Royal Marines gather to pay final respects to ex-serviceman, 33, killed by Israeli airstrike alongside two other Brits as they delivered aid in Gaza

Royal Marines have gathered to pay their respects to an ex-serviceman killed by an Israeli airstrike while helping to deliver aid in Gaza. 

James Henderson, 33, died alongside two other Brits in April when his car, that was operated by World Central Kitchen (WCK), was hit by three missiles fired by an IDF drone.

A ceremony was held today at Truro Cathedral to remember the former Royal Marine – who was known as Jim – with mourners lining the pavement ahead of the service.

The funeral cortege made its way along Lemon Street in Truro, Cornwall, at 11.35am, with people encouraged to stop and pay their respects as it went past.

The service itself started at midday with tributes read by those who knew Mr Henderson well.

James Henderson, 33, (pictured) died alongside two other Brits in April when his car, that was operated by World Central Kitchen (WCK), was hit by three missiles fired by an IDF drone

Royal Marines have gathered to pay their respects to an ex-serviceman killed by an Israeli airstrike while helping to deliver aid in Gaza

Royal Marines have gathered to pay their respects to an ex-serviceman killed by an Israeli airstrike while helping to deliver aid in Gaza

Mourners arrive at Truro Cathedral for the funeral of aid worker James Henderson

Mourners arrive at Truro Cathedral for the funeral of aid worker James Henderson

The coffin was carried into Truro Cathedral, draped in a Union Flag and topped with a red and white floral tribute and the peaked dress cap of the Royal Marines.

At the front of the cathedral, a series of lit candles were placed, remembering the other members of the World Central Kitchen (WCK) team who lost their lives alongside Mr Henderson in Gaza. 

The service was led by Rev Canon Alan Bashforth, who has been canon chancellor at Truro Cathedral since October 2014.

Readings included the Royal Marine Prayer, ‘Remember Me’, a poem by Anthony Dowson, and a bible reading read by Mr Henderson’s uncle, Rob Searle.

The funeral service included many personal and family touches, with Mr Henderson’s cousin, Helen Moran, providing a family tribute and Harry James-Mills giving a tribute on behalf of his friends.

The service also included The Commendation and Exhortation, as heard on Remembrance Sunday and at military funerals, ending with the line ‘We will remember them.’

This was followed by the sounding of the Last Post, a silence of remembrance, and the Reveille.

Hymns sung included Eternal Father, Strong to Save, which is commonly associated with the Armed Forces and is often sung on Remembrance Sunday. Other hymns included in the service are Jerusalem and I Vow to Thee My Country.

Music was also provided by The Cape Cornwall Singers, who are singing two pieces: Cornwall My Home, during a time for the congregation to reflect and remember Mr Henderson, and then That Beautiful Land after the blessing and before the funeral procession left the cathedral.

Following the public funeral service a private cremation will take place, to be attended by family and close friends only. Congregation members attending the service were invited to refreshments at Falmouth Golf Club.

Donations at the service today are being collected for World Central Kitchen.

Ahead of the ceremony, his family released a statement in tribute and said ‘his flame will continue to burn brightly’.

The statement from his fiancée Jacqui, and the Henderson family said: ‘It’s not the size of the candle but the brightness of its flame that counts and this couldn’t be more true than when we think about Jim.

Mourners gather outside Truro Cathedral prior to the funeral service for Jim Henderson

Mourners gather outside Truro Cathedral prior to the funeral service for Jim Henderson

The coffin is seen in the hearse outside Truro Cathedral prior to the funeral service for Jim Henderson

The coffin is seen in the hearse outside Truro Cathedral prior to the funeral service for Jim Henderson

The coffin bearers carry the coffin into Truro Cathedral prior to the funeral service for Jim Henderson

The coffin bearers carry the coffin into Truro Cathedral prior to the funeral service for Jim Henderson

The coffin is carried into Truro Cathedral for Jim Henderson's funeral

The coffin is carried into Truro Cathedral for Jim Henderson’s funeral 

Family members gather outside Truro Cathedral prior to the funeral service for Jim Henderson

Family members gather outside Truro Cathedral prior to the funeral service for Jim Henderson

Imagery at Truro Cathedral for the funeral of aid worker James Henderson

Imagery at Truro Cathedral for the funeral of aid worker James Henderson

‘Whilst he was taken from us far too soon, and with so much more to achieve in his life, we gain comfort in knowing that he lived every minute of his time on earth, to the fullest extent.

