ son Alexander defended his father in a post on the New York Daily News, saying Barr’s lie was so ‘odious’. 

‘When Jews in his native Budapest were being rounded up and killed by the Nazis, my grandfather Tivadar Soros saved many lives including his own family by securing false identity papers and helping put Jews into hiding. Among those he helped was the wife of an official of the Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture,’ Alexander said.

‘In exchange, my grandfather asked the official to hide my father and pretend he was his godson. The official’s duties included taking inventory of the estate of a Jewish family that had fled earlier under duress and he took my then 13-year-old father with him.’

Barr’s tweets about Soros were among the many last month that lead up to her racist tweet that referred to former Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett as a product of the Muslim Brotherhood and the ‘Planet of the Apes.’

ABC swiftly canceled Barr’s hit show ‘Roseanne’ and slammed the comedian’s comments as ‘abhorrent, repugnant and inconsistent with our values’.

Barr was also dumped by her talent agency, ICM Partners.