Russian kills cat by putting it in a washing machine

A Russian man has narrowly avoided jail after killing his girlfriend’s cat by putting it in a spinning washing machine during a furious row.

Ivan Vasiliev, 37, sent his partner a video of the cat going round and round on a hot wash cycle in a desperate attempt to force her to come back home after she walked out on him.

When the first cycle was over the frightened, crying cat, called Ryzhik, was somehow still alive but severely battered.

Cat killer: Ivan Vasiliev, 37, from Ukhta, Russia, pictured right holding Ryzhik, sent his partner a video of the cat going round and round on a hot wash cycle, left

Vasiliev – previously jailed for murder and robbery – started a new 30 minute cycle with 800 spins a minute, which killed the cat, crushing its bones.

He posted messages to his girlfriend – whose name has not been released – saying: ‘I washed him.’

Then he pleaded: ‘He is alive. Are you coming back home? Please come back home’

She came back to their home in Ukhta, in the far north of Russia – with several burly police officers.

The distraught woman, aged 24, picked up her belongings and left for good.

Cruel: Vasiliev put the cat in the washing machine in a desperate  attempt to convince his 24-year-old girlfriend, right, to come back home after she walked out on him during a row

Cruel: Vasiliev put the cat in the washing machine in a desperate attempt to convince his 24-year-old girlfriend, right, to come back home after she walked out on him during a row

Criminal: Vasiliev had previous convictions for murder and robbery, but escaped jail for the animal cruelty charge

Criminal: Vasiliev had previous convictions for murder and robbery, but escaped jail for the animal cruelty charge

Vasiliev was detained and this week found guilty of ‘hooligan acts against an animal’, but was spared jail.

He initially denied he he was responsible for the cat’s death, telling police: ‘It’s easier for me to kill a man than an animal.’

He also claimed: ‘I loved this cat. He slept only with me, lying on my chest, stretching his paws.’

Later he confessed he had killed the pet, saying he had drunk four bottles of vodka before his appalling act.

He was sentenced by a judge to a year-long limitation of freedom, which means he cannot leave his hometown, and is subject to a curfew plus a ban in going to certain public places.