‘The thousands of messages we have received from all parts of the globe bear testament to what we already know, and had the privilege of witnessing daily, at close quarters.’

The order of service for the funeral featured an image of Mr Henderson on top of a sunset.

Inside there were a selection of photographs taken during his life, showing him as a loving son, partner and family member.

Mr Henderson was brought up in Mabe and attended school in Penryn in Cornwall, becoming a member of Penryn Rugby Club and Falmouth & Penryn Boxing Club, which is being renamed the Henderson Boxing Academy in his honour.

He died alongside fellow British aid workers John Chapman, 57, and James Kirby, 47, and four others while supporting the World Central Kitchen charity. 

A fundraiser set up to support Mr Henderson’s family in April raised £6,880 in just two days.

A tribute post described him as a ‘force to be reckoned with’ who ‘commanded the back row with his relentless work ethic which he instilled on to everyone that had the pleasure of playing beside him’.

The post read: ‘It comes with great sadness that we announce the passing of Jim Henderson. We have lost one of the kindest, toughest and most loyal players to have ever worn the Penryn shirt.

‘Our thoughts and prayers are with all of Jim’s family and friends through this tough time.’

Neighbours in Falmouth, Cornwall, told MailOnline the Briton was a former special forces operator and said his family were only informed of his death on Tuesday morning, a day after he was killed.

A close friend said: ‘Everybody is gutted, he was a lovely lad. He hadn’t been out there long, only a couple of weeks.’

World Central Kitchen volunteer John Chapman was among those killed in Monday's strike

James Kirby, 47, was part of the WCK security team, was killed in the strikes in Gaza

World Central Kitchen volunteers John Chapman and James Kirby were among those killed in the strike in April

The site where World Central Kitchen workers were killed in Deir al-Balah, Gaza Strip

The site where World Central Kitchen workers were killed in Deir al-Balah, Gaza Strip

Wreckage from the vehicle that was hit by an Israeli airstrike

Wreckage from the vehicle that was hit by an Israeli airstrike 

he coffin bearers carry the coffin into Truro Cathedral prior to the funeral service for Jim Henderson

he coffin bearers carry the coffin into Truro Cathedral prior to the funeral service for Jim Henderson

The coffin is seen in the hearse outside Truro Cathedral prior to the funeral service

The coffin is seen in the hearse outside Truro Cathedral prior to the funeral service

Mourners arrive at Truro Cathedral for the funeral of aid worker James Henderson

Mourners arrive at Truro Cathedral for the funeral of aid worker James Henderson

The funeral order of service for James Henderson at Truro Cathedral

The funeral order of service for James Henderson at Truro Cathedral

Mourners gather outside Truro Cathedral prior to the funeral service for Jim Henderson

Mourners gather outside Truro Cathedral prior to the funeral service for Jim Henderson

The coffin bearers carry the coffin into Truro Cathedral prior to the funeral service for Jim Henderson

The coffin bearers carry the coffin into Truro Cathedral prior to the funeral service for Jim Henderson

Imagery at Truro Cathedral for the funeral of aid worker James Henderson

Imagery at Truro Cathedral for the funeral of aid worker James Henderson

The IDF previously said it had launched a probe into the incident at the ‘highest levels’ and reiterated that it has been ‘working closely’ with the charity, but also ‘makes extensive efforts to enable the safe delivery of humanitarian aid’.

IDF Spokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari later said in a statement that he had ‘expressed the deepest condolences of the Israel Defence Forces to the families and the entire World Central Kitchen family’.
