Rotherham victims tell of sickening impact of abuse

Victims of the Rotherham grooming gang have told how their lives have been devastated by the abuse.

Linzi Williams and Natalie Fuller have been best friends since childhood, but their lives were both torn apart at the hands of the notorious Hussain brothers, who were jailed for a combined total of 79 years in 2016 for abusing 15 teenagers.

But despite their attackers being behind bars, the pair find themselves struggling to move on, and say they still see grooming gangs roaming their town’s streets.

Their decision to speak out about their ordeals coincides with a campaign, led by fellow victim Sammy Woodhouse, to implement a law that would expunge any criminal records that victims accrued while under the control of grooming gangs. 

Linzi Williams and Natalie Fuller have been best friends since childhood, but their lives were both torn apart at the hands of the notorious Hussain brothers

Miss Fuller was 13 when she was raped by Bannaras Hussain, now 40, who was jailed for 25 years, and says the experience has scarred her for life.

‘He was trying to get on top of me, he was trying to pull my trousers down on the settee in front of me. I think because everyone was there I could get away,’ she told Channel 4 News.

‘The next day my friend took me to his house and left me with him in the bedroom and that was the first time he raped me.

‘He wouldn’t let me out and he was putting fear into me and I just couldn’t get out of the room. 

‘I remember going straight home and getting in the bath and scrubbing myself.’

She added:  ‘My childhood was ruined from that point. My life has been destroyed. There was another occasion when I went to where he lived, there was a woods there.

Arshid Hussain, Basharat Hussain and Bannaras Hussain, were jailed for a combined 79 years for abusing 15 teenagers

Arshid Hussain, Basharat Hussain and Bannaras Hussain, were jailed for a combined 79 years for abusing 15 teenagers

‘I wouldn’t do a sexual act on him, so he pulled my ear back and started kicking me on the floor.’ 

Miss Williams was aged 15 when she was abused by Arshid Husain, who impregnated her.

She told of the agonising decision she had to make about whether to keep the baby, and admitted she still sees girls that she instantly knows are living the same horror she had to. 

She said: ‘It was torture, I couldn’t tell anyone I was pregnant because he was older. I think I told a couple of friends, but one minute I was wanting to keep it because I thought “oh he’s going to be with me and everything’s going to be fine” – obviously it wouldn’t have been. 

She added: ‘We know it’s still happening. You drive down the town centre road and you see the men in their cars with the girls.’ 

‘It’s hard to trust anybody or get close to anyone. I’ve got attachments problems, not just with relationships, but everyone else in your lives. It does get better, though.

‘We’ve had to support each other through court and everything. We’ve had it easier because I’ve been able to speak to her and she fully understands. If I can’t explain myself right, she knows what I’m trying to say and how it feels, and the same vice versa.’ 

Nearly half of child exploitation cases currently being investigated in South Yorkshire are based in Rotherham. 

Another victim, Ms Woodhouse, is currently campaigning to implement ‘Sammy’s Law’ which would see any crimes they were convicted of because of the gang removed from their records. 

Sammy Woodhouse, is currently campaigning to implement 'Sammy's Law'

Sammy Woodhouse, is currently campaigning to implement ‘Sammy’s Law’

Ms Woodhouse has three crimes on her record from the period of abuse, including possession of an offensive weapon when police found a truncheon in her bag that had been placed by Arshid Hussain.

She told Chanel 4: ‘People need to realise we’ve come forward, we’ve testified and we’ve proved that we were victims of this crime, but it’s still on my record. If I went for a job interview I would have to declare that, I’d have to go into my abuse.

‘As victims, as survivors, we are constantly having to battle to have any kind of life.

‘When you go to a job interview you would have to relive that abuse and for some people it is so difficult. It’s exhausting, it’s straining, it’s something I only do because it helps other people.’ 

In addition to the Hussain brothers their uncle, Qurban Ali, 53, was jailed for 10 years. Female accomplice Karen MacGregor, 59, was jailed for 13 years while Shelley Davies, 40, was given an 18-month sentence, suspended for two years. 

The judge who jailed the gang at Sheffield Crown Court told them: ‘The harm you have caused is of unimaginable proportions.’

The judge said: ‘Each in your own way perpetrated or facilitated the sexual abuse of these young girls.

‘Your victims were targeted, sexualised and in some cases subjected to acts of a degrading and violent nature.’