Rules for writing a quality essay

If you become a student, then you will have to write not only control papers, essays, and term papers. Surely you will come across such a task as an essay: teachers of modern universities love to bring an element of creativity into teaching. And an essay is a completely creative work.

It is a normal thing that a lot of students use essay writing help services, but today we will talk about how to write essays on your own

But to write an essay, you first need to understand what it is. Let’s figure it out.

What is an essay?

An essay is not at all citing sources on a specific topic, so it would be a mistake to write an essay as a mini-abstract. Some people compare an essay to a composition. This is partly true. An essay still differs from a composition in a more clear direction of thought and the obligatory presence of arguments.

Essays are a genre of literary prose that is often used in journalism. After all, it is this genre that is called in a short form to answer the question posed. This is what the teacher expects of you. Therefore, in the essay it is important to reflect your opinion on the question asked, to argue and justify it. The text of the essay should be logical. The style of presentation is journalistic.

Essay presentation rules

To make it easier for us to distinguish the essay from other genres, let’s highlight its main features:

  • The topic of the essay is rather narrow, it touches on some problems, and is suggestive.
  • The author’s position is required, which may be subjective.
  • Publicistic presentation. One should write in a “journal” language, without complicating the text with scientific character. Liveliness and emotionality of presentation are encouraged.
  • The problem indicated in the topic should be considered in as much detail as possible, from different angles. Arguments must be provided.
  • An essay is a fairly short genre, on average it takes 3-5 pages. Reflections should be short but succinct.
  • The essay has no clear structure. But for the text to look logical, the standard composition should be observed: the text begins with the beginning, then there are several opinions and arguments arising from each other, fastened by a logical link, at the end – a small general conclusion.

Choosing an essay topic

If you were given a list of essay topics at the university, it would be logical if you choose a topic that is closer to you, on which you are not averse to reflecting.

If there is no list of topics, and the teacher only indicated the direction in which you should choose the problem for the essay, you will have to formulate the topic yourself. See what they write about it on the Internet, what articles and questions are of the greatest interest, and what affects you. Think about what topic will allow you to open up and show yourself from the most advantageous side.

Essay outline and composition

Let us dwell in a little more detail on the conditional structure of the essay. Writing an outline for your essay is not necessary, but often this phase of work helps you get started writing your essay. With the help of the plan, you can outline the sequence of the future presentation.

As we have already noted, compositionally, the essay is divided into three parts: the introduction, the main part, and the conclusion. These parts do not stand out in any way in the text, but their presence creates the logic of the text.

The introductory part is designed to interest the future reader with the problem posed. One common technique is to start an essay with a question that will be answered later. In any case, the introduction should create a certain emotional mood, a desire to read the text further.

The main part contains several judgments on the topic of the issue. Usually, the main part has several sub-classes, each of which consists of three sections: thesis (provable judgment), justification (arguments used to prove the thesis), sub-conclusion (partial answer to the main question).

Various life situations, opinions of famous people, etc. can act as arguments. The argumentation is structured as follows: first, a statement is given, then an explanation follows, an example is given, based on all this, a final judgment and conclusion are made.

The final part contains a summary of the conclusions on the issue under consideration. The author returns to the problem and draws a general conclusion on it. The purpose of the final part is to create a general picture, to give integrity to the entire text, to unite all reflections.

Tips for writing a successful essay

Based on the above, some guidelines can be given to help the student write a successful essay:

  • When writing your essay, stick to the topic and main idea. Try not to go aside, follow the logic of thought. (At first, I always write my thesis)
  • To make the text easier to read, alternate short and long sentences – this will add dynamism to the presentation.
  • Try not to use common phrases, or use them as little as possible. Common phrases kill the individuality, the author’s sounding of the text. Also, avoid obscure words, especially if you are not very sure of their meaning.
  • A big plus would be the mention of personal experience. This could be your life experience, as well as research that you have done that can be related to your chosen topic.
  • Do not get carried away with the spoken language and do not overdo it with humor, trying to give the text liveliness and emotionality.
  • When you finish writing your essay, reread it. Make sure the text is logically consistent and coherent.

Essay writing mistakes

Let’s highlight the mistakes that students often make when writing an essay:

  • The author is too afraid of being misunderstood and goes into general phrases, thereby “killing” the individuality of the text.
  • Not enough arguments and evidence. Often the text is built mainly from beliefs alone, not supported by arguments and examples to prove and substantiate these beliefs.
  • Departure from the topic. It is often present in those essays where the author does not fully understand the topic or problem that it touches on.
  • Some students formulate their own opinion on the topic and build the text from the citations of the authors without indicating the author.
  • Lack of your point of view. If a student gives the opinion of several authors on a given topic, then he should not forget to express his point of view on this matter.

We hope this article will help you understand the intricacies of essays and fall in love with this genre. After all, an essay is a creative work that allows you to express yourself, show your originality, originality of thought. Complete freedom of creativity and the ability to share your thoughts, ideas – that’s what you can inspire to write a great essay.

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