RSPCA investigates after dog died when thrown onto M25

The RSPCA is investigating after a dog was killed when it was thrown from a car going at more than 60mph on the M25 on Father’s Day.

A second dog was also hurled from the vehicle between junctions 19 and 20 at around 6.30pm on Sunday, but survived the ordeal.

Other vehicles on the motorway were forced to swerve and brake suddenly when the two dogs were thrown from the car, along with a blanket.

The first dog – a lurcher type – was instantly killed after it was struck multiple times by vehicle that had no way of stopping in time.

The RSPCA is investigating after a dog was killed when it was thrown from a car going at more than 60mph on the M25. A second dog (pictured) survived after also being hurled from the car

But the second dog – a small black and white Jack Russell terrier – managed to dodge the slowing traffic and made it to the side of the road.

A number of drivers pulled over to help catch him, and one parked up and waited with the terrified pooch until the authorities and the RSPCA arrived to help.

The Jack Russell – who was not microchipped – was checked over by a vet after RSPCA animal welfare officer Peter Warne took him to a local practice last night.

The dog, estimated to be between six and seven years old, escaped the ordeal without any injuries.

Nicknamed Tarmax by the veterinary team, he has been moved to a temporary foster home under the care of the RSPCA. In time, he will be found a loving new home.

The RSPCA is calling for anyone with information about the incident to get in touch to help catch those responsible.

The two dogs were thrown from a moving vehicle on the M25 (file photo) on Sunday evening

The two dogs were thrown from a moving vehicle on the M25 (file photo) on Sunday evening

‘This is an absolutely outrageous thing for someone to have done,’ Mr Warne said.

‘The danger that this act put not only the dogs in, but also the many people traveling on the road at that time, is just appalling.’

He added: ‘It is terribly sad the the lurcher dog did not survive and was killed in such a horrific way – it seems this poor dog’s death was instant due to the speed that the vehicles were travelling at.

‘However, I’d like to say big thank-you to those drivers who were able to safely slow down and help to catch the dog, and the person who waited with him until I arrived.

‘Those people almost certainly saved this dog’s life.’

Mr Warne added that the witnesses he has spoken to so far did not get a clear description of the vehicle the dogs were thrown from.

‘I am appealing to anybody else who may have seen what happened to get in touch with us so we can investigate and try to find the person or people responsible,’ he said.

Anyone with information that may help AWO Warne and the RSPCA investigate the incident can call the RSPCA’s inspectorate appeal line number, in complete confidence, on 0300 123 8018.