A fisherman from Murmansk, Russia, is sharing snaps of his grotesque and fascinating fishy finds online, much to the horror of the internet.
Roman Fedortsov, 39, spends a lot of his time on fishing trawlers, coming into contact with a wide variety of sealife.
The trawlers he works on are tasked with catching commercial fish such as cod, haddock and mackerel, but the bizarre critters pictured below make an appearance too.
This Pale Toadfish, a foot-long (30cm) fish which lives on the continental shelf around News Zealand between 140 and 550 fathoms (250m-1,000m) depth, is one of the bizarre catches posted online by Russian fisherman Roman Fedortsov

This weird, unidentified fish bears a disturbing likeness to the monster from the 1979 sci-fi horror film Alien
Bright orange blobs, slug-like lumps, fish with teeth and bulging eyes; His discoveries may look more like aliens than fish to the untrained eye, but Roman is apparently interested and impressed by what he encounters.
These aquatic curiosities were mainly found in the Norwegian and Barents seas while some of them came ashore from the Atlantic Ocean.
Roman went to Marine University in Murmansk and is an expert on processing and preparing fish.
He has set up his social media accounts to share these pictures with people who otherwise might not get to see them.

Screamadelica! This orange sea anemone, which dwells on the bottom in shallow waters, gives the illusion of having two huge eyes

This deep-sea horror, apparently a Viperfish, is among the collection of marine freaks. Viperfish, whose serpent-like body measures one to two feet in length (30-60cm) use a luminescent lure to attract prey

Bigmouth: this unidentified fish protrudes its monstrous tongue from its trumpet-like mouth

This wolffish

Another wolffish, also known as the sea wolf or wolf eel

This Sunfish, or Mola, may be the largest sea creature landed by the Russian trawler

Googly eyes: This cusk (left) and another, unidentified fish (right) have huge, bulging eyes like many deep-sea species

This Angler Fish is one of the deep-sea monsters caught by the Russian trawler

Frilling! This frilled shark, with its unusual teeth, is one of dozens of strange fish

The stoplight loosejaw fish (left) is so-named for the red and green photophores or luminescent organs under its eyes, which it uses like headlights

A sea spider, part of a group of marine species related to land-dwelling insects and spiders

Alien? This sea creature looks like the ‘facehugger’ from Ridley Scott’s Science Fiction film Alien

Swashbuckling: A Black Scabbardfish, a species of the piratical-sounding cutlassfish family, shows off its needle-like teeth

Another big-mouthed predator caught in the nets of the trawler Roman Fedortsov works on

This toad-like fish is among the odd-looking sea creatures trawled up in the trawler’s nets

The bug-eyed beauty is one of the weird fish caught by a fisherman from Murmansk

Russian fisherman Roman Fedortsov shows off a jade-coloured fish caught in the nets of his trawler

A remora, a fish that attaches itself to the undersides of sharks and rays to scavenge scraps that fall from their mouths

Lifting the snout of this blob-like fish reveals a crustacean it was devouring at the moment it was caught

A king crab, one of many sea monsters

A sea anemone (left) and another unidentified sea creature (right)

A close-up view of the unidentified bug-eyed fish caught in the trawler’s nets

An unidentified fish, possibly a blobfish.

This toothy specimen of a puffer fish is one of many unusual sea creatures caught by the russian trawler

A squid caught in the nets of the Murmansk-based Russian trawler

Fleshy-looking Brown Psolus

Brown Psolus, a sedentary species of sea cucumber, caught in the nets of the Russian trawler

Russian trawlerman Roman Fedortsov shows off an unidentified life-form from his collection

A bottom-dwelling sea animal caught in the nets of Russian fisherman Roman Fedortsov’s trawler

Russian fisherman Roman Fedortsov holds a Brown Psolus, a sedentary species of sea cucumber

Four bottom-dwelling invertebrates from Russian trawlerman Roman Fedortsov’s collection