Rudy Giuliani’s son loses West Wing access at White House

  • Trump ordered Andrew Giuliani promoted to special assistant after dining with Rudy Giuliani at Mar-a-Lago 
  • Kelly objected because he thinks Andrew ‘subverts the chain of command’ 
  • Instead Kelly took Andrew’s blue staff pass, which gave him West Wing access, and left him with a lower level green staff pass
  • Andrew worked on Trump’s campaign and has played golf with him
  • The president is said to be fond of him 

Andrew Giuliani, the son of Rudy Giuliani, has lost his West Wing access after the White House chief of staff refused to follow President Donald Trump’s order to have him promoted.

The young Giuliani was a junior staffer who Trump ordered promoted to special assistant to the president – a third level staff position – after dining with the elder Giuliani at Mar-a-Lago, Axios reported.

Trump told his body man, Jordan Karem, to ensure Chief of Staff John Kelly promoted Andrew. 

Andrew Giulian, son of Rudy Giuliani, lost his West Wing access after the White House chief of staff refused to promote him

White House chief of staff John Kelly objected because he thinks Andrew 'subverts the chain of command'

White House chief of staff John Kelly objected because he thinks Andrew ‘subverts the chain of command’

Andrew is the son of Rudy Giuliani and Donna Hanover

Andrew is the son of Rudy Giuliani and Donna Hanover

But Kelly and other White House staff nixed the plan because they think Andrew ‘subverts the chain of command.’ They also contend Andrew has other issues in the workplace that they weren’t happy about, two sources told Axios.

Kelly took away Andrew’s blue staff pass about two weeks ago, which got him access into the West Wing. Andrew now only has a green pass, which means he needs an escort to enter the inner circle of the White House.

Andrew’s current title is Public Liaison Assistant.

Another source told Axios the president is ‘genuinely fond’ of Andrew, and believes he helped mend the father-son relationship after Rudy and Andrew’s mother divorced.

Donna Hanover split with the former New York City mayor in 2002.

Andrew also volunteered on the Trump campaign. Additionally, he’s an excellent golfer and has played many rounds with Trump.

‘The president has been there for me, for the good times, but more importantly through the bad. That’s just the kind of man he is. I’m grateful that he’s always been willing to give me his advice on personal matters and I consider him to be my good friend and even a father figure. His family is my family,’ Andrew told Axios in a statement. 

It’s unclear whether Trump knows the promotion didn’t happen.

The younger Giuliani became a national figure after his childhood antics during his father’s first mayoral inauguration were parodied on ‘Saturday Night Live.’ Young Andrew repeated parts of his father’s oath as the elder Giuliani was sworn in.
