Russia warns of ‘apocalyptic scenario’ in Korean Peninsula

  • Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Igor Morgulov said: ‘A scenario of the apocalyptic development of the situation on the Korean Peninsula exists’
  • The diplomat also critcised the drills conducted by the US off the peninsula
  • He added that he hoped ‘common sense’ and ‘pragmatism’ would prevail 

Russia has warned of ‘apocalyptic developments’ in the Korean Peninsula.

The warning comes as North Korea’s leader Kim Jong-un continues to develop the country’s nuclear programme and the US carries out drills in the region.

Speaking on Monday at the opening of the eighth annual Asian Conference of the Valdai discussion club in Seoul, Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Igor Morgulov said: ‘A scenario of the apocalyptic development of the situation on the Korean Peninsula exists and we cannot turn our blind eye to it.’

The warning comes as North Korea’s leader Kim Jong-un develops nuclear weapons and the US carries out drills in the region

He added that he hoped ‘common sense, pragmatism and an instinct of self-preservation would prevail’, TASS reported.

He went on: ‘We have told North Korea many times that for us [its] nuclear status is unacceptable. We continue this work with the North Korean counterparts presenting to them our position.’

The diplomat also critcised the drills conducted by the US off the coasts of the Korean Peninsula.

‘Considering the two-month long period of silence, the United States is not planning to reduce the scale of its regular military exercises, but also plan holding sudden drills as well,’ Morgulov said. 

‘Unfortunately, this is the answer, which North Korea gets in response to its two-month silence.’ 

Russia's Deputy Foreign Minister Igor Morgulov said: 'A scenario of the apocalyptic development of the situation on the Korean Peninsula exists and we cannot turn our blind eye to it'

Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Igor Morgulov said: ‘A scenario of the apocalyptic development of the situation on the Korean Peninsula exists and we cannot turn our blind eye to it’

In recent months, North Korea has tested intercontinental ballistic missiles that could reach the U.S. mainland with further development and has conducted its most powerful nuclear test. Pictured: Kim Jong-un visiting the Sungri Motor Complex in Pyongyang

In recent months, North Korea has tested intercontinental ballistic missiles that could reach the U.S. mainland with further development and has conducted its most powerful nuclear test. Pictured: Kim Jong-un visiting the Sungri Motor Complex in Pyongyang

The United States has been sending its strategic assets, including long-range bombers, to the region more frequently for patrols or drills amid accelerating North Korean efforts to expand its nuclear weapons program.

In recent months, North Korea has tested intercontinental ballistic missiles that could reach the U.S. mainland with further development and has conducted its most powerful nuclear test.

It also flew two new midrange missiles over Japan and threatened to launch them toward Guam, a U.S. Pacific territory and military hub.