Rudy Giuliani calls Joe Biden ‘a moron’ and a ‘mentally deficient idiot’

Presidential attorney Rudy Giuliani thinks former vice president Joe Biden is too old and too stupid to run for the top job at the White House.

‘Joe Biden is a moron,’ the former New York City mayor told HuffPost.

‘I’m calling Joe Biden a mentally deficient idiot.’

Giuliani also claimed Biden graduated from Syracuse University law school at the bottom of his class.

That’s close, but not strictly accurate: Following a report in Newsweek, Biden was forced to acknowledge in a 1987 press conference that he finished in 76th place out of 85 graduates in his class.

Rudy Giuliani says Joe Biden is too old and stupid to challenge Donald Trump for the presidency in 2020

Biden has run for the White House twice, served for decades as a U.S. senator and wonthe vice presidency on Barack Obama's ticket; he did graduate near the bottom of his law school class, however

Biden has run for the White House twice, served for decades as a U.S. senator and wonthe vice presidency on Barack Obama’s ticket; he did graduate near the bottom of his law school class, however

Giuliani believes Trump is likely to win re-election unless the Democratic Party nominates a fresh face 

Giuliani believes Trump is likely to win re-election unless the Democratic Party nominates a fresh face 

Biden was running for the Democratic Party’s 1988 presidential nomination.

That effort was derailed, in part, by revelations that he plagiarized some of his work in law school and used portions of a speech by British Labour Party leader Neil Kinnock without credit.

The future veep had claimed earlier in the campaign that he had finished law school in the top half of his class.

‘I guess every single word I’ve said is going to be dissected now,’ he told The new York Times then, not quite grasping what the new age of presidential politics would be like.

Of his law school class ranking, he said, ‘I exaggerate when I’m angry, but I’ve never gone around telling people things that aren’t true about me.’

Biden, now 75, is just three years older than President Trump

Biden, now 75, is just three years older than President Trump

Democratic political strategists are panicking because Barack Obama is on the sidelines and yet represents the only center of vital energy in the party. One says: 'There’s f***ing no one else. ... Bill Clinton is toxic, Carter is too old, and there’s no one else around for miles'

Democratic political strategists are panicking because Barack Obama is on the sidelines and yet represents the only center of vital energy in the party. One says: ‘There’s f***ing no one else. … Bill Clinton is toxic, Carter is too old, and there’s no one else around for miles’

Biden ran for president again 20 years later, ultimately becoming Barack Obama’s 2008 running mate. And he has been sending signals that he’s ready for a third bite at the apple.

He considered running in 2016 but ultimately sat out the election after his son Beau died of brain cancer.

Giuliani said Biden’s age, 75, would make him too old to run for the White House.

President Donald Trump is just three years younger.

Giuliani thinks the president will win a second term, provided the Democratic Party doesn’t nominate a fresh face with novel qualities that might lead to nationwide enthusiasm.

Biden ran for the 1988 Democrtaic presidential nomination but was doomed to fail after news surfaced that he had inflated his law school resume and plagiarized some of his work

Biden ran for the 1988 Democrtaic presidential nomination but was doomed to fail after news surfaced that he had inflated his law school resume and plagiarized some of his work

Obama has been holding secret meetings with potential 2020 challengers to Donald Trump. This includes Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, seen above in February 2016 in New Hampshire

Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren has also reportedly met with Obama. Warren is seen above in February 2015 in Washington, D.C.

Obama has been holding secret meetings with potential 2020 challengers like Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, 76, and Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, 68

‘They need someone new, who would be more threatening to us’ than someone like Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, he said.

‘They’ve got to hit us with a surprise.’

Democrats in general are looking more and more backward for political inspiration, urging Obama to come off the sidelines and fire up voters for a ‘blue wave’ in November.  

A political strategist told The Hill this week: ‘There’s f**king no one else. … Bill Clinton is toxic, Carter is too old, and there’s no one else around for miles.’

‘The desire among Democrats for Obama to take a more leading role in the midterm fight and party building in general is just getting stronger, particularly with the lack of alternatives.’