Russia sends two stealth submarines to the Mediterranean

Russia has sent two of its newly-upgraded diesel electric stealth submarines into the Mediterranean to operate from its naval base in Syria. 

The ‘Improved Kilo’ class vessels spent almost two weeks cruising from northern Russia, past the Irish west coast and into the Mediterranean. 

According to the Russian Ministry of Defence: ‘The Black Sea fleet’s new large diesel and electric submarines, Kolpino and Veliky Novgorod… have arrived in the Mediterranean.’

The ‘Improved Kilo Class’ submarine Veliky Novgorod diesel electric is one of Vladimir Putin’s stealth submarines and has been sent into the Mediterranean on an extended patrol

The Veliky Novgorod is being joined by the submarine Kolpino, which was launched last year

The Veliky Novgorod is being joined by the submarine Kolpino, which was launched last year

Russia signed a 49-year deal with Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad to expand and modernise its naval base in Tartus, to allow vessels to operate freely and resupply in the Mediterranean 

Russia signed a 49-year deal with Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad to expand and modernise its naval base in Tartus, to allow vessels to operate freely and resupply in the Mediterranean 

Nato aircraft based in Norway, Iceland, Scotland and France tracked the two submarines as they headed south.  

The Russian ministry said the stealth submarines, which entered service in 2016 and have a speed of 20 knots under water, are intended to boost the Russian navy’s permanent presence in the Mediterranean.

The submarines, both with crews of 50 and built in the northwestern city of Saint Petersburg, are classified by NATO as ‘Improved Kilo’ class.

They are fitted with new navigation systems, fully automatised control systems, high-precision missiles and powerful torpedo equipment, the defence ministry said.

At Russia’s Syrian base of Tartus in the eastern Mediterranean, Russian ships have played a prominent role backing up an aerial bombing campaign in support of leader Bashar al-Assad.

The Russian submarines spent almost two weeks cruising to the Mediterranean while being monitored from Nato aircraft from Iceland, Norway, Scotland and France 

The Russian submarines spent almost two weeks cruising to the Mediterranean while being monitored from Nato aircraft from Iceland, Norway, Scotland and France 

The two Improved Kilo class submarines are described as Russia's most stealthy 

The two Improved Kilo class submarines are described as Russia’s most stealthy 

The Kolpino, pictured, was commissioned in St Petersburg on May 31, 2016

The Kolpino, pictured, was commissioned in St Petersburg on May 31, 2016

During its military intervention in Syria, Russia has deployed warships, submarines and aircraft carriers to the Mediterranean.

In December last year President Vladimir Putin signed an order to expand the naval base at Tartus and allow Russian warships into Syrian waters.

In January, Moscow and Damascus signed a 49-year deal for Russia to expand and modernise the facility.

Russian submarines used in the region are covered from Syria by Moscow’s S-300 and S-400 missile systems – known to NATO as ‘The Growler’, and its Bastion coastal defence system.

According to official figures from last year, some 4,300 Russian military are deployed in Syria. 

Nato Classification Improved Kilo
Underwater Speed 20kts
Working dive depth 240 metres
Maximum depth 300 metres
Crew 52 officers and crew
Length 74 metres
Breadth 10 metres
Underwater range 400 miles
Cruising range in snort modeat 7kts 7,500 miles
Weapons 4 missiles
18 torpedoes
24 mines